If u plant trees,then there will be no pollution and you get fruits. a) If there is no pollution and u didnt get fruits,then u plntd trees b) If there is pollution and u didnt get fruits,then u idnt plant trees c) If there is pollution or u …
If u plant trees,then there will be no pollution and you get fruits.
a) If there is no pollution and u didnt get fruits,then u plntd trees
b) If there is pollution and u didnt get fruits,then u idnt plant trees
c) If there is pollution or u didnt get get fruiits,then u didnt plant trees
d) If u plnt trees there is [pollution or not get fruits.
can please any one help me out with logical connectives...like---
1.unless you return from the plant,you will be affected by radiation and the mental health will deteriorate.
2.if the number of retail outlets is increased,then the price will decrease or the consumption will increase.
3.if it is a holiday,then i will draw the curtains and sleep all day.
what are the conclusions we can make assuming p,q,r?how?