Dear puys, First of all I want to thank you all for providing some solid feedback for PaGaLGuY Prep, that we launched last month. We got dozens of suggestions and bug reports from you, all of which we took very seriously to decide on …
Awesome work !!!
Lotta new features...
One small contribution for newbies:-
Swell improvement from the earlier version !
:thumbsup: Apurv & Co at PGHQ. Keep it coming
gr8 work..thanks....
personalised.. with varying difficultY levels and other such brilliant features makes this version of PG Prep stand out! Kudos:cheers:
to show each one's performances in each field attempted so far and adding those tags- expert, demi-god,rockstar, trainee.... jus makes it more special!!
gr8 work from pg yet again...!!
p.s- jus that i found that each page takes lot of time to load... as in case of nxt qst..etc[ which was not t case wit t prev version.]probably...this ll be rectified wit time..ll wait!!! thanks again PG!
PG ur are the greatest community ever arrised for MBA youths ...
great work..keep it up..........UBUNTU.. 😃
Wonderfull approch.. I liked it a lot...
But it will make more sense if the solution is provided by the person who provides the question. So solution must be made compulsory with the posting of Questions.
Else every one will post crappy solutions and kill the core concept of the question.
One more thing i liked is the timed mode. But there is no next option in learning more.
How to get to the next question after answering some question?
Wonderfull approch.. I liked it a lot...
But it will make more sense if the solution is provided by the person who provides the question. So solution must be made compulsory with the posting of Questions.
Else every one will post crappy solutions and kill the core concept of the question.
One more thing i liked is the timed mode. But there is no next option in learning more.
How to get to the next question after answering some question?
In learning Mode, after answering the question There is a link to next question above the question description.
i did questions from earlier version of was a good would love to see solution posted by owner of question to look for the best approach!
there was mistake in a quest or 2 but it is rocks!
Great attempt guys..I am sure it is gonna help a lot..
The only question I have is, how is the %tile score of a individual decided...
Is it compared with the users who answered that question or is it based on the difficulty level of the question...?
Great attempt guys..I am sure it is gonna help a lot..
The only question I have is, how is the %tile score of a individual decided...
Is it compared with the users who answered that question or is it based on the difficulty level of the question...?
Percentile scores are calculated per topic and per Area. It is calculated based on your rank in that particular topic/Area.
i did questions from earlier version of was a good would love to see solution posted by owner of question to look for the best approach!
there was mistake in a quest or 2 but it is rocks!
I completely agree with you

Amazing face-lift for PG Prep!
Most of the concerns have been addressed.
Nothing less can be expected from you guyz...
thanx a ton!
Firstly hats of to the brain behind the concept and the whole PG Team who is working ceaselessy to solve evry minute bug...Its just an amazing concept and i have been taking its maximum advantage.Just a small request..Ask people to post their solution and approach while posting their ques.In many ques the solution is not available..But at the end of the day..PG rockksssssss......Thank you so much...
In several places, it says -1 users got it right ! Should it not be '0' users ?
Users should be shown their accuracy level for different subsections.
In several places, it says -1 users got it right ! Should it not be '0' users ?
Users should be shown their accuracy level for different subsections.
Fixed the bug.
I achieved the rank of Demi God in Grammar and English Usage yesterday. Today, I answered a few more questions from the same topic and suddenly, 'Grammar and English Usage' has disappeared from my Abilities section. Please check. I think this is because of a missing boundary condition check or something, as my percentile is 100.
The link for 'Next Unanswered Question' did not appear when I correctly answered this question -
Hi, the prep 2.0 is great but I am having problems in answering the problems. :-(Whenever I press the 'Answer' button, I am shown an error - 403 forbidden. Please help.
Can you please provide the official answers ? Sometimes the answers posted by users are not right! 😞
I achieved the rank of Demi God in Grammar and English Usage yesterday. Today, I answered a few more questions from the same topic and suddenly, 'Grammar and English Usage' has disappeared from my Abilities section. Please check. I think this is because of a missing boundary condition check or something, as my percentile is 100.
The link for 'Next Unanswered Question' did not appear when I correctly answered this question - Sign-in - Prep from PaGaLGuY
Thanks for the bug reports. All are fixed.
jatinpreet SaysHi, the prep 2.0 is great but I am having problems in answering the problems. :-(Whenever I press the 'Answer' button, I am shown an error - 403 forbidden. Please help.
Your profile shows you answered 2 questions. Can you provide more details about the problem (which question you were answering or if it is happening for every question ) which will help us solve your issue.