This group related to question paper,exam patten, expected cut off etc.
What is your qualification while applying for the post AM(FA)?
- CA
0 voters
i have a MBA (financial services) i eligible to apply for AM(FA) post...?? pls reply frnds...
Can anyone tell abt exam date?
How is level of difficulty for quant and reasoning? Is it similar to ibps po?
Approximately how many have applied for this exam???friends...any rough estimation
Hello guys recelty Oriental Bank of Commerce published OBC Specialist Officer Admit Card and exam dates.... Find out here more details
Does anybody have any idea about last year's cut-off ???
Forgot my wallet containing my id at home therby missed the examination. How was the exam guys?
How was your paper guys? I attempted 176 and expecting around 150 marks
I attempted 138 questions what is my chance
I did 110 only.. After looking at attempts and expected marks.. I think i am out of the race.. I wonder...paper was that easy...dont know..
Done with 150 kindly share ur attempts guys so we can predict cutoff...paper is easy for me
Share urs attempts ....
- 120>
- 160<
- 140-160
- 120-140
0 voters
plz smone give analysis and som questn on fm
Is OBC Bank SO Assistant manager work profile same as PO ?
Professional knowledge ki sectional cutoff kya jaygi
Guys kya BOI mein in every subject 40%marks or 20 marks cmpulsory h out of 50
Wt will b the levl of english..
****Query Regarding OBC Caste Certificate****
Caste Certificate will be issued only once or do we have to have different for different financial year?
PS: I know, Non-Creamy Layer Certificate will be issued for each financial year seperately.