Hi Guys, I guess it’s time to make this formal, that PaGaLGuY.com is taking in MBA trainees for Summer Training. :: Profiles available Web 2.0 Marketer Design and sell killer online Interactive Marketing products to PaGaLGuY…
Have you seriously challenged yourself? Challenged your thoughts? Challenged your assumptions? Join the motley crew at PG to understand what we live everyday.
We are gearing up with a number of product launches, features and ofcourse hiring a boat load of insane people to create the future face of the web in India. You will be working in one of the fastest growing startups wherein you will learn real business. You can't hide, you will be tested everyday right from the word 'GO'.
A bit more insight into what makes us tick -
1) We are launching several products over the course of the next year that will challenge and rival the way you think information can be used for the benefit of everyone
2) Think we are just into the business of MBA? Well, we aren't. We are working to build multiple communities, identities and business which will drive the ecommerce growth of the country
3) How do we challenge the big guys? Well, rather simple - by being the small guys. Its amazing how much you can achieve when you put your mind to a task. Work together with some of the most diligent, smart, insane and fun people ever to smash the past and create the future. If you want to create the future, you better have the ability to not just talk about it. Talk to us, show us the initiative and we'll work with you to build it.
4) Our hiring process is rather simple, but rather counter-intuitive. We are concerned about knowing and understanding you. Our focus is on what makes you, YOU.
5) Don't dress up. We arent going to be sitting there to see which shade of shirt you wear. Rather, keep a free mind, drag your best ideas along and challenge us. We like that. You will like us as well if you like that ;)
I'll be happy to answer any of your queries on this matter. The last I heard, the motley bunch were already on their way to a business school to hire. Get in touch with us if you are interested. Email us your resume at :
Send in your resumes to summers (at) pagalguy (dot) com :)
Mention the post you want to apply for
Write a brief cover note as to why you want to work with us.
Prior experience in creating havoc is much appreciated.
Have you seriously challenged yourself? Challenged your thoughts? Challenged your assumptions? Join the motley crew at PG to understand what we live everyday.
We are gearing up with a number of product launches, features and ofcourse hiring a boat load of insane people to create the future face of the web in India. You will be working in one of the fastest growing startups wherein you will learn real business. You can't hide, you will be tested everyday right from the word 'GO'.
A bit more insight into what makes us tick -
1) We are launching several products over the course of the next year that will challenge and rival the way you think information can be used for the benefit of everyone
2) Think we are just into the business of MBA? Well, we aren't. We are working to build multiple communities, identities and business which will drive the ecommerce growth of the country
3) How do we challenge the big guys? Well, rather simple - by being the small guys. Its amazing how much you can achieve when you put your mind to a task. Work together with some of the most diligent, smart, insane and fun people ever to smash the past and create the future. If you want to create the future, you better have the ability to not just talk about it. Talk to us, show us the initiative and we'll work with you to build it.
4) Our hiring process is rather simple, but rather counter-intuitive. We are concerned about knowing and understanding you. Our focus is on what makes you, YOU.
5) Don't dress up. We arent going to be sitting there to see which shade of shirt you wear. Rather, keep a free mind, drag your best ideas along and challenge us. We like that. You will like us as well if you like that ;)
I'll be happy to answer any of your queries on this matter. The last I heard, the motley bunch were already on their way to a business school to hire. Get in touch with us if you are interested. Email us your resume at :
Send in your resumes to summers (at) pagalguy (dot) com :)
Mention the post you want to apply for
Write a brief cover note as to why you want to work with us.
Prior experience in creating havoc is much appreciated.
Would have loved to have a stint out here for summers. Esp with the kinda amazing work the peepz out there at the PG HQ put up! But sadly the notification is late by a month. :(
Maybe a final offer someday! 😃
Simply put, one of the best places to work for, if you are serious about *learning* and want to the see the bigger picture between all those subtle changes that you've been seeing past few months ! In terms of ideas and growth, as Apurv pointed out, prolly very few companies out there on the Indian webscape that can match up to what pg.com has achieved and is on the path to achieve in coming days... Give it a shot folks, am sure you wont regret.. :)
Hellp people, let's give you an update.
We just returned from Goa Institute of Management and recruited two young insane people for the Market Research profile. It was fun, because these two people along with the others are going to co-found the B-schools Ratings initiative completely on their own, make a business plan for it, decide everybody's salaries, plan the costs, execute whatever of the project that can be done in the 2 months and then go back to college and refine the data analysis iteratively as they learn, with help from their professors. If and when a killer ratings system comes out of it and is implemented, you would hear more from them as the people who created it all :)
We welcome Aristo and Gauri from GIM into the insanity
And invite more offbeat MBA trainees. Just send in a mail to summers (at) pagalguy (dot) com! 😃
Hellp people, let's give you an update.
We just returned from Goa Institute of Management and recruited two young insane people for the Market Research profile. It was fun, because these two people along with the others are going to co-found the B-schools Ratings initiative completely on their own, make a business plan for it, decide everybody's salaries, plan the costs, execute whatever of the project that can be done in the 2 months and then go back to college and refine the data analysis iteratively as they learn, with help from their professors. If and when a killer ratings system comes out of it and is implemented, you would hear more from them as the people who created it all :)
We welcome Aristo and Gauri from GIM into the insanity
And invite more offbeat MBA trainees. Just send in a mail to summers (at) pagalguy (dot) com! :)
Hi Apurv ,
Great news ... talked to aristo and gauri today .. they are really excited ...
your talk was really enlightening ... hope to see more of you .....
Hellp people, let's give you an update.
We just returned from Goa Institute of Management and recruited two young insane people for the Market Research profile. It was fun, because these two people along with the others are going to co-found the B-schools Ratings initiative completely on their own,...............
We welcome Aristo and Gauri from GIM into the insanity
And invite more offbeat MBA trainees. Just send in a mail to summers (at) pagalguy (dot) com! :)
Hey Apurv and Rohit..
Awesome that u guys were on campus at ma institute.. My bad luck that i am nt on campus til Dec 9th.. And what the hell. Why was not this offer made to us last year when we were doing our summers... Not done.. No fair chance given to us.. Hic hic hic...
But i must say congs to ma juniors back on campus and Kudos to PG.. Guys take it to an unscaleable height...
All my wishes...!
And invite more offbeat MBA trainees. Just send in a mail to summers (at) pagalguy (dot) com! :)
Saturday and Sunday kaam karu to Chalega kya... Am Serious guys..!
hey all,
congrats to Aristo & Gauri...PG team has came up with really challenging profiles..!!
luck for all'
"Obsolete ur innovation"
Hellp people, let's give you an update.
We just returned from Goa Institute of Management and recruited two young insane people for the Market Research profile. It was fun, because these two people along with the others are going to co-found the B-schools Ratings initiative completely on their own, make a business plan for it, decide everybody's salaries, plan the costs, execute whatever of the project that can be done in the 2 months and then go back to college and refine the data analysis iteratively as they learn, with help from their professors. If and when a killer ratings system comes out of it and is implemented, you would hear more from them as the people who created it all :)
We welcome Aristo and Gauri from GIM into the insanity
And invite more offbeat MBA trainees. Just send in a mail to summers (at) pagalguy (dot) com! :)
Congratulations to Aristo and Gauri! The first interns at the HQ . Firstly, you will have a lot more resources than you imagined at the HQ. Secondly, I will be working closely with all the summer interns so that I can be your sounding board and be around when you need me.
In terms of resources, you will have unparalled resources at your disposal, provided you have the ability and intention to make good use of them. Therein lies the challenge for you - We know you will have enough work to keep yourselves busy, but if you are game to learn more and be more - we will work closely with you to make that happen.
This applies to all the interns who join us this year! Furthermore, you will start communicating and working with our office very soon. We will be working on ideas, getting you upto speed on our culture and keeping you informed all the way until the day you head to our HQ. So your work, growth period starts now. This is not to scare you and tell you that you need to start working on your summer jobs right now, but we believe that you guys will require some time to come upto speed on a whole bunch of issues so that you can start delivering at work the day you start.
Extremely glad to see you folks onboard! We promise you a helluva ride 😁
Apurv SaysHellp people, let's give you an update.
Apurv... is that you, asking for help or saying hello?
We welcome Aristo and Gauri from GIM into the insanity
And invite more offbeat MBA trainees. Just send in a mail to summers (at) pagalguy (dot) com! :)
A very warm welcome to the two GIMites... It'd have been me, had it not been for a media conglomerate... :
Remember, Estr... I'd asked you for it way back in August... Still have the chat saved somewhere...
If any of my classmates are sane (or crazy) enough to read through this, they won't miss out on the opportunity... :biggrin:
Well, seconding what Mav & Neel said... a final offer someday... :
Welcome Aboard Aristo & Gauri ! Am sure you guys are gonna have a propah learning time @ PG . All da besties :)
Awesome news :drinking: ...but i am a year late 😞 😞 ..but as Mav said..maybe a final offer sumday:satisfie: :satisfie: ...so PG is finally creating jobs for the Masses:biggrin: :biggrin:
chance wont be missed.....will grab by both hands.....
hey allwin and the pg junta-here i come....the mr profile would be a dream come true-u know im pretty happy ranking fellaw's...heehe...ud find my cv in ur inbox pretty soon!n hope u see the value 😉
hi seniors,titans and gurus
im a humble guy from madras completing my BE-EEE in MAY 2007....im plannin to work on MBA-Systems or MIS in US...i would love to work for you..
1>wats the type of assignment
2>when is it
3>am i eligible
kind regards
ae final yr engg graduates eligible for applying for internships?
Yes they are. I would suggest you get to understand our specific requirements so that you can tailor your resume/cover letter as per that. You would have a higher chance of being noticed and be invited to an interview.
siddhesh_j Saysae final yr engg graduates eligible for applying for internships?
Adding to the list, please welcome Naveen Chandra from IIM Kozhikode into the PG insane summers team
Apurv SaysAdding to the list, please welcome Naveen Chandra from IIM Kozhikode into the PG insane summers team
Congs Naveen!
Welcome to the team! Have a crazy time.