MBA Placements for a Candidate with 5+ years of Work Experience

Hi, I am trying to understand the situation around the placements for people who have more than 5 years of experience, who look to do an MBA at this stage of their careers/lives. I am aware that ISB is more or less an institute that helps such can…

Hi, I am trying to understand the situation around the placements for people who have more than 5 years of experience, who look to do an MBA at this stage of their careers/lives. I am aware that ISB is more or less an institute that helps such candidates, but how about other institutes?

I am someone with 7+ years of experience, that includes international experience as well. I am trying to get myself into MICA, however going by a few things that I am hearing about placement issues, I am in dilemna if it is worth doing an MBA from an Indian institute. If the post MBA process negates work experience, rather makes it a hinderance than a potential, wouldn't it be better to aim for ISB only and keep one-self open to universities outside of India?