New to MBA forum

Hi, am now to MBA forum. Can you guys suggest some best categories / channels that I should not miss out on.

Hi, am now to MBA forum. Can you guys suggest some best categories / channels that I should not miss out on.

To live this life, my friends, you have to have a genuine PASSION. Nothing artificial. To live this life, to love this life, you have to have a genuine passion. People think Kabir was so wonderful because he was uneducated and yet he said all these wonderful things. Do you think it would have been different had Kabir gone to Yale and Oxford? If so, you missed the point. The point isn't whether he was educated or not, because, in the truest sense, he was very educated. More educated than most people. The point is that passion. Maybe you won't be able to write like Kabir, but you can feel the same passion. Passion is the point. That love is the point. That feeling is the point. That is achievable by everyone sitting in your room,in front of your laptops, and in the city of yours, and on this planet Earth. That PASSION. That love. That awakening. That joy. —

hii i am anupama. i got 76.84 percentile in cat and now i want to apply for b-school.. so can u please suggest me for which b-school should i apply or which b-school can i get on the basis of cat score?? i am under the obc category.

hello , i would like to know , that only engineers and it background people can go for operations and it specializations? or people from commerce background can also go for operations and it/systems?

hii i am anupama n my cat percentils is 76.84. can anyone tell me their personal views about great lakes institute chennai?? should i try for this college??