Post Your score in this page and discuss only relevant topics.
Post Your score in this page and discuss only relevant topics.
What is your overall score ?
bhailog , scanned copy upload kardo , couldn't take this test 😐
can anyone upload mock test? thanks in advance.
Hey how to check the result?
Cl did not give any solutions
Plz reply..
How was the level of Mock IIFT guys ? what do u think ? Any guess on OA cut off ?
@rainbow54 @garry1337 @amitg.1990 @Abhi_2013 @roger.badsha @Chillmba @cool_toad
can anyone upload the mock test paper??????????
total 49.41...gk=1.5 😞
will the result be available on SIS??
What to expect at 52 ,Puys? Am I over the roof or buried under it? (cut offs cleared or not) 😐
Anyone one u tried Mock IIFT FLT-1 ? It is just amazing 😛 try scoring 50 in that :P 🍻🎂
Does anyone have the scanned paper , please upload or send us the link for same , those who attended the webinar yesterdAY would have got the online paper , thanks
iift mock ( held on 17th nov) result/analysis kb ayega ??? Just hope cl bhoola nahi ki paper 24 ko hai...
Mock IIFT Cut off are
Sec 2 -- 5
Sec 3 -- 7
Sec4 -- 1.6
Total -- 45
P.S.: Congrats to all those who made it 👼 🍻 (Including me

not able to take the mock IIFT now from the SIS ?? is it over ??