PIL against VGSOM

Hi Puys …hope many of the puys called for the GD/PI process and who have not made to the final list of VGSOM are not surprised to see the title of the thread. In some corner of your mind and heart we all are feeling deeply hurt and cheated…

Hi Puys ...hope many of the puys called for the GD/PI process and who have not made to the final list
of VGSOM are not surprised to see the title of the thread. In some corner of your mind and heart we all
are feeling deeply hurt and cheated. On the one hand VGSOM calles 1K students and on the other hand it
puts list of 100 odd nad that too without waing list , even IIMs have waiting lists and go no futher away ,
all the IITs have a waitng list. What is VGSOM trying to prove by doing that ...that they are different from
the rest. Its good being different , but at the cost of good students its hardly makes sense.:nono:
At a time while governemt is promoting higher education , at a time when young indians are feeling shoratges
of good colleges , at a time when we are stripped of our hard earned money by the blood sucking pvt.
institues , how much sense does it makes of this snobbish atitude of VGSOM , infact its trying to crearte
an artificial shortage ..at a time when there is already a shortage of good B schools.

putting down my personal experience here...see I got an under 100 rank ... 2 yrs exp...good acads
...excellent GD ... ok interview ...Now I had high hopes for converting this call..infacrt
I was banking on this one. Now I had not converted , I sepnt the whole night drinking and smoking:drinking:
and now today i have missed my office.. I am in a drepessed state of mood..but I have gathered my thoughts
now and have decided to fight for all ...

Government provides hard earning tax payers money ( Mind you we all pay 1 percent cess specifically
for higher education) to IITkgp , why on earth is VGSOM denying admissions on the empty seats.vgsom
Personally I dont find this activity correct , either they should have advertised lesser no of seats
or they should least come out with a waiting list. I mean by using the jargon 'QUALITY' and not
realsing any waiting list VGSOM is trying to create and an aura of exclusiveness. I believe
that certainly there are many other ways of doing this .

See we all have 2 options before us. either we should take all this lying done as in the past
people have done...or least raise our voices against this injustice. We may or may not we get
justice but at least we should do something. I personally feel that raing a PIL or sueing VGSOM
might bring some justice to us. Need you opinions and help ..also if some of you father/uncle/friend
is an advocate some legal perspective would be wonderful.

Thanks to all.

Hi Puys ...hope many of the puys called for the GD/PI process and who have not made to the final list
of VGSOM are not surprised to see the title of the thread. In some corner of your mind and heart we all
are feeling deeply hurt and cheated. On the one hand VGSOM calles 1K students and on the other hand it
puts list of 100 odd nad that too without waing list , even IIMs have waiting lists and go no futher away ,
all the IITs have a waitng list. What is VGSOM trying to prove by doing that ...that they are different from

Thanks to all.

I agree with u frnd...in a way VGSOM is wasting country's resources...moreover in an PI of 10-15 min u cant say some one is quality student and some one not....we can find many people who r nt selected by VGSOM get selected by better colleges like IIMs, SJMSOM etc....so no point of compromising quality....it depends on luck a lot...so waiting list shd be there....

i second you on this point
when i talked to one of the senior batchmate at VGSOM for waitlists,the response was
"THEY ARE NOT OBLIGED TO FILL ALL THE SEATS"..who the hell is asking you to give the total no of seats then,let it be anonymous.
Infact with this stubborn attitude, they are losing big time in market as they have comparatively less no.of alumni.the early they realise,better it is..
And it is said that they consider the quality of students and hence dont release waitlist,even IIM does that..this means IIMs dont fetch quality??

in these times when there is shortage of b schools, whats the need to waste seats and not let people join them??

VGSOM should seriously do something abt this

PS:it is a news that IIT kanpur will also come up with a waitlist this time..i hope they have realized

Hi Puys ...hope many of the puys called for the GD/PI process and who have not made to the final list
of VGSOM are not surprised to see the title of the thread. In some corner of your mind and heart we all
are feeling deeply hurt and cheated. On the one hand VGSOM calles 1K students and on the other hand it
puts list of 100 odd nad that too without waing list , even IIMs have waiting lists and go no futher away ,
all the IITs have a waitng list. What is VGSOM trying to prove by doing that ...that they are different from
the rest. Its good being different , but at the cost of good students its hardly makes sense.:nono:

See we all have 2 options before us. either we should take all this lying done as in the past
people have done...or least raise our voices against this injustice. We may or may not we get
justice but at least we should do something. I personally feel that raing a PIL or sueing VGSOM
might bring some justice to us. Need you opinions and help ..also if some of you father/uncle/friend
is an advocate some legal perspective would be wonderful.

Thanks to all.

Hi ,

I truly understand your feeling and me too exactly in same situation.
the news came as a big surprise to me that chances of waitlis are minimal.

The 2007-09 batch has around 120 students and 2008-10 around 80 ??
I cant understand a guy getting 1-2 mark less in overall 1st cut off score can not be given seat just because they feel it will be like compromising on quality.
Come on..even IIMA has waitlist..

and If they feel that this is what they are following every year , then I must say whatever is being followed every year may not be always correct..

Again so if they get 200 students of better quality according to their parameters , will they admit all of them ?
VGSOm is a surely a great insti, no doubt about that..be it faculty, students, brand, placement , guest lectures etc.

But in such a situation when everyone understands that number of quality colleges are very less when compared to aspirants which has gone up like anything, this step is certainly not a good practice.
I understand that this decision is not taken by students but whoever has taken the decision hasnt seen what we aspirants are going through.

Coming to main point..yes mate I truly second your opinion and I believe the first step should be to involve any senior and with their help writing some letters and talking to concerned person about our views.


one more thing..157 calls for 150 seats..:|

means they are expecting all of the selected ones to join else will leave them vacant

Although I do feel jain.er that a PIL at this stage will be a bit too extreme, I certainly do support your views that it will be diabolical of VGSOM not to release a waiting list.

As it is, this year the JMET has been quite a different paper, and that meant a lot of people clearing other exams and JMET are common. As we have already seen on the VGSOM thread... some ppl have IIM and NITIE calls too... who are obviously going to leave VGSOM.... and if a WL doesnt come, we will pay at their expense...

Also, the GD PIs were almost neutral for everybody. They were on general topics, and that surely means that many other criteria were used to decide the offers. I also feel that a little clarity on that part would also have helped. If I bring a decent rank in the written exam, and perform brilliantly in a GD PI(although GD PIs are subjective, I agree) still if I am not going to make it, it was better I had known it all along and hadnt applied at all, so I could concentrate my energies somewhere else.

My (and I think everybody else's too) main grouse is that they have no right to deny people the chance to study in such a good B-school.

Just because they havent put out a waiting list now, doesnt mean that they wont put 1 in the future. From one of the posts, they have given more calls than seats. Some colleges do that. They put up a list with more candidates than seats. Only after the last date for paying the fees for the first list gets over, they put up the second list. Call the institute up and ask this.
If you have already done that, forgive me for getting my facts wrong

Hi Puys ...hope many of the puys called for the GD/PI process and who have not made to the final list
of VGSOM are not surprised to see the title of the thread. In some corner of your mind and heart we all
are feeling deeply hurt and cheated. On the one hand VGSOM calles 1K students and on the other hand it
Thanks to all.
Just because they havent put out a waiting list now, doesnt mean that they wont put 1 in the future. From one of the posts, they have given more calls than seats. Some colleges do that. They put up a list with more candidates than seats. Only after the last date for paying the fees for the first list gets over, they put up the second list. Call the institute up and ask this.
If you have already done that, forgive me for getting my facts wrong

Please go to the VGSOM thread and read the already communicated word 'FINAL' list.giving mere 7 calls more than the no. of seats is justifiable??
well chances of waitlist are minimal or almost nil as said by Anusha,a senior

Not too sure about the term "final". Call up the institute and find out. If they dont put up another list, if you ask if thats fair or not, i dont know. Some colleges do that. They dont fill all their seats. I do not know the legal accepts of it. But the general feeling that I have is that, admission into higher education institutes are left to the college alone so that its autonomy is not affected. colleges admit people whom they feel are "eligible", its very subjective . Dont know if it can be challenged. If legally one can do something, then all the best . Just what i thought about the whole issue. nothing personal and no offense to any 1

Please go to the VGSOM thread and read the already communicated word 'FINAL' list.giving mere 7 calls more than the no. of seats is justifiable??
well chances of waitlist are minimal or almost nil as said by Anusha,a senior

Today I filed RTI request to obtain the following information
1. Weightages assigned to various parameters
2. my marks
3.marks obtained by the last candidate who was offered admission.

I agree with Jain.er.....The HRD ministry should have a look at this policy followed by VGSOM. Why call 1K+ students for GD/PI when your seats are going empty in the end. Something is definitely wrong with your process when it happens 2 years in a row. Spare a thought for the person missing it by a whisker. Does'nt he/she deserve a seat in case higher ranked people choose other colleges?

The rhetoric being dished out to us is that the quality should not be compromised. Then the question arises that why call so many people for GD/PI. Rank them and call just 250-300 odd people and select among them.

I am in no way maligning VGSOM. It is a reputed school and hence should follow a more transparent selection criterion. If I have hurt any sentiments out there I apologise.

P.S. Mine is not the "sour grapes" case. I have some other converts which I would have preferred over VGSOM but it really hurts if even after a good GD/PI you don't qualify and the feeling of helplessness when you don't know where you went wrong.

Man I have had similar thoughts for sooo long...

This absurd policy of VGSOM is a joke of the worst kind...

They have 150 seats, and about 157 are of desired quality, when the seats were 120 then they got about 125...

Next year the seats would be say 200 and then they will get about 210...

Its really sad that VGSOM is using such means to create a false hysteria and a sense of deja-vu about itself.....

I am through and I am not joining as I have converted B and D.... There wont be even 100 odd guys who would join....

What hapens if say just about 30-40 guys actually join and rest go to better destinations???

Guys go ahead with whatever action you feel like taking, you have support of both selected and rejected students since this is a movement against 'absence of common sense' on the part of a gr8 institute.....

hi puys ...hope many of the puys called for the gd/pi process and who have not made to the final list
of vgsom are not surprised to see the title of the thread. In some corner of your mind and heart we all
are feeling deeply hurt and cheated. On the one hand vgsom calles 1k students and on the other hand it
puts list of 100 odd nad that too without waing list , even iims have waiting lists and go no futher away ,
all the iits have a waitng list. What is vgsom trying to prove by doing that ...that they are different from
the rest. Its good being different , but at the cost of good students its hardly makes sense.:nono:
At a time while governemt is promoting higher education , at a time when young indians are feeling shoratges
of good colleges , at a time when we are stripped of our hard earned money by the blood sucking pvt.
Institues , how much sense does it makes of this snobbish atitude of vgsom , infact its trying to crearte
an artificial shortage ..at a time when there is already a shortage of good b schools.

Putting down my personal experience here...see i got an under 100 rank ... 2 yrs exp...good acads
...excellent gd ... Ok interview ...now i had high hopes for converting this call..infacrt
i was banking on this one. Now i had not converted , i sepnt the whole night drinking and smoking:drinking:
And now today i have missed my office.. I am in a drepessed state of mood..but i have gathered my thoughts
now and have decided to fight for all ...

Government provides hard earning tax payers money ( mind you we all pay 1 percent cess specifically
for higher education) to iitkgp , why on earth is vgsom denying admissions on the empty seats.vgsom
personally i dont find this activity correct , either they should have advertised lesser no of seats
or they should least come out with a waiting list. I mean by using the jargon 'quality' and not
realsing any waiting list vgsom is trying to create and an aura of exclusiveness. I believe
that certainly there are many other ways of doing this .

See we all have 2 options before us. Either we should take all this lying done as in the past
people have done...or least raise our voices against this injustice. We may or may not we get
justice but at least we should do something. I personally feel that raing a pil or sueing vgsom
might bring some justice to us. Need you opinions and help ..also if some of you father/uncle/friend
is an advocate some legal perspective would be wonderful.

Thanks to all.

deleted post

I second the fact that VGSOM should have a waitlist.

Although i believe it is the perogative of the college if it feels that by filling all seats it will compromise on quality. But at the same time there cannot be much difference between the 157 and 158 candidate and taking into cognizance the fact that atleast 30% of the VGSOm call getters would have other calls which they wd prefer over it a waitlist must come out.

However any action should wait till the date for paying the fees is over, there may be a possibilty that they may consider the option of releasing a waitlist if very few candidates confirm admission

Instead of a PIL/RTI right now, however a mail can be written to VGSOM director arguing the case logically and putting forth our arguments..No emotional or derogatory stuff.

PG can be used to collect logical arguments and a letter listing the arguments can be send as snailmail and email

P.S. i have converted my VGSOM call but will mostly not be taking it.

Firstly there is the thing of aversion to freshers...and now this ..NO W/L!

With an easy QA this year aspirant overlap in JMET ranks and A+ college getters is huge.....

A buffer of #7 is utter crap...even IIMA will clear that mark

VGSOM is definitely a good B-school..but this is too much to ask for!:|

P.S. I'm glad I had saved the Rs.1000/- draft!
I had a JMET rank of 631....hadn't applied

Can someone give me the official source for the figure of 157 candidate.
Also, though the seats have been increased to 150 , keep in mind there are good number of seats reserved for Armed forces.
Again,this might be list of seats for General category. THere might be a different list for SC, ST, OBC and PH.

SO please be sure about your analysis before you start pointing fingers.

Bottomline is: Get your facts officially verified before making up your mind.

Will keep a close eye on this thread. Discussing same thing again and again doesnt solve any purpose. If someone has concrete solution to this problem, kindly post.

We will address all your queries one by one:

First and foremost, getting a good rank in JMET is not the only criteria to get into any of the IIT's. If it would have been the only parameter, we wouldn't have taken the pain to conduct the whole GD/PI process spanning across four centers. Again if rank would have been the only criteria, people with ranks less than hundred should by now be in SJMSoM.

Secondly, regarding the waiting list, nowhere it has been mentioned that there wont be any waiting list this time. All we have said is that the decision regarding waiting list will be taken only after the last day of acceptance.

Thirdly the GD/PI process were conducted by people with enough experience to judge a potential candidate in 15-20 mins.


Now that you have gone ahead and filed the RTI, you would surely get to know why exactly you could not make through to the "Final List" of VGSoM
We will address all your queries one by one:
First and foremost, getting a good rank in JMET is not the only criteria to get into any of the IIT's. If it would have been the only parameter, we wouldn't have taken the pain to conduct the whole GD/PI process spanning across four centers. Again if rank would have been the only criteria, people with ranks less than hundred should by now be in SJMSoM.
Secondly, regarding the waiting list, nowhere it has been mentioned that there wont be any waiting list this time. All we have said is that the decision regarding waiting list will be taken only after the last day of acceptance.
Thirdly the GD/PI process were conducted by people with enough experience to judge a potential candidate in 15-20 mins.
Now that you have gone ahead and filed the RTI, you would surely get to know why exactly you could not make through to the "Final List" of VGSoM

Hi Arjun,
Do we have any information regarding the last date of acceptance..what is the date for that ?

Thanks in advance

Thing of caution while filing a RTI: You have to produce some official doc (in this case as people are saying people admitted are less than no of seats) which supports the reason why you are filing the RTI. So if puys are confident that there is something wrong they can go ahead and use the RTI.

But in last year's thread i have seen that VGSOM releases waiting lists and people were intimated in june also.So whether the info being circulated on this thread is authentic or not you need to confirm from seniors.