Institute for Financial Management & Research(IFMR)

Hi Guys, It seems like no thread exists for IFMR ;hence decided to open up one.Their emails have started to pour out.Me got shortlisted (3rd after IMI and Tapmi)… well if there is anyone who can share information please help.Seems lik…

Hi Guys,

It seems like no thread exists for IFMR ;hence decided to open up one.Their emails have started to pour out.Me got shortlisted (3rd after IMI and Tapmi)....

well if there is anyone who can share information please help.Seems like ICICI started this college and finance is really hot out here...if any seniors do join the thread...

The Great Emperor:grab:

Hi!!! :smile: I got my IFMR call letter today.... yes I've heard it's doing pretty well, and improving every year. Their advanced programme in finance is supposed to be really good... would be nice to hear from current students or alumni about IFMR. Interview's on the 28th. Cheers!


where from u got the results??. The site have no details of the results!!!

hey guys how did i miss that

Anyways was looking at finance as my specialisation.........

Is there any way that i can still apply(i assume that i am very very late)...

And after seeing the profile of the students some time back i thought that it was too high fi college and looks like they have only abt 20 seats ( not sure though)........


Hi dudes,

Well it seems like they are sending out individual mails for those shortlisted and hence Y u dont see it on the website...

In fact IFMR has a total capacity of around 60 seats but they seemed to be happy only with the best 20 whom they selected from the lot last year(Wat I feel is they look for genuine aspirants)......moreover the lesser the no. the greater are the chances of getting more attention and getting placed in a reputed firm....

The Great Emperor:grab:

me 2 received the call letter 2day.i had applied for the 2 year general management prog.does anybody who knows the number of seats,average pay packet for freshers and ppl with work ex. etc.

well it seems no one really has any idea about ifmr....

i spoke to somebody from chennai...they say the perception is its coming up well and they are rating it on par with LIBA...........which i believe is best in shennai

anyway i secured a call for 3rd if any body is before me than please leave the tips and process

thanks wayne
it was goo to meet u

hi droplets,

my interview is on 1st march so dont worry will leave a word on 2nd by evening at the most. all the best mate. the 2 yr PGDM course seems to be a new one and only 4 batches have passed out. but the feedback from friends in chennai says that it is ok but the guest lecturers are good seems to be coming up gradually.

even I have also got a call letter frm IFMR. my gd/pi is on 1st mar. i would be leaving to Chennai on 28th. im not sure what mode of transportation i will take. Anyone having the idea of max,min n avg pay for the previous batch???

Hi talkloud

This is karthik from Chennai. As you still have time, book a train ticket. IFMR is abouit 5-6 KMs from Central. As you would have known by this time IFMR is backed by ICICI and they are major recruiters, especially those with 1 year PGPF program. Most of Chennai based companies and few from other parts visit the campus. The compensation ranges from about Rs 2.5 LPA to Rs 5 LPA. Avg could ba around Rs 3-3.25 lpa.

I got a call for both the courses, but I am not sure whether I will attend. My CAT score is 95.48 and XAT 90.43. Already selected in LBSIM but did not join. Attended GD/PI in UBS, Fore and IMI and hopeful of converting in at least 2 of them. Have calls from TAPMI, NMIMS, Nirma, MICA and GIM too.

Wishing you the best talkloud. Have a nice journey to Channai and back.


hi Karthik,

first of all congrats on ur good showing in CAT and XAT, can you give some more info on the 2 yr PGDM course, how is the placement and what percentage of people get placed. all the best mate.

Hi Utpalbera

This is Karthik from Chennai. PGDM program was started in IFMR in 2000 and hence only 2 batches have passed out so far. Placement scene is quite good and last year all the grads got placed, but the majority of the recruiters are from around Chennai. The compensation package too is just above average. As the intake is not much, I don't foresee any problems in placement. Overall a decent institute with a solid backing from ICICI. Again your choice depends on what your other options are. All the best.


Hi Mates

Attended the GD / PI for the 2 programs PGPF and PGDM in IFMR on 28th. Gave a writtne test on quantitative ability. Could not do well as I did not have any time to fershen up. GD was cool. PI was quite exhaustive. The panel grilled me with plenty of questions on basic maths. Felt I have done well. I hope to convert for PGDM but not sure about PGPF.

Mates, I was quite impressed by the institute. Good, clean and well furnsihed and cooled class rooms. Verdant trees. Looks to be a neat little campus. But I am not very sure about the quality and ranking of PG programs. I know that this is an institute sponsored by ICICI and placemetns were decent but not great.

WOuld love to hear from Seniors, if any of you are PGites or from anybody else who can throw more light on the institute and the program. I was quite impressed by the interview panel as I found them quite learned and serious about their business.


hi droplets,
attended the interview in IFMR yesterday, around 15 students appeared in my batch which was further divided into two groups, we had an essay in the begining time alloted was 15 mins, then our batch went for GD and the other batch went for interview, the GD topic for us was "The business of business is the only business", after the GD we had interview, there were around 6 people in the panel, dont worry the panel was jovial and quite knowledgeable so please dont boast be ur natural self and just go through the budget proposals. all the best mate, let me know how it went.

well i had my GD/PI on 1 MAR 2005 @ 9AM. same as Utpal Bera's batch. there were 15 students. we were divided into a group of 7 n a group of 8. but before that we was asked to fill in a questionaire, which wasnt so well created. after that we were given an a4 sheet of paper n asked to write an essay on "India SuperPower 2020: A Dream?". we were given 15 mins for this.

Then Mr Chandrashekar, Prof i guess gave some introduction on the institute. There was no PPT presentation. more an informal one.

we were then introduced to two students of the First yr PGDM. who had very good things to be said on the institute. seems that there is a hike in the fees by 50% when compared to the last year.the avg pay is around 3.8 - 4 Lac /yr. n most cos prefer engineers with finance 😃 (i liked this part).

The infra is nice. its like having an institute in very posh area of ur town. the hostel is in the same compound. there r 3 buildings. One is the hostel. The other is where the interview n the GD is held. I didnt visit the 3rd building which is supposed to house the class rooms n the computer centre for both PGDM n PGPF.

back to our GD. we were shown into a nice conference room with an elliptical table n 8 chairs which resembled more like a personal conference room of some CEO of a very big company. first we were asked to introduce ourselves. after that we were given the topic "The business of business is business". we were also given a time of 2 mins to think. The GD was for a duration of 20 mins. Then GD went on smoothly no fish markets. everyone got a chance to speak.

Meanwhile the other group of 8 were called for their interviews. There were two panels interviewing, with the no of interviewers varying with time.

when we finished our GD n came back, the other groups interview wasnt finished. so we were asked to wait in the lakshmi hall(this is a common waiting / interacting room).

the students r called in random for their interviews. n i was the last person of my group. The interview was very informal. no acad quesitons. questions were more on a personal level. my interview finished around 1 PM.

Hi all,

Had my Gd/Pi at IFMR @ 2 PM,

The Essay topic was trees or Dams The Gd topic for group 1 was "THE CREAM OF THE INTELLIGENSIA DONT GOTO MANAGEMENT" and the other topic was "Valentines'Day,Mothers' day,Parents Day r they for real or a marketing gimmick.....(something like that)

There were 2 interview panels 1 had 3 memebers and the other 4...grilled on acads,budjet but went quite well.....

Loved the campus and surroundings......

The Great Emperor:grab:

The final results will be out in a week or so.anyone who had there gd pi on 28th afternoon here?


I had my Written Test, GD and PI for both PGPF and PGDM on 28th. I spent the whole day there. I am confident of clearing the PGDM but not sure about PGPF. I am however unlikely to join as I have been waitlisted in IMI and Tapmi. My first choice will be NMIMS if I can manage. Lemme wait and see. All the best to you pal.


nivedita Says
The final results will be out in a week or so.anyone who had there gd pi on 28th afternoon here?

HI Nivedita,
whats ur take on the college, is it good?, considering there are not many good management inst. in this part of the country barring IIMB or may be LIBA, opportunity should be more in future in comparison to k j somaiya where they have to compete with other institutes of mumbai. anyone having a view on the same please post.