Hey guys, I am back after a long hibernation from Pagalguy. I am a current NUS MBA student would love to take any queries the prospective applicants might have. My batchmate Abhishek a.k.a mealiennothuman will also help me in answering the qu…
Hey guys,
I am back after a long hibernation from Pagalguy. I am a current NUS MBA student would love to take any queries the prospective applicants might have. My batchmate Abhishek a.k.a mealiennothuman will also help me in answering the queries.
Starting with my background - I did my undergraduation in management studies and then joined global financial giant in their investment banking team located offshore. GMAT 710. Recently cleared CFA Level 2. So all in all a fin guy!
The new website is up and has more details then we had. The brochure is also up - so go ahead and download it. The application starts on October 1.
Avoid asking feedback on profiles - it brings our subjectivities in play and we are not adcom. So we might think its great but adcom might not or the other way round. Any other questions - bring them on!!!!
Thanks for starting this thread, My question to you: Is NUS Singapore ideal for ppl with say 5+ years of work-ex in IT keeping in mind that NUS is know for Finance courses? Also are there ppl in the current batch who have prior IT exp and now changing industry to Finance/Marketing?
mgmtguruagain SaysThanks for starting this thread, My question to you: Is NUS Singapore ideal for ppl with say 5+ years of work-ex in IT keeping in mind that NUS is know for Finance courses? Also are there ppl in the current batch who have prior IT exp and now changing industry to Finance/Marketing?
Ideal as in what sense? I can think of two perspectives what you mean
If you want to continue with IT - yes. There are people who have had long work experiences (more than 5 years) in IT and would ideally like to continue in same field. There are couple of my seniors who have had this background and would like to take this forward. One of my senior has 7 years in IT before coming here. He did his winter at one of the big 4 in thier IT consulting unit and was asked to join them immediately and convert his MBA to part time. He eventually finished the course in 12 months (as opposed to 17 month regular program) and joined the company as an assitant manager in the same team.
If you want to change to Finance / Mktg - Depends. Ideally if you have more than 5 years, it is good that you continue in similar field. Although if you wish to change, you would have a tough time explaing your change to school in your admission as well as employers if you get through. There are lots of people who have had 3-4 years in IT in my batch and wish to change to Fin/Mktg. My seniors too had similar profiles and could get internships in field they wanted. The school has lots of resources but it would be left to you if you are proactive enough to take up the challenge of career switch. The good part is that the focus on acads is much lesser as compared to Indian schools so that you can priortize and work towards your field of interest.
Let me knw if I have left any queries unanswerd
I was waiting when one would start this thread.
Can you please let me know the number of Indian in the current batch and their average GMAT scores?
How are the current NUS placements w.r.t consulting sector?
while looking at the employment stats I found a disconnect.
It shows :
FT 2007 Class size 68 (for placement %age)
Seeking employment 63
However on the same it is mentioned that total intake for FT 2007 MBA class was 115.
Can you throw some light on the discrepancy ...
tx jshah29 for starting this thread.
I am a postgraduate in pharmacy with more than 5 years of experience in intellectual property and business development.
Post MBA, I would like to work for a private equity firm which invests into lifesciences, healthcare sectors.
Are such opportunites available post NUS MBA??
My second query is related to transcripts. The NUS website mentions the foll -
"We require official transcripts and an attested copy of your degree scroll for your application. To aid you in obtaining the relevant documents, you can fill up and fax the Transcript Request Form to your university to request that they send a copy of your official transcripts directly to us. Alternatively, you may send marksheets attested by the university or by a notary public"
But from this it is not clear whether a marksheet attested by notorary is sufficient or official transcripts from the college are required in addition.
Please clarify if you know.
Thanks in advance.
I was waiting when one would start this thread.
Can you please let me know the number of Indian in the current batch and their average GMAT scores?
How are the current NUS placements w.r.t consulting sector?
about 35 indians, around 30 odd chinese, 10-12 koreans - these are 3 major nationalities - if you wann talk about diversity there are representatives from morrocco, kazakhstan, germany, US, Venezuela, Brazil, japan etc etc etc.... but yes NUS is like mini desi school due to aggresive nature of indians....
avg gmat score for entire cohort is abt 657 but then it really varies on your background... For indians range would be 660 - 760...
Consulting sector is very open ended - if you are aiming for top 3 management consulting then it might be difficult... although, in past ppl have got offer from McKinsey in London... And I have a batchmate who has open offer from Mckinsey because she was already working there... it all depends upon your profile and kind of consulting you are looking at...
tx jshah29 for starting this thread.
I am a postgraduate in pharmacy with more than 5 years of experience in intellectual property and business development.
Post MBA, I would like to work for a private equity firm which invests into lifesciences, healthcare sectors.
Are such opportunites available post NUS MBA??
My second query is related to transcripts. The NUS website mentions the foll -
"We require official transcripts and an attested copy of your degree scroll for your application. To aid you in obtaining the relevant documents, you can fill up and fax the Transcript Request Form to your university to request that they send a copy of your official transcripts directly to us. Alternatively, you may send marksheets attested by the university or by a notary public"
But from this it is not clear whether a marksheet attested by notorary is sufficient or official transcripts from the college are required in addition.
Please clarify if you know.
Thanks in advance.
let me start with easier question - you will require transcripts... most colleges in India now knw what are transcripts and so you would get them easily... generally marksheets are not considered... why take a risk?
i mention again here - its really difficult to assess the placement scenario because it all depends uponyou... companies do not come shopping here... career services will put in best efforts of getting companies to campus and will allow you to network and also help in application... but the truth is singapore is a financial center of world... so you are essentially competeing with INSEADs and Whartons of the world... but if you have compelling profile there is no reason why they should not take you... We do have a few alumni working in Private Equity space...
So if you are interested, you are expected to know more than an average person in your industry and your interest should reflect in your resume.... Now how do you do it? NUS provides you with the best of resources including all access to databases, Vault career guides, networking events etc etc.... so again as i said - proactiveness is the key here!!!
Hope I am making sense!
while looking at the employment stats I found a disconnect.
It shows :
FT 2007 Class size 68 (for placement %age)
Seeking employment 63
However on the same it is mentioned that total intake for FT 2007 MBA class was 115.
Can you throw some light on the discrepancy ...
Class of 2007 is intake of 2005 - NUS MBA used to be 22 month program till two years back... so 2005 intake is 65... now how did it become 68 - i dont knw... let me ask to concerned people and get back to you...
the 17 month program started last year i.e. 2007 intake which is 115.. these will be batch graduating in Jan 2009 and hence will be batch of 2009....
I have some more quesns for you.... :-o
Can you please throw some light on the application process. Is it entirely online. Like in terms of ISB or do we need to send an application package with our documents. If the latter which all documents I mean in terms of transcripts, reco, essays etc?
Also another query is out of 30-35 Indians how many are IT profile and their work ex years?
As for my case I have a low GMATscore and belong to the demographic in which people form the top 10% of all scores. (Yes it is Indian IT Male :laugh:).
I can't retake the test due to personal reasons. :huh: So I will take chances as I believe I will have strong Essays and will manage Very strong recos.
Does NUS believe in holistic evaluation of Desi profiles or do they take GMAT as a primary indicator for desis. (Asking this as a lot of schools stereotype a desi with 700+). I have 3.75 GPA in undergrad and strong acads to show my acad ability.
I have some more quesns for you.... :-o
Can you please throw some light on the application process. Is it entirely online. Like in terms of ISB or do we need to send an application package with our documents. If the latter which all documents I mean in terms of transcripts, reco, essays etc?
Also another query is out of 30-35 Indians how many are IT profile and their work ex years?
As for my case I have a low GMATscore and belong to the demographic in which people form the top 10% of all scores. (Yes it is Indian IT Male :laugh:).
I can't retake the test due to personal reasons. :huh: So I will take chances as I believe I will have strong Essays and will manage Very strong recos.
Does NUS believe in holistic evaluation of Desi profiles or do they take GMAT as a primary indicator for desis. (Asking this as a lot of schools stereotype a desi with 700+). I have 3.75 GPA in undergrad and strong acads to show my acad ability.
Trex buddy,
i had said profile evaluation is difficult for me... so i will answer all your other questions....
application process - online submission of the essays and recos. you will still need to send support docs like transcripts, photos etc etc. they do have an option of uploading but i dint use that coz i dint wann take a chance.
30-35 indians - but the diversity is big... Indian IT are very few (i think not more than 5)... there are some engineers who have varied background including with backgrounds in semi conductors, energy, strategy, sales etc... we have two doctors in the batch... a few economists... a CA... a good number of finance related functions... so u see the desi junta also has great work ex....
Desi junta tend to have higher gmat score... a natural thing to any school... so its no different... avg wld be close to 700 but there are ppl less than 700 as well... you will manage a call if you have great essays and good background to support it... not sure how they look at GMAT after that...
Trex buddy,
i had said profile evaluation is difficult for me... so i will answer all your other questions....
application process - online submission of the essays and recos. you will still need to send support docs like transcripts, photos etc etc. they do have an option of uploading but i dint use that coz i dint wann take a chance.
30-35 indians - but the diversity is big... Indian IT are very few (i think not more than 5)... there are some engineers who have varied background including with backgrounds in semi conductors, energy, strategy, sales etc... we have two doctors in the batch... a few economists... a CA... a good number of finance related functions... so u see the desi junta also has great work ex....
Desi junta tend to have higher gmat score... a natural thing to any school... so its no different... avg wld be close to 700 but there are ppl less than 700 as well... you will manage a call if you have great essays and good background to support it... not sure how they look at GMAT after that...
thanks for the info...
will bug ya with further queries while applying... For now can you please post last year essay topics... that will give everyone a heads up this year....
As for profile evaluation well I have a good profile work ex acads and decent extra co curric wise, just that on 'G day' lady luck deserted me.... so the motto is gmat low but apping for sure... 😉
Profile: 10th: 87.2%
12th: 80%
B.E. Agg: 67%
B.E. Final Year: Sem 7th :71% Sem 8th :78% (stood 4th in class)
School Acads: have been the topper of the school for 5 years
ECA: very good
Gmat: 680 (49 Maths, 33 Verbal)
Experience: 2 years as a Automation Test engineer (QA section) in Patni Computers (Mumbai).Currently leading a team of 2 people in one project as well as simultaneously implementing the automation in teh other project where also acting as a lead.
Part Time experience: have been working all the 4 years of BE as a part time employee. first 2 years in a market research company and the next two years in a broking house as a clearence officer.
Please comment on my profile and also do let me know that would it be good to appear for gmat again and excel the score to 700+
Hey jshah,
Two quick questions :
1) For a techy guy (semiconductor) how difficult is it to get an internship in Finance/consulting ?
I know it is a bit subjective... bt even then wud to luv know from your experience
2) Although most of the times placements happen thru contacts and networking, there are career fairs and on campus events in gud b-schools which place 40-50% students... Does NUS have some on campus placement activity ?
Profile: 10th: 87.2%
12th: 80%
B.E. Agg: 67%
B.E. Final Year: Sem 7th :71% Sem 8th :78% (stood 4th in class)
School Acads: have been the topper of the school for 5 years
ECA: very good
Gmat: 680 (49 Maths, 33 Verbal)
Experience: 2 years as a Automation Test engineer (QA section) in Patni Computers (Mumbai).Currently leading a team of 2 people in one project as well as simultaneously implementing the automation in teh other project where also acting as a lead.
Part Time experience: have been working all the 4 years of BE as a part time employee. first 2 years in a market research company and the next two years in a broking house as a clearence officer.
Please comment on my profile and also do let me know that would it be good to appear for gmat again and excel the score to 700+
I am not on adcom nor I am expert on commentin on profile. Only a few months earlier, I was in your position applying to schools - so it would not be worthwhile for me to comment on your profile.
I have already posted gmat scores of Indians and average GMAT score for the batch. you can have a look thru it and see if you fit the profile.
Btw, b schools will only consider full time work ex after bachelors degree. if you have part time work ex - make sure u show them somewhere in essays. Essays are key selling point rather than GMAT!
Hey jshah,
Two quick questions :
1) For a techy guy (semiconductor) how difficult is it to get an internship in Finance/consulting ?
I know it is a bit subjective... bt even then wud to luv know from your experience
2) Although most of the times placements happen thru contacts and networking, there are career fairs and on campus events in gud b-schools which place 40-50% students... Does NUS have some on campus placement activity ?
hi rohit,
1) I am falling back to my seniors' internship experience for these - yes, ppl with tech and non fin background did get thru decent internships in finance and consulting. so its not that its not possible. And mind you they had very good roles and awesome brands!! lets not name them but function wise it spanned to M&A;, Sales and trading, corp fin, mutual funds, risk advisory, mgmt consulting, market research, etc etc. I have a batchmate who has 5 years semiconductor work ex and planning to switch as well.
2) Yes they do. I will be attending Connexions - the NUS MBA Career fair this friday and shall let u knw how it was!
Hi All,
jshah (Jaimin) mentioned in his inaugural post of this thread that I will also be answering questions. Have been real busy the last few days so the delay in introducing myself.
A bit about my background. I did my computer engineering from a college in Mumbai and then worked for 3 years in a Financial IT services firm. GMAT 760. Had planned to appear for CFA Level 1 in December but have postponed it to June 2009. Right now am too busy enjoying the hectic pace of this semester.
Questions about Finance? No better guy to ask about that than jshah. Be assured that whatever he says will be facts and not advertising. But yes, no profile evaluation request!
Questions about Consulting or Marketing? Sure. Throw them at me and I will try my best to answer them myself or with the help of classmates interested in Consulting.
Questions about Real Estate or Healthcare? Atleast three classmates whom I know well are pursuing a specialization in Real Estate. And one classmate is pursuing a specialization in Healthcare. So I can answer queries related to those with the help of those classmates.
Hi Jshah,
I too am planning to apply for NUS for the 09' batch.........
My profile
GMAT 650 (M44, V30) AWA 4.5
Work ex. 3yrs by Jun'09 in Public Relations
Worked with all international companies including Weber Shandwick & Maning Selvage & Lee
1 year as a supervisor handling a team of three ppl
10th - 74%
12th - 73%
Graduation in Chemistry (Hons) - 51 % :sad:
Extra Curricular- Lots of sports in school and college, debates, quizzes etc in coll
In that regard I had a few questions.........
1. How much importance does NUS give to diversity? Are all Indian students ususally from the IT background, and does it help if one is frm a non - IT background
2. I have a tentative confirmation for AIM , Manila programme in 2010, any clue as to which one is better
3. Are there any resons to think that a mid 600 scroe in GMAT is not enough?
Hi soumeet,
I am glad you did not ask about profile evaluation :)
1. i think i have covered diversity of indian candidates in earlier posts - good way would be to see all the posts in the thread from start
2. No one can compare b schools in terms of better - there are factors which are better... so i will be unable to to answer that unless you ask me what you need to know... as well as it would be controversial to start comparison debate on a public forum... every1 has his own views!
3. No reasons to think that unless you think that way.... but i did mention why Indians have a higher gmat in earlier posts...