NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT*(DELHI CHAPTER)*Address for Communication : Flat No. 712, Vikas Deep Building,Laxmi Nagar Disttrict Centre, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092Telephone : 011-64645417, E-mail : [email protected]…
Address for Communication : Flat No. 712, Vikas Deep Building,
Laxmi Nagar Disttrict Centre, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi – 110092
Telephone : 011-64645417, E-mail : [email protected], Website :
Dear Madam/Sir,
National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM) announces the 3rd NIPM Quiz Contest 2013. NIPM is an all-India body of professional managers engaged in Personnel Management, Industrial Relations, Labour Welfare and Human Resource Management in the country. With its National office at Kolkata, NIPM has a total membership of more than about 10000 spread over 52 Chapters all over the country. NIPM is a non-profit making body devoted to the development of skill and expertise of the persons engaged in the management of human resources through regular lecture, meetings, seminars, training courses, conferences and publications through its Chapters all over the country. It also aims to tap the hidden potentials of Gen Y and develop them to take higher responsibilities as future HR Leaders. The Third NIPM QUIZ COMPETITION the business quiz for B-Schools in Delhi NCR, is being organized this year on 23rd August, 2013 .This quiz is designed to enhance the budding professional's knowledge and awareness level on current issues and latest developments in corporate arena. It will also provide a platform for healthy competition that will stimulate their learning curves. We welcome you to participate in this unique initiative and benefit from it.
1. Interested Institutes may notify this event amongst their students and send details of students interested to participate.
2. Participation fee for each team of two students is Rs. 500/-. Entries may be sent in the prescribed format along with participation fee (cash / cheque favouring National Institute of Personnel Management, Delhi chapter)
3. There is no restriction on number of teams from an Institute.
4. Each Team to comprise of 2 Members.
5. Theme :" General Business Awareness with Focus on HR Issues"
6. Participants should be students from Management Institutes with Specialization in HR
7. For Registrations - Please Contact :
Ravi Prakash
Administrative Officer
Mobile : 9716384704
Phone Number : 011 - 64645417
E-Mail : [email protected]
What Can Your Team Win
Ø All participants shall receive a participation certificate from NIPM, Delhi Chapter.
Ø Top Three teams to get certificates and cash prize.
Ø Cash Prize at Chapter Level Rs.10,000/-, 7,500/-, 5,000/-
Ø Participating Teams who secure top Two positions will go to Regional Level Quiz.
Ø Top Two Teams at Regional Level will proceed to Compete at National Level.
Ø The prize money at the National Level would be Rs. 1.5 lacs / 1 lac / 0.5 lacs (1st / 2nd / 3rd Prize)
We welcome your participation and hope to see you soon at the event.
With warm regards.
(Rao Mohammad Naved)
Hon. Secretary - Delhi Chapter