*Life @ VBS , a bitter sweet symphony*Life seems to be a big word to describe the past few weeks in this new venture of my life at VBS yet so much to express. It was a sense of anxiety, fear and excitement amalgamated in one’s heart when w…
Life @ VBS , a bitter sweet symphony
Life seems to be a big word to describe the past few weeks in this new venture of my life
at VBS yet so much to express. It was a sense of anxiety, fear and excitement amalgamated in
one's heart when we listened to the words of Mr. Einstein at VBS, Arka Bhattacharya. Adding
to it were the words of the director Mr. ARKS Srinivas. It was the day of inception of the sense
of responsibility, positive attitude and pro activeness in each one of us. I, with no doubt could
assure myself of making a right decision of joining VBS in the very first lecture of Professor
Rishiraj Das Gupta. I had in me a clear vision of my destination, the motivation to make that
journey and I just need to figure it out the path to get there.
Days spent in here seem just to be numbers when not mentioned of the fellow batch
mates. In an honest way, I was scared, afraid of cultural differences, afraid of non acceptance.
The words of saints at kasi seemed true, "You don't belong to Kasi unless you take a dip on
the shores of the Ganges". All I had to do was give in myself, bring down the cliché's of being
alone, so I did and everything seemed fine, I realized it was the same boat everyone was sailing
in, with time the virtual cocoons broke down as we shared laughs over the jokes cracked, then
worries over the deadlines and the pains over sleeplessness. Adding to it were the moments, the
sleepy afternoons, the yawning evenings, fun filled group events and not to ignore the maggi's at
lunch. The gone yesterday's and the present day just bring in the glimpse of the journey of next
18 months in here, I just hope we all can make this journey an odyssey.
Let's walk,
Let's walk, in the paths of thorns,
to earn a life of crowns,
Let's walk, the broken boulevard, which it seems,
to build a lane of our dreams.
Let's walk, together.