INSEAD Sept. 13 MBA applicants

Hi All, There is no thread for INSEAD applicants for Sept. 2013 session. So, I thought I’d get a new thread started for those who want to discuss the application process and hope to apply for the Seot. 13 intake. I have recently decided …

Hi All,

There is no thread for INSEAD applicants for Sept. 2013 session. So, I thought I'd get a new thread started for those who want to discuss the application process and hope to apply for the Seot. 13 intake.

I have recently decided to apply and I am targeting first deadline closing on 3rd Oct. 12.

Please post here or PM me.. if you are also applying..
Come on ppl lets get going!!!!
Clark Kent

Hi Clark,

It seems that you are interested in Europe schools. Will you be in a position to share what schools have you evaluated and finally which schools are you considering?

It will be great to know your thought processes.

I was also considering Europe schools but not yet able to zero down. I am at an early stage.

Here is my thought process

Schools in Spain may not be ideal due to economic condition there and language.

Same for SDS Italy

Germany is a good options but all the three schools there are not in the top league and language is even bigger issue there.

IMD ... not yet decided but cost wise, it is not attractive.

France (INSEAD and HEC) good option but language may be a small issue. My impression is, English is well accepted but French is preferred any day.

RBS .. Probably will evaluate.

UK .. the issue is post study visa for non EU students. There are not enough job except LBS.

Highly appreciate your thought process


I am interested doing my MBA from either Europe or Asia. The reason for not choosing US was that I cannot afford it.

Here is what I think while evaluating schools.

I am looking for a career change. So, I prefer the schools where MBA is for more than a year and/or they have an option to do an internship in between. For eg. jan intake at INSEAD has an option to go for an internship. And a longer duration will give me time to think about where I will fit the best after my MBA.

Second, a good value for money. For eg, IMD is not good cost wise but it is the best value for money school in Europe. Though IMD is not a very good option for people who want to pursue a career in Finance but their graduates are among the highest paid in Europe.

Third, a good faculty and a collaborative environment. Only alumni's can tell you about this.

Fourth, course structure. I dont want to study theory during my MBA.

Fifth, placements. I will be taking a huge loan and dont want to come back for a very long time. I check how immigration friendly the country is.

I wont be going to Spain for the same reason that you mentioned.

UK is not at all immigration friendly.

About HEC Paris and INSEAD, you are right. Business fluent French is absolutely necessary if you want a job in France. The language barrier holds for other schools in Europe also. I will try for the INSEAD in Singapore.

I have shortlisted INSEAD, NUS, HEC Paris, HKUST and thinking about IMD.

Keep Posting.....Cheers.....
All the Best with your applications

Clark Kent

Thanks Clark, it was a matured and structured thought process. Appreciate that.

I am in a similar boat and interestingly many of our thoughts matched like longer duration, value for money, post study placement options, class quality and immigration friendly structures. I just echo your thoughts on these aspects.

The truth is, after all those considerations, you have very little options left.

I am from Singapore. While I appreciate many positives of local schools like ISEAD, NUS, NTU, SMU, etc. I am not looking at those. For international students, Cost, English and Placement options may look attractive. "Gateway to Asian market" hype is questionable though!!

I have my issues and hence these colleges are out of my radar. Singapore has jobs for entry levels and at sr management levels but due to very small size of Singapore, middle management jobs are too few. I know many of my colleagues at middle level are trying for last 2 years for a right move and yet to find a right job in the middle cadre. The very little options available in middle cadre are just a short gap arrangement for the company for immediate fire fighting. Where as you as a middle manager, you have your regular financial commitments to meet. You can not take gamble on all those short gap arrangement. Unfortunately, most companies never think properly for sustainability or career plan for the role. They just have a fire and they need a fire fighter .. no future plan!! Although employer will talk loud during recruitment but I have seen many too look for job after the fire is managed!!

Jobs in SG financial sector is too volatile. Banks thought many things about SG and hence moved here and now they are thinking the same thing about India and China and moving there. Every quarter there is a news that some banks are opening and some banks are moving out. Not necessarily those moving out gets absorbed in new entrants. Generally moving in is with fun fare and moving out is a hush hush event!!

The next issue I have with local schools here is quality. I know it is subjective and debatable but I have my personal experience and I am not sold by SG quality or probably I deserve a better quality of CLASS. I know some French INSEAD guys are developing small websites now as their entrepreneurship venture. How good or bad that move is debatable.

So it is a tough decision and no one can guarantee until you finish your course, land up in a good career and prove yourself for atleast 3 years!!

Until then, lets share our thought so that we can have better deliberated and informed decision.

Thank you and would appreciate your thoughts.

Now going back to original question of programme of more than 1 year duration ... there are hardly any in Europe.

What I found are


LBS will be too tough to crack, Man and Edin are not in the league so HEC is the only option. What else?

Yes, HEC is the only good option in Europe, outside UK.

INSEAD's January intake gives you an option to do an internship. You should try for their France campus.


I am planning to apply to INSEAD for the Sep'13 intake but I am a bit apprehensive about my score. I have a score of 670. I have 4.5 years of work-ex as a software engineer for the initial 2 years and then as a business analyst for the retail industry for the the rest 2.5 years. I am currently pursuing a coveted 1 year fellowship in collaboration with UPenn. I have a good profile overall with numerous initiatives at work and outside. Hence, I am hoping I would have good things to write for my essays. I have good recommenders as well. Please let me know your opinion whether my GMAT score is a hindrance to getting a call from INSEAD.

Looking forward to some responses!!

Thank You,

If application money is not a big consideration then try your luck. 670 is not good but not that bad either. As they shout, GMAT score is just one of the criteria. Generally females are considered more favorably due to that male:female ratio in a class.

Admission is always luck, you never know what aspect of your application will resonate with one of the admission clerk ... it may be just your facebook profile!!

You never know and hence, if you have the money to afford then apply and try your luck.

Hope you guys have submitted your applications by now

Hi Guys,i am also planning to apply in Insead for September 13 intake in second round.Can anyone share their experience about application process,interviews etc of round 1.Thanks

anyone got an interview call for insead round 1 ?

What I got from other forums is that most of the invites start coming a couple of days before the deadline - 7 more days to go..

Which Masters is right for you ? Meet DSF admission board and Alumni this November in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. For pre-admission one to one session send your Resume at [email protected]

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Any news on interview calls?

any calls yet ?

I see in some other forums that people have started getting invites already. Anyone from India who has got invites?

@tbone123 I got a mail that I am pre selected for the interview and that they will be in touch... anyone else ?
@mail2sweta said:
@vputhuko@tbone123 I got a mail that I am pre selected for the interview and that they will be in touch... anyone else ?
Sweta: can yu share ur profile. I have too submitted my application and waiting for next step.

@udyansharma said:
Sweta: can yu share ur profile. I have too submitted my application and waiting for next step.
CA with total 6+ exp in financial services. extra currics - ok, gmat - 740.

what bout you ? are you applying for R2 ?