To communicate and share details to get admitted in IIMs and 2 colleges from Kerala SCMS and Rajagiri ( these two are best others are waste in Kerala)<smiley data-src="/emoji/thumbsup.png" alt="thumbsup" title="thumbsup" class="emoji" data-sigil="lazyload emoji" data-cdn="sm"></smiley><smiley data-src="/emoji/v.png" alt="v" title="v" class="emoji" data-sigil="lazyload emoji" data-cdn="sm"></smiley><smiley data-src="/emoji/ok_hand.png" alt="ok hand" title="ok hand" class="emoji" data-sigil="lazyload emoji" data-cdn="sm"></smiley><smiley data-src="/emoji/sunglasses.png" alt="sunglasses" title="sunglasses" class="emoji" data-sigil="lazyload emoji" data-cdn="sm"></smiley>
Hi guys .... I am Akhil Ajay, Just one advice from my side.... Do full research for the college u want to join... I mean if ure stuck between 2-3 choices do your research... . Get the pros and cons of each and every college.... And then make an informed decision... Bcus doing polls on pg would help only if u ur self are well informed too.... Bcus ppl tend to have personal choices and personal bias towards some particular college.... :) Ask any details u needed about IIMK,IIMA,SCMS