
there are some amazing people who share their life-lessons they learnt the hard way. This is the place to collect all such lessons. this thread will be heavily moderated by me.

there are some amazing people who share their life-lessons they learnt the hard way. This is the place to collect all such lessons. this thread will be heavily moderated by me.

45 Life Lessons, written by a 90 year old

29 life lessons learned in travelling the world for 8 years straight

Definitely one of the best I have read in this regard!

The Pursuit of Happiness

Just Amazing...!

Life s Lessons


A lifelong experiences from Ryan Freitas the co-founder of

35 Lessons in 35 Years


[Old read] Hard-hitting and pretty much as honest as you can get, given the premise of the scene here.

Top five regrets of the dying

These are articles I keep going back to

Raw Nerve (Aaron Swartz s Raw Thought)

Raw Nerve

This is a series of pieces on getting better at life.

Take a step back (Aaron Swartz s Raw Thought)

Believe you can change (Aaron Swartz s Raw Thought)

Look at yourself objectively (Aaron Swartz s Raw Thought)

Lean into the pain (Aaron Swartz s Raw Thought)

Confront reality (Aaron Swartz s Raw Thought)

Cherish mistakes (Aaron Swartz s Raw Thought)

Fix the machine, not the person (Aaron Swartz s Raw Thought)

Bookmark this. If you have liked this at the first go, chances are you'll return to it a zillion more times.The kind of stuff that you'll just be plain thankful for. #Mindgasms.

David Foster Wallace - Commencement Speech at Kenyon University

Steve's Stanford speech. 3 simple points.

The ARR Foundation & KM Music Conservatory.

Dear life, when I stood up you pushed me down, when I smiled you made me cry, when I took one step ahead you pulled me two steps back, when I wanted to sleep you kept me awake. There came a time when I decided to kill you, but then you came back on track only to make me face the worse part. Then, I realized you aren't that bad. In fact, you have been training me to face the toughest situations with ease, you have made me strong like never before. Every day you taught me new lesson. Had you not trained me so much, I wouldn't have survived through the odds. Hence, I conclude, Life you are beautiful indeed!

(Life isn't that cruel folks, it gets cruel only when you fail to understand! Don't curse it, instead learn from it)

-Lessons of My Life. 👼

P.S. I wonder why this thread is dead 😐

Few life lessons i have learnt in my life-

1) Life is an outcome of choices we make everyday, just reflect back on what kind of decisions you made many years back and what has been the impact of such decisions in your life today. You can easily co-relate.
2)If you feel your dreams not achievable in life, please increase the effort rather than reducing the level of your dreams.
3) Don't live your life for others(Making an effort to prove yourself better than others, wanting things which make you look superior in life, accepting things because others say that is the way it is, sacrificing your dreams and happiness just to be appreciated by others). These things may work for a short while but in the long run you are left with a lot reflections in life.
4)Your ego is your biggest enemy in life, no matter what you have done or achieved in life always be ready to learn from anyone you can.
5)People are the best and fastest way to learn something new, so don't hesitate to communicate.
6)Ask questions if in doubt, never be afraid to ask the right questions, the best things in life are an outcome of the questions which wise men/women ask 😃