Share your experiences fellas… may b can arrive at an approximate percentile before we actually get the score card. Mine are as follows: GK: 4 correct 2 wrong …so score = 0 :: Logic: Should be 100% Numeracy: 1 left … 1 near fl…
Share your experiences fellas..... may b can arrive at an approximate percentile before we actually get the score card.
Mine are as follows:
GK: 4 correct 2 wrong score = 0
Logic: Should be 100%
Numeracy: 1 left ... 1 near should be fine except for the odd careless mistake.
Diagramatic: Again should be fine except couple of mistakes where I was not 100% sure
IQ: Attempeted just 3. Those should be fine. Rest din't feel 100% to write the answer down. Was feelin sleepy by the time I was into this section. :nono:
Your experiences puys n pals??
How much did you score totally. You might get a good score looks like. My approx score comes upto 52. I might get anywhere between 50 to 60 marks out of 100. A worst nightmare coulnot attend all the questions.
Gk - Attempted 3. 1 wrong = 0
Logic: Attempted 5. Should be correct = 5
Numeracy : Attempted only 6. 1 wrong already
IQ : only 2. Both should be ok
RC : Attempted 3 only. Should be ok
Diagrammatic : Attempted 5. should be ok
How much are you expecting totalmarks?
Well... I think I will get around 75 (somewhere between 70 and 80 I think)....GK was really horrible .
RC was quite easy too. Forgot to mention. Those 5 qs should be k.
Attempting all qs was tough but you could have had a look at all to get to the easy ones.:cheers:
Keep me posted on your score and admission.
You getting 70 - 80 makes my life miserable. I dont have a chance i think
Hi puys!!!!can anybody plz highlight wat kind of problems u get in numaracy and IQ??Do Numeracy has mostly quants or DI kind of questions???kindly help
soumyakant SaysHi puys!!!!can anybody plz highlight wat kind of problems u get in numaracy and IQ??Do Numeracy has mostly quants or DI kind of questions???kindly help
Test would be very easy. Way below cat level. You can answer the whole paper if you have had 30 mins extra. I think its always the case. Dont worry about the difficulty. Just the worry is time.
I ended up with 58.5 marks and a percentile of 97.9.
I screwed up in numeracy. I think there were close options expecting carelessness n I fell right into it. :banghead:
I got a call from GMBA though for the 7 th of Aug. A better score would have sealed it I I have to be very careful in the interview.
Hi, Can any one tell me about the GMBA (Singapore + dubai) program of SPJAIN. How much is the SPJAT score required for the same.
The total cost i heard comes around 21 Lakhs. Is it good from ROI point ?
@UjwalTamminedi : You have an excellent score 😃 ...whats the worry ? how much experience do you hold ?
congrats and good luck to those who have got a call for the interview. can any one help me? i wanna give the sp jain test. this month but there is no info on the website. i called the spjain mumbai office as well. they said the dates r not decided. isnt it a bit strange?
my gmat date is in sept and cat in nov. so i can only apply for gmba nov batch if i can give n clear this spjat. i really need this.
Hi Shweta: Give your GMAT as planned in Sep, n if you get anything above 650 you can be selected for evaluation. also atleast fill the application form for Nov 2011 batch.
Yes the dates for july also came almost a week before. So you need to wait till august. Most prob it will be in 3rd week of aug.
I plan to take the SPJAT in August, but I have no clue of the exam.
Can anyone please enlist the no. of sections, -ve marking, no. of questions/section, et al.
Appreciate your help! Thanks!
I plan to take the SPJAT in August, but I have no clue of the exam.
Can anyone please enlist the no. of sections, -ve marking, no. of questions/section, et al.
Appreciate your help! Thanks!
next spjat is on the 4th sept. registrations are now open.
the exact format of the test is difficult to tell as it keeps changing. but its an hrs test. will have ques on quant, verbal, gk and logic.
one hr is a too short time to solve the complete test. so choosing the right ques becomes necessary.
there is -ve marking, different for different ques thru out the test.
its a paper based test.
the ques are said to be a bit easier as compared to cat.
gk section can be a bit difficult.
i dont know much about logic.
hope this helps.
Please clarify a few things..
I am SP Jain GMBA aspirant. And I plan to take GMAT in sep (1st or 2nd) so that i can apply before the deadline of 15th sept (and website says "the sooner the better", which is another prob)
I am taking GMAT so early just coz of SP Jain.. other colleges, that I aim for, still have time.
So can i take SPJAT instead?
Is it easier than GMAT?
Is there any round 2 also for SP jain?
Do chances get less in round 2 than in round 1?
thanks in advance
Mann Chawla
I plan to take the SPJAT in August, but I have no clue of the exam.
Can anyone please enlist the no. of sections, -ve marking, no. of questions/section, et al.
Appreciate your help! Thanks!
next spjat is on the 4th sept. registrations are now open.
the exact format of the test is difficult to tell as it keeps changing. but its an hrs test. will have ques on quant, verbal, gk and logic.
one hr is a too short time to solve the complete test. so choosing the right ques becomes necessary.
there is -ve marking, different for different ques thru out the test.
its a paper based test.
the ques are said to be a bit easier as compared to cat.
gk section can be a bit difficult.
i dont know much about logic.
hope this helps.
Please clarify a few things..
I am SP Jain GMBA aspirant. And I plan to take GMAT in sep (1st or 2nd) so that i can apply before the deadline of 15th sept (and website says "the sooner the better", which is another prob)
I am taking GMAT so early just coz of SP Jain.. other colleges, that I aim for, still have time.
So can i take SPJAT instead?
Is it easier than GMAT?
Is there any round 2 also for SP jain?
Do chances get less in round 2 than in round 1?
thanks in advance
Mann Chawla
I have taken SP JAT on 17th, let me brief a bit to you.
Sections are same as said above : quant, IQ, verbal, gk and logic.
Lets start on Quant : Fair enough on this just a bit bit above the levels.
IQ: Stupid questions. ( May be easy for some if spent time on it )
Verbal : Fine enough for some , others did not even touch the RC.
Reason : 2 pages of RC and 5 questions, we never had enough time to read the RC once.
GK : Totally stupid one, i had 16 questions out of which merely knew 1 or 2 , remotely connected or heard of.
Had + 1 , -3 in this, i did few, i had a word with 15 students, they did the same or some even did not touch it.
Logic : Idiotic, had 1 question involving 12 family members had to map all of them and answer, was simple but messy due to less time.
In total, if you got to answer 46 questions in 60 minutes that too including some stupid, ridiculous , irritating questions , its quite an impossible task, although i know some genius guys n gals did it fine, but for a normal guy like me, it was above par.
Do not ask scores lol.

And, i had a word with SPJAT guys, they said AVERAGE GMAT expected is 680, again above par for guys like me.
So, in total chances are bleak for me and on top of this, this is not final we have more then 3 rounds ahead if i am not wrong on this.
I am now finally trying for MDIS Singapore Bradford MBA, heard some good words for that one and it involves those with work ex.
Let me know if anyone plans for MDIS.
Is SPJAT registration still open? I couldn't find it anywhere on website.
Mannchawla SaysIs SPJAT registration still open? I couldn't find it anywhere on website.
yup it is still open.
Aptitude Test for S P Jain's Global MBA Program
I will be taking SPJAT on 4th of Sep. Can anybody please tell me when would the result be out of the same? Coz i have to schedule GMAT accordingly
Also can anybody please tell me what all GK may include? Would it be Indian or global? More of business or politics?