*Hi Every one,*This is the official gd/pi cum discussion thread for MHRM 2013-15 batch. Start discussing about every thing related to gd/pi here. We will also share our last year experiences with you, so that you would be benefited. gd/pi will…
This is the official gd/pi cum discussion thread for MHRM 2013-15 batch. Start discussing about every thing related to gd/pi here. We will also share our last year experiences with you, so that you would be benefited.
gd/pi will be conducted at 4 centers in same no. of cities . i.e
GD/PI Dates & Venues Kolkata: 9th & 10th March, 2013 Bangalore: 16th to 18th March, 2013 Delhi: 16th to 18th March, 2013 Mumbai: 22nd to 24th March, 2013.
Regarding change in interview center and slot no such requests would be entertained, until your case and problem seems genuine to the professors. For that you can mail your query to professor J. mahakud. whose email id is [email protected].
Further queries with gd/pi discussion is welcome here.
Thanks for the excellent initiative, regards for guiding us through the entire process. I have a few queries:
1) Since there is some weightage on extra-curricular activities and there was no provision to mention them in the application form at the time of applying, shall we have to fill some form to furnish the extra-curriculars and achievements at the gd-pi venue?
2) What had been the ultimate ratio of giving out gd-pi calls (or how many were called?)
3) Kindly provide some valuable tips in connection to IITKGP MHRM GD PI and what one must know in connection to HR before appearing in the interview as I want to fully avail this opportunity.
what are the documents we need to carry at the time of GD PI
->do final year students need to bring original certificates of X and XII ?as some colleges would not issue these certificates before final semester ? could attested copies serve the purpose? -> also in the application as we mentioned references do we need to bring any reference letters? thanks in advance........
1) I will not say some particular weightage is given to it or not, rather I would say if you have a good extra curricular record then it will benefit you. No such forms are needed for it. You just need to carry your original certificates with your marksheets and you can brag about them during your pi(depends on you).. Originals would be better to carry as the interview panel may ask you to show the proof.
2) The call conversion ratio for the final selection from shortlisted candidates would be in the ration of 1:10. Now you can guess how many people have been called for gd/pi.
3) There is no specific thing in connection with iit kgp hr. You should be good at what you are projecting and should be able to justify whatever you are saying to them . Atleast you should know an HR(requisites ). Moreover Interview will not revolve around hr only, You will get taste of each and every thing(you can expect this in an IIT's selection process).
@abhilash555 You have to carry all original docs which the mail has asked you to bring.
In a case you are unable to provide the original of anything get it attested. But you have to submit all original to IIT if you get selected for this course.
Reference would not be required to bring. But if you can provide it no issue. Why to take chance in a process of IIT, when you know the strictness and discipline of it.
abuddy123 ok i'm frm wbut..n i mentioned my cgpa/dgpa as mentioned in our provisional certificate... n we do hv a cnversn formula fr percntage calculatn...so do i nd 2 brng d cnversn formula certificate? n if yes, dere is a doc at d university site bt in dat doc...d name f d university is nt mentioned anywhr.... wat 2 do? pls hlp
@aninditaauddy Yes you have to provide the conversion certificate. Either ask your college to verify it or get it attested so that we would be able to consider it.
@dhruv180752@abuddy123 can we not keep our dgpa as dgpa... and not convert it into percentage??? i mean in the form i gave my dgpa only as it was a provision there to either enter dgpa or percentage...thanx in advance!
@ironfist The rule here in IIT says that you should have your graduation aggregate atleast 60 %. So we need your conversion formula to check if you are clearing that barrier or not.
@gupta1609 You need to get it or just get a scanned document from ur college which is saying that you are a first class student i.e 60 %.