I didnt see a topic for INSEAD here so starting one…I am an Indian with 6 years of work ex in USA. All my education has been in schools where english was the primary mode of education. Based on this do I get a TOEFL waiver? I really want to ap…
I didnt see a topic for INSEAD here so starting one... I am an Indian with 6 years of work ex in USA. All my education has been in schools where english was the primary mode of education. Based on this do I get a TOEFL waiver? I really want to apply with R2 so just want to ensure I have my basis covered.
I didnt see a topic for INSEAD here so starting one...I am an Indian with 6 years of work ex in USA. All my education has been in schools where english was the primary mode of education. Based on this do I get a TOEFL waiver? I really want to apply with R2 so just want to ensure I have my basis covered.
Posting their language requirements from the FAQ pages:
How do I provide proof of fluency in English?
If English is not your native language, you can demonstrate fluency either by a university degree or taking an English language test. If you possess a full university degree (undergraduate or postgraduate) where all courses were taught exclusively in English, we will accept your degree as proof of your fluency in English. Your transcripts should clearly indicate that the entire curriculum was solely taught in English. Otherwise, you may take one of the following English language tests ......(TOEFL/ IELTS)
English is not my native language, but I have lived and worked in an English speaking country for many years. Do I still need to provide additional proof of fluency in English?
Yes. Living and working in an English-speaking environment is not accepted as proof of fluency in English. If you possess a full university degree (undergraduate or postgraduate) where all courses were taught exclusively in English, we will accept your degree as proof of your fluency in English. Your transcripts should clearly indicate that the curriculum was entirely taught in English. Otherwise, you may take one of the following English language tests t score ....
Additionally, look at their 2nd language requirements:
Languages - MBA Programme | INSEAD
Hope this helps!
Namita, MBA Decoder
So, Here are some bits and fragments of who I am, thus far.
B.Tech -Mechanical Engineer - 65%
XII - 80% (dunno if it counts)
Assistant Manager - State Bank of India
Handling a Credit Portfolio of 10 Crores for the past one Year (100 million - thats how I wanna call it)
Portfolio a holistic mix of all Segments including SME (Small and MEd. Enterprises) and Agri Credit. Lowest NPA (Non Performing Assets) in the Region.
The test was pretty grilling for Bank PO - odds 1/100
Managed college clubs - even founded one. was the patron of one
Managed the clubs MArketing as well as finances
Taking the CFA this year. so I guess I will be a Level I pass when I apply
Started a YouTube Channel on online education videos - 1. banking and 2. For Middle school levels - educating india thorugh a low cost medium. Videos yet to gain momentum
Speak French - intermediate Level - certifiedSpanish - beginners (can ameliorate)
Grease Monkey- Building a Bike from scratch with a friend.
Why MBA?
A better leadership profile
Current job has a considerable leadership scope and opportunities. Availed Some of them.My area of operations was lauded by the RBI Governor for achieving financial inclusion (photos and all)frequent participation toward contributing events of Corporate-Socio Responsibility
Acknowledged for developing and incorporating sound systems and practices for efficieny mgmt and risk mitigation in Branch. Worked in rural areas - soound understanding of ground realities. Observed policy implementation at ground level
deputed by the Election Commission of India as Presiding Officer at Hissar Election.
Where in future?
I wish to switch over to an IB profile. Typically at a Hedge fund. and as a fund Manager some time from now.
Schools in order of Pref.
2. NYU Stern
3. ISB
I figure I am not the quintessential Overachiever (cough - Indian IT guy from an IIT). But this is actually a story of a guy who went out and did something with his bare hands instead of being offered a corner office right outta college. So, When I paint it so, would they Like it?How good does my GMAT need to be to offset a 65% degree which is non-IIT?
I'd appreciate an analysis, and would like to convey an expression of interest towards INSEAD with a lot enthusiasm.