Official [2014-16] SCMLD - Pune Admission Notification and Query

Hi All, Sadhana Centre for Mangement and Leadership Development, Pune announces the commencement of applications for the batch of 2014-2016 for full time SPEL programme and SAPEL programme. For more information, click here-- >>>

Hi All, Sadhana Centre for Mangement and Leadership Development, Pune announces the commencement of applications for the batch of 2014-2016 for full time SPEL programme and SAPEL programme. For more information, click here-- >>>

One will find the SCMLD application form most transparent with respect to what are required of the students who would like to join SCMLD. One must go through its processes willingly and with utmost dedication. Then only a student will transform into an extra ordinary performer with leadership qualities as an employee in organizations / as entrepreneur and grow faster. Anyone with casual approach cannot grow to be in leadership position. Find attached the admission notification for 2014-16.

What are the dates for the written test and the other round and what about the centres.

A B-school you wanted, you wish for, with most unique pedagogy & process.Stream WWW.SCMLD.ORG


What are the dates for the written test and the other round and what about the centres.

1) chandigarh centre.?

2) patiala..? Skip


@diptiverma Attend admission Session in Chandigarh by SCMLD ON 29th Jan. At Bull's Eye,
Sector 42, CHANDIGARH from 9 a.m

Please get in touch with OM - +91-95525-90070 or Meeta - 099888-38426

100 reasons to join SCMLD
Reason no. 13:
Entrepreneurial Networking
To appreciate how entrepreneurs started, gained, lost and grew and the lessons they learned etc. Every student must meet a minimum of 5 entrepreneurs and write their stories. This is a credit course. - For more Details click here:

One will find the SCMLD application form most transparent with respect to what are required of the students who would like to join SCMLD. One must go through its processes willingly and with utmost dedication. Then only a student will transform into an extra ordinary performer with leadership qualities as an employee in organizations / as entrepreneur and grow faster. Anyone with casual approach cannot grow to be in leadership position.Batch-wise information and statistics of PLACEMENTS in SCMLD till 2013

can you tell me the last date of registration???

Check to know SCMLD UNIQUENESS, conditions before joining, Letter to parents and Corporates & Transparent Process