Hi,I am having some big time trouble in deciding whether to go for CAT or GMAT. I will be really helpful if I can get a few suggestions to delve on so as to make the right decision.Please find below some of my details:1. 89% in 10th2. 82…
I am having some big time trouble in deciding whether to go for CAT or GMAT. I will be really helpful if I can get a few suggestions to delve on so as to make the right decision.
Please find below some of my details:
1. 89% in 10th
2. 82% in 12th
3. 8.2 GPA in BTECH (ECE)
4. As of Jan 2014, I am a 2 and half years exp as Java Developer in Software Company
5. I have given CAT 2 times in the last 2 years but haven't had any success because of lack of preparations and job demands.
6. I will be quite humble from the B-school fees perspective(now that they are more an investment and less a admission fees) and would mostly be dependent on loans and scholarship funds.
7. I do not have any lag in my career i.e. from school to grad school and from grad school to job.
8. I have no extracurricular activities proof(as in certificates) during my entire career though after joining the software company I have been a constant part of their fun and extra-curricular activities team.
9. I have very high set of goals in my mind and hence I am looking forward to join one of the best B-School only rather than just getting an MBA. (Most of which errupts from the perception in the head that all the important work and decision gets done behind the doors and I only get to slog long hours of my effort on those 'already' taken decisions. I feel I should be on that side of the door or no more in a closed compact cubicle. :()
I know the above info is quite long and would be a pain to go through, and so I want to thank you before hand to have given your valuable time for it.
I await some effective suggestions which will help me make the decision.