:: Hello Bhubaneswar ! Any one interested for a PG meet here ? If yes, let this thread going. :: P.S. Awaiting responses from ankitrocks, devilishangel and all those who nominated themselves for PG MADCAPZ.

Hello Bhubaneswar !
Any one interested for a PG meet here ?
If yes, let this thread going.

P.S. Awaiting responses from ankitrocks, devilishangel and all those who nominated themselves for PG MADCAPZ.
All those who are interested in holding a PG meet are encouraged to reply in the thread itself. (More convenient.)
The following format would be good :
>>Name/PG user id
>> Location in the city ( that will make the venue fixing easy )
>> No. of CAT attempts
>> Strength/Weakness
>> Taking CAT 2010- Yes/No
>> Proposed agenda for meet ( Ex : Last month prep for CAT 2010 / FMS Verbal discussion and so on )
hey...thts a really screy pic u hav 😃
satapathy.durga Sayshey...thts a really screy pic u hav :)
haha...yeah...So I guess we should get to work 😁
>>Name : anwesa09
>> Location in the city ( that will make the venue fixing easy ) : unit 8
>> No. of CAT attempts : till now, 0
>> Strength/Weakness : Strength -- Verbal
>> Taking CAT 2010- Yes
>> Proposed agenda for meet : Last one month prep for CAT 2010
>> CAT Date : 15th Nov 2010
name - satapathy.durga
cat till now - once (2009) 85.xx%
cat 2010 - last attempt
strngth/weakness - all r d same 4 me
purpose 2 meet - ya 2 discuss abt cat
place- ximb ccd wud b good???
date of cat - 19th nov 😃
Name : jivitesh
>> Location in the city ( that will make the venue fixing easy ) : sahid nagar
>> No. of CAT attempts : 1
>> Strength/Weakness : Weakness- Quant
>> Taking CAT 2010- Yes
>> Proposed agenda for meet : Last one month prep for CAT 2010
>> CAT Date : 15th Nov 2010
What are the other exams u r giving
jivitesh99 SaysWhat are the other exams u r giving
me irma..tiss..fms..nmat..xat
any other exam???
wat u guys do???
place- ximb ccd wud b good???
date of cat - 19th nov :)
XIMB is too far for me. Some 15-20 kms from my place.
what abt u ppl?
any other exam???
wat u guys do???
jivitesh99 SaysWhat are the other exams u r giving
I'm a final year engineering student. I'm taking XAT in addition to CAT.
>> Location in the city ( that will make the venue fixing easy ) : sahid nagar
>> Proposed agenda for meet : Last one month prep for CAT 2010
>> CAT Date : 15th Nov 2010
Hi5 ! me too taking it on Nov 15th.
Personally I think we should have a meet in and around mid-October since most people here have their exam arnd mid-Nov. Also it'll give us time to (re)connect to maximum number of Puys.
anwesa09 SaysXIMB is too far for me. Some 15-20 kms from my place.
u say...where u live by d way?
Name; vikash
Location in the city : cuttack puri road
No. of CAT attempts: 1
Strength: no weakness
Taking CAT 2010- Yes
Proposed agenda for meet : Last month prep for CAT 2010
its nice to see that PG meet is being organised in my dear city bbsr..I was not fortunate enough to have such meets during my preparation time..i think most of u r oriyas?? i am missing oriya people at IMI as i am the only oriya guy in my batch..haha
any ways ALL THE BEST TO YOU GUYS FOR CAT and other exams..
its nice to see that PG meet is being organised in my dear city bbsr..I was not fortunate enough to have such meets during my preparation time..i think most of u r oriyas?? i am missing oriya people at IMI as i am the only oriya guy in my batch..haha
any ways ALL THE BEST TO YOU GUYS FOR CAT and other exams..
if possible u can come down 2 our meeting...puja time ko ayoge rite???
satapathy.durga Saysu say...where u live by d way?
I stay in Unit 8 area

Name; vikash
Location in the city : cuttack puri road
No. of CAT attempts: 1
Strength: no weakness
Taking CAT 2010- Yes
Proposed agenda for meet : Last month prep for CAT 2010
Thanks for posting here. No weakness is a great thing, you know that ?
its nice to see that PG meet is being organised in my dear city bbsr..I was not fortunate enough to have such meets during my preparation time..i think most of u r oriyas?? i am missing oriya people at IMI as i am the only oriya guy in my batch..haha
any ways ALL THE BEST TO YOU GUYS FOR CAT and other exams..
Yes Sambit, I'm a "kanchaa" Odiya. You too are welcome to join the PG meet. Majaa haba !

Great to see anwesa09 taking the initiative to start this thread.
Here are my details:
>>Name/PG user id: ankitrocks
>> Location in the city : I am confortable with any place
>> No. of CAT attempts: This is my first attempt
>> Strength/Weakness: Strength-LRDI Weakness-VA
>> Taking CAT 2010- ofcourse
>> Proposed agenda for meet: To share the views about CAT2010 with others especially tackling the VA section.
PS: Please dont keep the meet within puja vacation as I wont be available then.
Lets have it on 10th October.
if possible u can come down 2 our meeting...puja time ko ayoge rite???
U guys schedule the meeting as per ur convenience..if i happen to be at bbsr at that time,i will surely attend.
ALL THE BEST again to all my oriya brothers.Hope u carry forward the oriya tradition to all TOP B-Schools..
Great to see anwesa09 taking the initiative to start this thread.
PS: Please dont keep the meet within puja vacation as I wont be available then.
Thank you ! :D
12th October is okay ? 10th ko I'm busy (Don't ask why

U guys schedule the meeting as per ur convenience..if i happen to be at bbsr at that time,i will surely attend.
ALL THE BEST again to all my oriya brothers.Hope u carry forward the oriya tradition to all TOP B-Schools..
Yeah...We'll let you know when the meet is. If possible, please do join.
P.S. :Do include "Oriya sisters" too