Hello Fellow Puys !! Process for Admissions 2011 at International Management Institute (IMI) , New Delhi for PGDM & PGDMHR (2011-13) Batches has started … Please Refer to the Following Details : *APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON *: NOVEMBER …
Hello Fellow Puys !!
Process for Admissions 2011 at International Management Institute (IMI) , New Delhi for PGDM & PGDMHR (2011-13) Batches has started ...
Please Refer to the Following Details :
50% marks in graduation(Those graduating in 2011 may also apply)
CAT Scores
Academic performance from class 10th
Relevant work ex(if applicable)
Group discussion and Personal Interview
1. ONLINE Applications Forms are available now at LSAcademia
2.Physical forms will be available from SELECTED BRANCHES OF AXIS BANK, CAT COACHING CENTERS( I.M.S) and from IMI, Delhi from 27th, September ,2010
Please Use this thread for posting all your queries regarding the IMI Admissions Process here. I can assure you the Quick Responses from Seniors ( Continuing the IMI Tradition )
All the Best for the Admissions Process !!!
IMI Website : International Management Institute, New Delhi - Homepage
For a healthy and a regular interaction with IMI seniors , you can visit these links, which is dedicated to aspirants
Chairperson's blog
IMI Brochure
Admission Booklet 2011
My heartiest wishes to all the aspirants and future managers of India, the luck, equally supported by the hardwork and excellence. 😃
thanks for opening the thread..
1.i am a fresher with average acads(85.6,74.4,72.2 in 10th,12th and grad)...what are the chances of getting a call and of FINAL convert??
2.what's the ratio of freshers to work ex guys?
3. please tell weightage given to cat score,gd/pi, work ex, acads
thanx in advance
can u plz tell me what's the total fee for two years, no. of seats , & shed some light on the placement figs. of recently passed out batch.
and what was the last year's cut-off
thanks for opening the thread..
1.i am a fresher with average acads(85.6,74.4,72.2 in 10th,12th and grad)...what are the chances of getting a call and of FINAL convert??
2.what's the ratio of freshers to work ex guys?
3. please tell weightage given to cat score,gd/pi, work ex, acads
thanx in advance
Hi ,
Your chances of final convert depends on your CAT and cut off for this year ,
Secondly your academic profile looks fine, Hope you make the cut offs
IMI gave no weightage to CAT score last year , it 50% to profile (Academic portfolio + work ex if applicable) and 50% to GD/PI process , so once you clear the cut off you are even ground with 99%tiler
Cut off for last year was 95 %tile with sectional 70 , 70 ,75 in QA,DI and Verbal respectively
All d best 😃
can u plz tell me what's the total fee for two years, no. of seats , & shed some light on the placement figs. of recently passed out batch.
and what was the last year's cut-off
Regarding placement figures , unofficial figures were hovering around and average of 7.5-7.6 L
Will get back to you with more information
PS: Our end terms are going on, please excuse us if the queries are answered with some delays , we will get back to your queries as soon as possible 😃
thanks for opening the thread..
1.i am a fresher with average acads(85.6,74.4,72.2 in 10th,12th and grad)...what are the chances of getting a call and of FINAL convert??
2.what's the ratio of freshers to work ex guys?
3. please tell weightage given to cat score,gd/pi, work ex, acads
thanx in advance
I had worse acads than you
(87.6,75.4,61.2 in 10th,12th and grad)
If I can convert so can you

Just concentrate on getting a good percentile and rest will take care of itself
I would just like to correct the weightage said by Abhisek
50% to profile ( 10% - 10th, 10%-12th, 20%- graduation, 10%- Work-ex)
50% to GD/PI process
Best Of luck for your exam:cheerio:
thanks for opening the thread..
1.i am a fresher with average acads(85.6,74.4,72.2 in 10th,12th and grad)...what are the chances of getting a call and of FINAL convert??
2.what's the ratio of freshers to work ex guys?
3. please tell weightage given to cat score,gd/pi, work ex, acads
thanx in advance
I find you have decent enough credentials to make the cut. So, in that regard you can rest assured that you are in a good position.
As for the final convert, it depends upon your performance in CAT and very importantly in the GD/PI rounds.
IMI gave no weightage to CAT score last year , it 40% to profile (Academic portfolio + work ex if applicable) and 60% to GD/PI process , so one you clear the cut off you are even ground with 99%tiler
Cut off for last year was 95 %tile with sectional 70 , 70 ,75 in QA,DI and Verbal respectively
Fee Structure is around 10.5 lac for two years , including hostel and mess , il get back with the detailed fee structure soon
Here goes a heads-up on the selection process and criteria (as per last year)
Minimum percentile/Score for giving Calls: PGDM: 95 Percentile , PGDMHR: 90 Percentile
Minimum Sectional Percentiles/Scores (If any): PGDM: as given by abhimukh19>, PGDMHR: At this very moment I am not able to furnish the data, but if anybody is interested, I will get back to it later.
Brief Description of the Final Selection process: Specific Weightages are assigned to Interview, GD , Academic profile (incl. 10th, 10+2 & Graduation Marks) , Extra Curriculars & Work Experience.
Final Cumulative scores are calculated on the basis of these weights & then final list is being prepared.
Seats: PGDM: 120 , PGDMHR: 60
thanks to all the seniors for such quick and detailed responses...and best of luck for your exams...:cheers:
Application fees seems to be the highest of all b school forms announced till now. 1900 for one program is beyond any reasoning like, "we want only serious candidates",etc...What do you think puys??
do we need 2 apply separately 4 both d programs???
ansuman_max Saysdo we need 2 apply separately 4 both d programs???
Yes you need to apply separately for both the programs.
You can apply for both the programs in single form. All you have to do is give the required amount of application fee required i.e. Rs 1900 if u want to apply only for 1 program and Rs 2900 if applying for both the programs.
Can anyone tell that GD-PI calls are totally score based or they also include profile portfolio????
raghavbadiger SaysApplication fees seems to be the highest of all b school forms announced till now. 1900 for one program is beyond any reasoning like, "we want only serious candidates",etc...What do you think puys??
Yes it seems to be too high
Last year it was around 1350 if I am not mistaken.
Dont know what prompted them to increase at this rate
how is there hr program??
can sm1 highlight d placement statistics of them?
Rohitkumbhar SaysCan anyone tell that GD-PI calls are totally score based or they also include profile portfolio???? :lookround:
I think they are score based.. I have only 56% in graduation without any work ex n still got a call last year for hr with 93%ile..
too expensive forms.......
Rohitkumbhar SaysCan anyone tell that GD-PI calls are totally score based or they also include profile portfolio???? :lookround:
Last year GDPI calls were totally based on a person been able to clear cut off's as mentioned in earlier posts , profile is given weigtage once you appear for the GDPI process, there are students in my batch having less than 65% in graduation, so dont worry too much about the acads , perfom well in your CAT exam as that is one of the first things you need to do 😃
hi all, looks like another admission session starting. Thanks to abhishek to start the thread.
First of all as I can see lots of ppl are talking about hike in admission form. My personal take is that its management decision and we as a student doesnt have much say in it. May some cost would have increased, but i dont have exact idea for the reason behind the increase.
Just to let you know the process and general info about admission process at IMI, the follow are the pointers :
1) Cut off have been discussed earlier, but still : PGDM 95%ile and HR : 88%ile
2) Rounds after shortlisting : Essay Writing, GD , PI.
3) Last 2-3 Years CAT is not used for final conversion of call
4) Weightage for GDPI and others : 10th Score : 10% , 12th Score : 10% Grad : 20% , Exp : 10%. Essay : 10% , GD : 10% , PI : 30%
5) Only stage where your profile can play a role is Interview , otherwise there is no weight age given to Awards, Medals.
6) Placements for 2010 : official report is not out on website. But the average data was quoted in Hindustan Times and Economic times article (3-4 months back ). Unofficial PGDM average : 7.5 , PGDM-HR average : 6.5
7) Batch Composition : In our batch 60% work ex, 40% freshers. 66% engg , 10% Science , 10% commerce, Rest arts and others
8 ) Work Ex: 30% of batch has more than 2 yr work ex , rest 30% has less than 2 yr work ex
9) Specialization offered (PGDM): Marketing, Finance , Operations. From our batch a student can take up dual (i.e. majors in 2 streams ). HR students cannot do majors/minors in any other stream. but they do have choice of other electives in 2nd yr.
In case u have any other query feel free to post here