hi puys, please use this thread to share your LIBA GD-PI experiences. Please mention: call details your profile (acads & work-ex) XAT score GD topic PI (the more detailed, the better) any other info, u feel like sharing… …
hi puys,
please use this thread to share your LIBA GD-PI experiences.
Please mention:
call details
your profile (acads & work-ex)
XAT score
GD topic
PI (the more detailed, the better)
any other info, u feel like sharing....
All the best !!!
will do.. ;)
as soon as i have it (which is tomorrow)
no one gave any gdpi's yet
call details
your profile (acads & work-ex)
XAT score - GD topic
PI (the more detailed, the better)
any other info, u feel like sharing....
peeps please use this thread only for POSTING your GDPI experiences for the rest of the discussion there is this thread
Will be posting my GDPI Experience in the next post
so here we go I am the 1st person in
XAT Score - 97.6% ile ( QA - 81 , Verbal - 95 , LR - 97)
Profile - 10th - 80
12th - 80
Grad - BBA -73.2
13 months of Work Experience with Hewitt Associates , Currently Associated with an NGO
Any special thing - Fair Amount of Extra Curricular Activities
Venue - Indian Social Institute
Date and Time - 17th March , 11 AM
There were 16 - 17 of us divided into 2 batches for the GDPI , we were made to fill a form containing the details of the document copies we were to submit , attach them with the form and submit it to the PI Panel , were also made to sign an attendance sheet and wear a batch having our name
GD : The Topic Given to us was " Indian Education System does not encourage Creativity , I loved the topic because it was almost Deja Vu of the Fore Topic which was " Should the Three Idiots over hauling of the Education System Occur in Real Life Too"
I Chipped in with pretty Good Points which Included
The Lack of Vocational Education to Create Jobs
Stress on Marks Not Knowledge
How Parents Mentality needs to change
Gave the example of TZP and 3 Idiots to show how a person not strong in academics might excel in some other field
How in European Football Clubs the Club is responsible of the education of the child too to ensure that the child does not get muddled up
How The Govt is slowly changing by making the 10th Boards not Compulsory and releasing circulars to assist underdeveloped and unrecognized schools
How the Policies just need not remain on paper but be implemented.
Everyone else made good points as well , and a couple of people even chipped in with a couple of minutes remaining to conclude the GD
AFTER the GD we were asked to write the summary of the GD on a paper for which we were given 4 minutes.
PI : I was the 1st person in , I was asked the following questions.
1) Introduce Yourself , Your Goals , Hobbies etc . ( Finally i was asked this question in my 5th PI !!!)
2) Something about my favorite topic in Graduation
3) What was my Job Profile at Hewitt?
4) Difference between Cash Book and Cash Flow ( Didnt remember this one 😞 😞 :()
5) What did i learn in BBA which i implemented at Hewitt
6) What more is lacking in me which propels me for further education in Management despite having MBA
7) What is Portfolio Management Why LIBA?
9) Anything I would like to Ask them?
And Presto that was that , the panel was absolutely chilled out , wanted to know you better and offered you plenty of scope to take the PI in the direction you were comfortable in. Great Experience and Great Faculty
Something Else i Want To Share : A Small Tip for anyone going to the institute via their own vehicle , especially car , DO NOT Get in the tiny lane in which the college exists especially in the traffic hours in the morning , park next to the Mandir ! I made the mistake of entering the lane with the prospect of finding parking next to the college , I Didnt find any and the lane was jammed with people and vehicles going to the Thursday Mandir and the Institute of CS or whatever , entered the lane at 10.12 AM and did not get any parking and it took me 30 mins to finally get out of the lane and park next to the mandir !
Thanks Peeps , Thats it for any other queries PM Me 😃
so here we go I am the 1st person in
XAT Score - 97.6% ile ( QA - 81 , Verbal - 95 , LR - 97)
Profile - 10th - 80
12th - 80
Grad - BBA -73.2
13 months of Work Experience with Hewitt Associates , Currently Associated with an NGO
Any special thing - Fair Amount of Extra Curricular Activities
Venue - Indian Social Institute
Date and Time - 17th March , 11 AM
There were 16 - 17 of us divided into 2 batches for the GDPI , we were made to fill a form containing the details of the document copies we were to submit , attach them with the form and submit it to the PI Panel , were also made to sign an attendance sheet and wear a batch having our name
GD : The Topic Given to us was " Indian Education System does not encourage Creativity , I loved the topic because it was almost Deja Vu of the Fore Topic which was " Should the Three Idiots over hauling of the Education System Occur in Real Life Too"
I Chipped in with pretty Good Points which Included
The Lack of Vocational Education to Create Jobs
Stress on Marks Not Knowledge
How Parents Mentality needs to change
Gave the example of TZP and 3 Idiots to show how a person not strong in academics might excel in some other field
How in European Football Clubs the Club is responsible of the education of the child too to ensure that the child does not get muddled up
How The Govt is slowly changing by making the 10th Boards not Compulsory and releasing circulars to assist underdeveloped and unrecognized schools
How the Policies just need not remain on paper but be implemented.
Everyone else made good points as well , and a couple of people even chipped in with a couple of minutes remaining to conclude the GD
AFTER the GD we were asked to write the summary of the GD on a paper for which we were given 4 minutes.
PI : I was the 1st person in , I was asked the following questions.
1) Introduce Yourself , Your Goals , Hobbies etc . ( Finally i was asked this question in my 5th PI !!!)
2) Something about my favorite topic in Graduation
3) What was my Job Profile at Hewitt?
4) Difference between Cash Book and Cash Flow ( Didnt remember this one 😞 😞 :()
5) What did i learn in BBA which i implemented at Hewitt
6) What more is lacking in me which propels me for further education in Management despite having MBA
7) What is Portfolio ManagementWhy LIBA?
9) Anything I would like to Ask them?
And Presto that was that , the panel was absolutely chilled out , wanted to know you better and offered you plenty of scope to take the PI in the direction you were comfortable in. Great Experience and Great Faculty
Something Else i Want To Share : A Small Tip for anyone going to the institute via their own vehicle , especially car , DO NOT Get in the tiny lane in which the college exists especially in the traffic hours in the morning , park next to the Mandir ! I made the mistake of entering the lane with the prospect of finding parking next to the college , I Didnt find any and the lane was jammed with people and vehicles going to the Thursday Mandir and the Institute of CS or whatever , entered the lane at 10.12 AM and did not get any parking and it took me 30 mins to finally get out of the lane and park next to the mandir !
Thanks Peeps , Thats it for any other queries PM Me :)
Looks like this topic is repeated again !!! I saw the same topic discussed in 2009-2011 thread !

Looks like this topic is repeated again !!! I saw the same topic discussed in 2009-2011 thread !
And for that you will quote the whole message again ... strange !!!!
PS: I meant save the space brother...... !!!
here is my GD/PI experience
XAT Score - 82.9% ile
Profile - 10th - 66.6
12th - 61
Grad - Engg -60.7
Venue - Indian Social Institute
17th March , 9 AM
ok so there were about 20 students already waiting when i reached the third floor (u have to go to the third floor , room no 304-5 .. these are the waiting rooms) as all of us settled down we were givevn a form to fill where we had to enter our scored (semester wise) and all.. there was a column where u had to enter backlogs and arears (engineering students... like me.. :headbang: )
and also if u gave any improvement papers..
(it goes without saying that u had to attach all attested document photocopies )
we were given batch numbers (were arranged already.. they read out names from a list and handed us the batches... )
(make sure u sign here at a sheet)
first the prof. gave us a small speech about the procedure and the room was open for questions about the college..
then we were taken downstairs for the GD...
GD Topic : Corporate Social Responsibility seems hypocritical
I was like "wtf :oops:"... coz honestly .. i had no points at this point of time...
the gd all in all was bad..
it was turning into a fish market at time.. not that all people were speaking at once.. but the thing that people were not letting eachother speak..
these 2 girsl and one guy perticularly wee not letting others speak.. ofcourse.. they were talking at the same time so no one could hear what they were speaking and i am sure neither of them were able to hear eachother..
i came in twice (after like 10 attempts to cut in) .. used japan as an example (dont ask me hoe i related these two 😛 )
we were given about 2 minutes to summarize the gd (on a piece of paper) .. i cant type that fast when i dont have a table.. so couldnt write that much in the summary.. atleast as much as i had in mind
we were asked to go back up (the waiting room) and 2 people were to wait outside the room .. for the PI..
i was the third person in the list so i came back down after like 5 minutes.. one girl had already come out and another guy was just about to get in..
PI : i went in and the same 3 people were sitting ofcourse (the ones in the gd)
i was asked (approximation)
no specific order
(only one professor spoke at this time.. the other was looking at me.. but the father was looking at my profile and looked up at me occasionally)
1 so how are u ?
2 what inspires you to do an mba
3 tell me about your college..
4 give me a SWAT analysis of your college (apparently it is SWOT... just to be clear.. i had no idea what he meant by it.. for me.. the word meant special weapons and tactics... i ahd to ask the interviewer what he was asking.. which is when he told me that he wanted me to analyse the strength and weakness)
5 what are you doing right now.. what have u been doing since your college
ended (i had said that my college just ended )
6(at this time the second persn started asking questions as well)
what will be the global impact .. because of japans condition (i was actually expecting something like this because i had mentioned japan in the gd)
7 did u study economics in college?
8 (i had one subject from economics) what do you remember from that subject
9 do you know what the BRICK countries are...
10. what specialization..
11. can u tell me a little bit about marketing
(questions they were asking others.. why liba? .. will south india be a problem.. language be a problem? )
after a few more questions they handed over to father "now father will ask you questions" (the other two started discussing at this time)
1 so u have cleared these papers? (because i mentioned that i cleared my pepers right away... )
2 y did u not do so well in school and the initial years of your college (very usual question i know)
(seemed impressed by my answer)
3... cant remember right now but he asked me a few more things... nothing major..
then they said thankyou and said i could leave (i had a question or two about the documents submitted so i asked those)
the form that was filled in the beginning of the process was submitted here and the batch was to be returned..
the process overall was very chilled out..
for people who do not live in south delhi..
DO NOT TRY TO PARK THERE... DO NOT PARK ANYWHERE CLOST TO THE SAI MANDIR (specially if its a thursday... this is a very famour mandir and you would be surprised by the number or people who visit each day)
so park away from the institute...
for people who dont know where it is...
it is right next to the AIMA building.. or
if u are facing the mandir .. start walking to the right and take the first left... its the second gate to your left (the first one is AIMA)
(if u are in a car.. .. instead of going right.. if u walk towards the left (after facing tha mandir) there is a wide lane going in and u can park there.. there is a small lane going towards ISI from here as well )
best of luck every1 and contact me for any more details.. 😃
will e hapy to help..
one more thing.. make sure u enter the LIBA interview hall.. there were about 4 interviews going on there (LIBA, IDBI Bank, Nirma, XIMB ... and i thinkg ITM is also conducting there itself.. not sure)
a lot of people were coming in rooms they wernt supposed to.. so please.. read / ask before u enter...
here is my GD/PI experience
XAT Score - 82.9% ile
Profile - 10th - 66.6
12th - 61
Grad - Engg -60.7
Venue - Indian Social Institute
17th March , 9 AM
ok so there were about 20 students already waiting when i reached the third floor (u have to go to the third floor , room no 304-5 .. these are the waiting rooms) as all of us settled down we were givevn a form to fill where we had to enter our scored (semester wise) and all.. there was a column where u had to enter backlogs and arears (engineering students... like me.. :headbang: )
and also if u gave any improvement papers..
(it goes without saying that u had to attach all attested document photocopies )
we were given batch numbers (were arranged already.. they read out names from a list and handed us the batches... )
(make sure u sign here at a sheet)
first the prof. gave us a small speech about the procedure and the room was open for questions about the college..
then we were taken downstairs for the GD...
GD Topic : Corporate Social Responsibility seems hypocritical
I was like "wtf :oops:"... coz honestly .. i had no points at this point of time...
the gd all in all was bad..
it was turning into a fish market at time.. not that all people were speaking at once.. but the thing that people were not letting eachother speak..
these 2 girsl and one guy perticularly wee not letting others speak.. ofcourse.. they were talking at the same time so no one could hear what they were speaking and i am sure neither of them were able to hear eachother..
i came in twice (after like 10 attempts to cut in) .. used japan as an example (dont ask me hoe i related these two 😛 )
we were given about 2 minutes to summarize the gd (on a piece of paper) .. i cant type that fast when i dont have a table.. so couldnt write that much in the summary.. atleast as much as i had in mind
we were asked to go back up (the waiting room) and 2 people were to wait outside the room .. for the PI..
i was the third person in the list so i came back down after like 5 minutes.. one girl had already come out and another guy was just about to get in..
PI : i went in and the same 3 people were sitting ofcourse (the ones in the gd)
i was asked (approximation)
no specific order
(only one professor spoke at this time.. the other was looking at me.. but the father was looking at my profile and looked up at me occasionally)
1 so how are u ?
2 what inspires you to do an mba
3 tell me about your college..
4 give me a SWAT analysis of your college
5 what are you doing right now.. what have u been doing since your college
ended (i had said that my college just ended )
6(at this time the second persn started asking questions as well)
what will be the global impact .. because of japans condition (i was actually expecting something like this because i had mentioned japan in the gd)
7 did u study economics in college?
8 (i had one subject from economics) what do you remember from that subject
9 do you know what the BRICK countries are...
10. what specialization..
11. can u tell me a little bit about marketing
(questions they were asking others.. why liba? .. will south india be a problem.. language be a problem? )
after a few more questions they handed over to father "now father will ask you questions" (the other two started discussing at this time)
1 so u have cleared these papers? (because i mentioned that i cleared my pepers right away... )
2 y did u not do so well in school and the initial years of your college (very usual question i know)
(seemed impressed by my answer)
3... cant remember right now but he asked me a few more things... nothing major..
then they said thankyou and said i could leave (i had a question or two about the documents submitted so i asked those)
the form that was filled in the beginning of the process was submitted here and the batch was to be returned..
the process overall was very chilled out..
for people who do not live in south delhi..
DO NOT TRY TO PARK THERE... DO NOT PARK ANYWHERE CLOST TO THE SAI MANDIR (specially if its a thursday... this is a very famour mandir and you would be surprised by the number or people who visit each day)
so park away from the institute...
for people who dont know where it is...
it is right next to the AIMA building.. or
if u are facing the mandir .. start walking to the right and take the first left... its the second gate to your left (the first one is AIMA)
(if u are in a car.. .. instead of going right.. if u walk towards the left (after facing tha mandir) there is a wide lane going in and u can park there.. there is a small lane going towards ISI from here as well )
best of luck every1 and contact me for any more details.. 😃
will e hapy to help..
one more thing.. make sure u enter the LIBA interview hall.. there were about 4 interviews going on there (LIBA, IDBI Bank, Nirma, XIMB ... and i thinkg ITM is also conducting there itself.. not sure)
a lot of people were coming in rooms they wernt supposed to.. so please.. read / ask before u enter...
I really doubt if u were able to answer the questions like: SWOT analysis and BRIC countries. U don't even know their spellings.
Sorry if I offended u. I never meant doing that
I really doubt if u were able to answer the questions like: SWOT analysis and BRIC countries. U don't even know their spellings.
Sorry if I offended u. I never meant doing that
read the post again my friend.. when did i say i answered them???
i had to ask him what he meant by "SWOT" ,,, he told me that he wanted me to tell him the strengths and weakness ... and i answered..
and i didnt know what those countries mean or meant.. and i have no doubts or problems with it.. i didnt know and i told them very clearly that i had no idea...
i just quoted the questions and my experience... at the GD/PI...
I told you buddy I never meant offending you. Chill.
what were the gd topics discussed today ......it seems not many want to really share their experience
Sorry for being a little late Puys but here I go with my GDPI experience...
P.S.- Most of the stuff has already been mentioned by some fellow puys, so I won't reiterate..And I may miss out on some questions asked during PI cz of my sad memory...
XAT-97.48(VA 90.96 LRDI 88.41 QA 94.81)
X- 82.8
XII- 89.2
Grad- B.Sc.(H) Computer Science- 66.35
Topic: Is Nuclear Energy the best option for India ?
We were in a group of 11..GD started and BANG !, became a fish market on the onset..2-3 guys were seriously dominating and not letting others to speak..and the sad part was they were reiterating their own points again and again without adding any value to the GD..Then some guys including me asked them to give a chance to others and hence everyone was now given a chance in the serial order of their sitting..The best part of the entire GD was that everyone got a fair chance to speak and shared their views and we had a consensus that Nuke energy is certainly a good option but not the best one.
Panel members included Father(Professor of Psychology) and 2 other professors who teach Finance and Law respectively.Here it goes-
P1: Tell me something about yourself.
I: -Gyan-
P1: You left your job with an year of Work Ex..y ?
I: exec level job...needed to upgrade my skillset..began my venture..blah blah
P1: Okay, what venture ?
I: Side project on Multitouch technology..
P1: Then why MBA ?
I: Gyan again..
P1: Wat is your take on GD ?
I: Sir I felt some guys were dominating and because some ppl have an "inherent(hereditary) setback", their pitch is low(pun intended)..So I along with some guys asked everyone to speak in sequential order so that everyone cud get a chance to speak.
Now P2 enters the scene
P2: Okay, you have worked in IT..Tell me about the role of IT sector in India.
I: -Gyan-
P2: Tell me the repercussions of what has happened in Japan lately.
P2: Okay now tell me something about Nanotechnology.
I: I was a little clueless about nanotech somehow but I took a big risk there. Bearing in mind that the professors were of different streams, I told them something about its use in medical field.
P2: So what are the shortcomings of it ?
I: I had absolutely no clue of it. But still told that the scope of research is very little in India and coupled with the fact that no major project has come up working on nanotech, we are not ready for it yet..
Now P3 follows,
P3: Which stream would you choose ?
I: Marketing
P3: Okay now market yourself to us so that we take you..
I: Reiterated my short term and long term goals.
P3: Why you want to join a college in Chennai, when you could have found a good one in Delhi ?
I: -gyan-
P3:Alright you may leave.
That ended my PI and I cudn't really infer whether it went good or bad.I jittered a little on some questions and spoke well on some.
Advise to all the Puys:
Please don't panic before the PI. Its pretty chilled out. Our entire batch had smooth PIs and the panelists are seeking info from you..Be prepared with the best answers(though they may fire any ques at you) and be positive.
ATB to all. Hope you find my experience helpful.
@ wild hawk,@abhishek utd:hw long did d whole process of GD PI take????
varoond Says@ wild hawk,@abhishek utd:hw long did d whole process of GD PI take????
Bro It started at 9 AM and I got free by 11 AM considering the fact I was 5th to go for the interview in a batch of 11..So, minimum 1.5 and maximum 3 hours..ATB:cheerio:
Hello LIBAfans & rest
Here goes my profile
B.Tech Chem Engg- 75.3%
Work Exp- 18 months in MFG Industry
XAT - 92%le
My slot was the first one, at Indian Social Institute,Delhi on 19th March,2011.
The GD topic was,'Today's youth is prey to society's ever rising expectations.Give us a break'
It wasn't a battlefield, but at times 2-3 individuals were more dominating, but alryt. Overall an average GD for me, came in 2wice n d 12 min duration. The GD wasn't concluded, we had been given a sheet to summarize wat happened n d GD.
The interview panel consisted of 3 individuals. 1 lady, and 2 male professors.
I had a 7-8 minute interview. The Qs were,
1. Tell me something about yourself.
2. How do u rate ur performace n the GD?
3. What preference do u give to LIBA for ur admissions?
Thats it !!! itna chottu interview,i dn't understand wat to make out of it !! Guess its a straight reject, or a straight in
Happy Holi Puys, Hope u r colored
P.S- My first interboo n 3 years of MBA Preps !! Feels awesome to b part of d process !!!
Puys keep posting your experiences...its really helpful
And im guessing that most of the topics are repeated frm last year