p.... q... r....

sat... sun... mon.. tue... wed... thur

@caemento @vishiac







@caemento @SujataPatil p = s.p. - c.p. and l= c.p. -s.p. P%= p/c.p.*100% or L% = l/c.p.*100%...... Note: 1. the denominator is always c.p. unless specified in question 2. Profit% or loss% is applied always on C.P. unless in question its mentioned it was applied on s.p. 3. Assumptions: generally its c.p.= 100%, if question says % is applied on s.p., assume s.p.= 100% M.p. and discount: discount = m.p. - s.p. ... Discount % is always applied on m.p. Note: 1. Some times we may have to assume m.p. as 100% 2. S.p. forms relation between c.p. and m.p.... U can skip s.p. when not required... Miscellaneous: if same p% and l% is applied on s.p. then there is always a loss of p^2/100% 2. Successive discounts: suppose u have two back to back discounts of 20% and 25%... Then effective disc = 20+25-20*25/100= 40%... Or if its more than two discounts then always consider 100*(100-d1)/100*(100-d2)/100...... So on to get wat remains, then 100 - (that value)= eff disc% 3. For diff p% and l% on s.p., use effective % formula p% - l% - 2*p*l/100%

@caemento @SujataPatil

@caemento @SujataPatil

@SujataPatil @caemento

@SujataPatil @caemento

@caemento @SujataPatil

@caemento @SujataPatil





@SujataPatil @caemento selling price of 20pens is more than c.p. of 25 pens by m.p. of 4pens, the discount is 80%, then wat is the is profit gained if each pen is sold at 1.5m.p.