Hi all :: Lets gather all views reg the topic Part time or Full time MBA which one is good I know each one of us will have different views about doing MBA in Part time and in full time :huh: In my case i am working in IT firm iā¦
Hi all
Lets gather all views reg the topic Part time or Full time MBA which one is good
I know each one of us will have different views about doing MBA in Part time and in full time :huh:
In my case i am working in IT firm in the finance domain with 1+ experience š , why i have this in my
mind because i wish to stay in the same IT field even after fininshing MBA , so my first question that
comes in my mind is which one to go , Part time or full time , part time i do not loose my work experience ,
which will be also counted in the IT field , when one shifts the job , please advice me in choosing the
Part time or in full time , part time also i am willing to do in the Top institutes , Please refer to this link
where the part and full time advantages are discussed
Please advice
Hi Prasant,
I am pondering over it since last few weeks. To be realistic we need to gather info and get first hand info abt Part-Time MBA.
I too works in IT comapny and want to continue in same sector. I have started http://www.pagalguy.com/discussions/calling-all-mba-aspirant-software-professionals-25009568
do visit it.
Prasant where r u working?
Let`s do some ground work and select Part time program(of course provided it got credentials in industry).
I hope all other S/W professions having same Qs or ideas will share it here.
Hi all
Lets gather all views reg the topic Part time or Full time MBA which one is good
I know each one of us will have different views about doing MBA in Part time and in full time :huh:
In my case i am working in IT firm in the finance domain with 1+ experience š , why i have this in my
mind because i wish to stay in the same IT field even after fininshing MBA , so my first question that
comes in my mind is which one to go , Part time or full time , part time i do not loose my work experience ,
which will be also counted in the IT field , when one shifts the job , please advice me in choosing the
Part time or in full time , part time also i am willing to do in the Top institutes , Please refer to this link
where the part and full time advantages are discussed
Please advice
Well guys, here are my 2 cents on this one. I am doing my part time MBA from IIM-Bangalore (PGSEM) and maybe I can give u some of my viewpoints.
I have gone through the same dilemma and I can understand what u guys must be feelin. But then my situation was diff. I had 6 yrs of work ex at the time of applying. And what I gathered from ppl is that IIMs generally dont take that high an experienced person for full time. There are multiple reasons for that...but that is a separate issue here.
From the content perspective, I dont think that premier institutions like IIMs differentiate between part time and full time. Infact for us, we have got the best of the profs from IIM-B teaching us!!! The only diff is that the profs understand that the part time students have two more things to take care of - personal life and work. So they are not very harsh on assignment submissions etc.
But from knowledge perspective, I am quite sure that there is no difference between part time and full time. The difference comes only in the number of hours that a person can devote from his/her personal life as none of the companies would agree compromise on professional work at the cost of MBA. So incase of part-timers, it is just 2 hrs per day that one can spend on. But for full timers, I guess they put in a lot of time in studies/library etc. So on the time front , there is a lot of advantage. Also staying on campus helps as Library is accessible and is quite convenient. For the part timers, library is accessible but then u have to travel to IIM-B campus and after a day of hard work, no one has the energy to go all over to IIM-B campus to visit library. The issue doesnt exist if u stay close to IIM-B campus.
The advantage with part time program is that ur opportunity cost is not very high and if u can manage, then u can leverage the knowledge at work place also. For the full time grads, they have to either wait for summer training or for 2 yrs before they get into industry.
Full time program also gives u placements, which is not there in part time. But then if u wish to stay in IT, the field is wide open. It is up to you how to land up into a very good job after ur part time program ends. Infact, u can leverage the knowledge by shifting to an appropriate company even when ur in between the program. Although that might turn out to be disastrous, but then it is ur call.
Finally, my suggestion is that it is all up to YOU. If you feel that there is no financial constraint at home front and can manage easily w/o job and money for the next 2 yrs, then go for full time. Also, if u want to change ur field i.e. from IT to say Finance or Marketing, then it is better to be at Full time. Cos the placements in that field might not be so freely available outside campus. Another thing u might want to look at is that if u have less than 4 yrs of work ex, then u can try for full time. Anything above 4 or max 5 yrs, my suggestion will be to go for part time, as the possibility of changing the field is lesser now. Also if u have been in the field for 5+ yrs, then I dont think landing in a better job, appropriate to your profile will be a problem.
Ppl with more than 5 yrs of exp can definitely look at IIM-B PGSEM program. It is worth the money and effort.
Hi Amit,
Nice post..good to hear from a person who has actually gone through this..You had 6 years of experience in the IT industry..But do u suggest this for people just starting off in the IT industry as trainees..say going for part time MBA frm IIMs etc. after 2-3 years..would it be worth investing time and money..You have suggested people with 4-5 years of work ex to go for part time MBA but like I just said I am starting off in the IT industry and dont want to let go off my work exp by going in for a full time course..
Its was good to read your post and it was as if I read it at the right timeJ. I have total 5+ years of exp in IT started with small company and now working as senior software engineer with Accenture.
But would like to go in to consulting business. From what i see at this rate if go on i will be Tl in another 2 years and might be PM in another 2 more years thought you never know:smile:...So was thinking if i can get on with some kind of MBA which has good recognition in the industry where i can have understanding of business domain etc.Which can equip me with knowledge to get in to consulting business or Managerial role.
I was planning to try some full time MBA as I was not sure of the return on investment in a part time MBA.
Please help me deciding this.
imho, at end of the day its your perception of the whole thing that matters. if you feel that part-time mba is of lesser value than a full-time mba no amount of reasoning is going to convince you otherwise and vice versa.
if at this stage of your career (5+ years as in case of wittyboy) u think you can afford a two-year break please go for a full-time mba but in case of -ve you have the option of part-time mba.
dont get dis-heartened reading the articles in the magazines, what they represent is just that writer's point of view
i am working for the past 11 years now. during this time, i have seen guys from the so-called second-level institutes get-ahead while IIT-IIM chaps have stumbled.
the brand gives you the advantage only in your first job, after that its all your hard-work and dedication. it doesn't matter where or how you did your mba, if you are good you will be selected/get-ahead in your job.
always remember that mba degree polishes the jewel inside you, it doesnt create a new one.
Hi Amit,
That was a very good advice given by you. I am presently working in a 3rd party testing company(BFSI Domain) in Chennai. My technical knowledge is average( I mean, Java, ASP etc). I feel that I can leverage my career by pursuing an MBA. I definitely want to shift my present job( testing). I felt that an MBA can open other oppurtunities for me. My doubt is that after pursuing a part-time MBA, can I have a change? A shift to development or so? Will other IT companies accept my profile of a part time MBA and an experience in testing? As far as I know TCS does not entertain new recruits with any Part time programmes.
Can you please help me on this??? My mail address is below.
[email protected]
I am actually looking at a long innings in this company coz the job profile is just fabulous and the opportunity cost will arguably be too high and thus, I feel that it would be better to go for a part-time MBA
However, I have heard from many that a part-timer is a no match for full-timer. Well, I am not sure regarding this observation because if both the programs are from a good institute (well known and respected in the industry), then does it really make a hell lot of difference because a part-timer will definitely have more work-ex than a full-time MBA guy because he shall continue working alongside u see.
Regarding the placement assistance, a part-timer wont have to worry coz he will be working any which ways so he wont need placement assistance.
So a candidate doing a part-timer from a good institute will get a good mix of experienced batchmates from different industries (good networking opportunity), the classroom teaching & discussions, project work and regular examinations (like a full time program). PLUS his work-ex shall keep on increasing.
Looking at all this, how will he not be at par with a full timer? What is it that makes a full timer so much more valuable compared to a part timer (not a distance education guy please) even if a part-timer has considerably more experience than a full timer?
I would appreciate experienced guys to chip in with their views.
Hi Amit,
Really its good posting . Thanks for giving the info about the part time MBA. I have around 4 years of IT EXP and is working in PUNE . can you give me details about the courses offered by IIM and suggest me a better one . I am not able to collect the right info regarding Part time MBA from IIM. Can you mail to my personal ID please . [email protected] .
I Hope i will get right info.
amar, pls read thru newbie rules. posting email-ids and ph/cell no.s not allowed in posts. u can pm the person u need to get in touch.
chk IIM websites for course and related info. they have listings. IIMB allows PGSEM as PT. IIMC also has similar courses. chk for eligibility in their websites. for u PGSEM is a better course. u may need to shift to Blr or chennai(new offering from IIMB).
I have 4+ experience in IT industry. I want to persue Part time MBA. Can someone tell how good is IIFT Kolkata's part time program and also XLRI's Exec-PGP program.
Thanks in advance.
XLRI's Exec-PGP program.
There is a post specifically for the XLRI Exec PGP pgm on PG. You should be able to dig it out easily. The eligibility is 5 years of work-ex. The post has other details about the course.
Hope it helps.
I would like to know what is the recuriter's perspective of a part time MBA vis-a-vis full time.
Do recruiters consider a Part Timer as talented as FTs? After all selection process is much more competetive and tougher for the latter. On the other hand PT applicant pool consists of locally working professionals only. It may be competitve in Bangalore but what about say, Lucknow and Indore?
The newly launched one-year programs seem to offer best of both worlds. Just one year of opportuinty cost and benefits (and challenges) of a full time program.
I would seriously recommend neither for a person who wishes to stick with job .... although I said Part time for the polls due to lack of choice ...
In my opinion you shud go for Executive MBA programme , and I think most top tier companies are offering exec programmes...
IIMC has one I believe which wud be cool for people like you .
I think its a good decision to not ditch a job to pursue MBA if you really like what you are working in ...
afterall MBA is gyaan , nothing like it if you work and pursue MBA...
good luck
Hi Amit,
That was a very good advice given by you. I am presently working in a 3rd party testing company(BFSI Domain) in Chennai. My technical knowledge is average( I mean, Java, ASP etc). I feel that I can leverage my career by pursuing an MBA. I definitely want to shift my present job( testing). I felt that an MBA can open other oppurtunities for me. My doubt is that after pursuing a part-time MBA, can I have a change? A shift to development or so? Will other IT companies accept my profile of a part time MBA and an experience in testing? As far as I know TCS does not entertain new recruits with any Part time programmes.
Can you please help me on this??? My mail address is below.
[email protected]
If you would like to shift to development, there is really no need for an MBA. An MBA degree won't help you be hired as a programmer, when your background is in testing. What I would do if I were in your shoes is to opt for other developer certifications, like MCAD (to begin with), MCP, OCP etc. But if you want to go into IT managerial positions, an MBA would be good for you. Even if your MBA is part-time or distance, you can and will land a good job IF YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH.
Hope this helps, ATB.
i have 2 year of IT expeirience...i want to know whether one can get admission to MDI part time mba qwith 2 yr expeirience or one have to get 3 yr exp as mentioned in website.?????
Hi all,
How is Sikkim Manipal distance MBA?
I am 32 yrs old B.Sc. graduate & I am a medical representative working in a newly launched pharma company.This is my second company total work experience is 2 & 1/2 yrs.But my mistake is that I enrolled for a MCA programme from ICFAI University(distance mode) in March 2007.I aspired to be an engineer.
Till date I cudn't complete any paper coz of this sales job.Unfortunately this job I got is by reference & so my experience is not much importance.
Now I am indecisive as to what to do now?? :confused:
I have to self-support myself.
Please advice me seniors...
Hey, dont know if this is the correct thread to post this message on but I'd definitely appreciate some help.
I have cleared the part time entrance to both IIFT and IIML Noida Campus (WMP) programs. I am really confused which course to join. Im trying to compare the two in terms of branding, course structure, placements (most importantly) and also on the complexity of the course. All in all which one is a more valuable course? The IIFT program had been started in 2000 and the IIM one a few years ago.
Also, is WMP equivalent to an MBA or PGDM degree?
Hi Amit,
Nice posting. Its really helpful for me. I was also in the same dilemma for quite a long time. I have 5+ years of experience in IT but now it seems I must have some career booster package. So MBA is the bset option so far I am done with my analysis. But I don't know much about different MBA streams & which particular stream is ideal for me. in that context I would like get your opinion on 'MBA in system management'. Apart from 'system management' is there any other stream which is well suited for an IT guy who wants to pursue career in IT industry (being at managerial post)? Also what kind offers one might get once he is done with his part-time excutive MBA?
Thanks in advance