hello sir i am himanshu i would be highly obliged if u help me.. i would like to know what was the CAT and MAT cut off fir MBA-IT 2011..because i am planning for MBA-IT..and no information is given about the cut off on the website, it is only writ…
hello sir i am himanshu i would be highly obliged if u help me.. i would like to know what was the CAT and MAT cut off fir MBA-IT 2011..because i am planning for MBA-IT..and no information is given about the cut off on the website, it is only written a valid score is considered..can u please tell what are these valid scores thanking you
my cat %ile is 78.34
m i eligible for iiit or not?
what is the fee structure nd average placement?
pls seniors help me
u should posses a BE/BTech/BCA/MCA degree
is iiita conducting a written for admission besides cat prcentile?
shivangee Saysis iiita conducting a written for admission besides cat prcentile?
it is clearly written in the application form that there will be a test
for MBA IT on 7-8 April
it is clearly written in the application form that there will be a test
for MBA IT on 7-8 April
wen do u think dey will declare the short list......last date has gone by now......and 12th may is quite close
Prabal06 Sayswen do u think dey will declare the short list......last date has gone by now......and 12th may is quite close:
has anyone from this thread made to IIIT.....??? rpy guys...
rohguru Sayshas anyone from this thread made to IIIT.....??? rpy guys...
well yes i have.......got selected in d last 70
Prabal06 Sayswell yes i have.......got selected in d last 70
good hope to see you in IIIT-A.....prabal....u r frm where...???
rohguru Saysgood hope to see you in IIIT-A.....prabal....u r frm where...???
i got selected serial number 14 in merit list
guys has anyone seen the hostel dere? howz dat?
Good to hear that.......i m joining too...my name is Rohit Singh...from Meerut...
final year B.tech from MIET meerut.... 😃
shivangee Saysguys has anyone seen the hostel dere? howz dat?
hostels are good as per standards... 😛
else we will get to know on 29th... 😃
mine is number 15.....LOL
jst below urs...........:D
ok bt u took the adm na??
Yup yup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey how were the placements this time?
guys...pls enlighten me regarding placements...lik avg pay package n all...