hi all im taking this initiative starting with mine hi this is my gd/pi at iit kanpur…firstly the mba seniors are really cool n helpful wouldnt mention names as they are all the best human beings I hav ever met …n man iit kanpur campus is F…
hi all im taking this initiative starting with mine
hi this is my gd/pi at iit kanpur..firstly the mba seniors are really cool n helpful wouldnt mention names as they are all the best human beings I hav ever met ..n man iit kanpur campus is FANDOO never seen a place like this n especially there is net connection in every room which downloading in mbps.indivisual rooms which are spacious and so many cultural activities.list goes on n on
GD: a case study
Companies are tracking cookies of consumers and then sending them mails to advertise their products.now new softwares are used to block cookies.
As a consumer goods marketing manager what do u make out of this case
we were all given an oppurtunity to speak for 2 mins n then open gd..
i kinda moderated the gd n didnt let it bcum a fishmarket...
made 2-3 entries in the open discussion
Interview: 1 surd-s and hod-p they were creating a stress interview but I didnt panic
Surd- which uni hav u done ur btech frm few qs on that
Surd- so u havent completed ur btech in 4 yrs which subjects u failed in
Me-told him
Surd- u hav just 63% in btech
Me-answered to his satisfaction
p- what is random number
me-sir c++ random function funde
p-is that all u know ur a computer science eng
me-yes sir
p-what is normalization and how is it useful
me- told him everythin
p-is that all u know ur a comp scientist
me-yes sir
p-complexities of various algorithms
me-told him all n the correct ones
p-i think ur playing with numbers these are all wrong
me- im sure these are correct
p-what is the least count of a computer
me-no idea
p-least count of vernier scale
me-told him what it is but didnt know the exact value
surd-(placed a glass full of water in front of me )asked how much water is it n then he walked out
me to hod - sir 500ml no sir 250 no sir let think for min..
then surd came in n placed a scale in front of me
me-sir my guess its 350 ml
surd no I dont want u to guess measure it using this scale
me- (I didnt remember the mensuration formula pi r square h)I said I dont recall a method to calculate the volume
both thank u..u can leave
me thank u very much
it went ok apart frm the volume thing.but theres a flip side to it the glass wasnt a cylinder it had a hexagonal form n if I had said the formula it wouldnt hav been correct n then more grilling on that so its ok that I didnt answer that
hope to convert it
ATB every1
hey buddy...i was the no.5 in our group..the second one to speak..although i spoke a bit rubbish.
what was ur no. i coud'nt recognize u.
nyways my pi was also a hell. they asked me mainly bout technical.could u believe i could not recall what is entropy!!!! i am a gone 4 them.but hoping 4 the best 4 my VGSOM call .....
and hey all the pagals out thr......if nyone got it on 25th plz post reply.mine is at 1:30..hope 2 c u thr...bye...ATB
hey manas mine was on 18th feb
name is varun kumar
n i was in grp-2 and my number was 4
i was the only one very happy with my interview
im unable to remember you
hey manas mine was on 18th feb
name is varun kumar
n i was in grp-2 and my number was 4
i was the only one very happy with my interview
im unable to remember you
are yaar i was the one sitting 2 places 2 ur left...i think u were the last one to speak 'bout ur views ( coz it began wth no.5)
i think u did a preety good job ... dont worry...tera to ho hi jayega...u got VGSOM call...plz reply....bye
I had my IITK GD/PI on 18th feb 2006 in Kanpur...
First there was a presentation...which was impressive...the topper of the batch gave the presentation
After that we were all divided in groupsI was in the second group
The first group went for the GDand we went for the PII was the 2nd in the group
Fresh panelFresh minds (of profs)IITK prof
There were three people: PI (a research scholar) P2 (HOD, IME) and P3 (an Eco prof.. Sardar ji) myself M
P1: Where is ur form??
M: gave him
P2: any work ex..??
M: No sir..
P2: (was going through my form) Which University..GG..guru gobind singh???
M: Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.
P1: ok..okwhich Institute??
M: told them
P1: Is it a private institute or the govt institute??
M: told them everything (my insti is a govt. one)
P2: How many laws of thermodynamics we have
M: four sir
P1: explain them
M: told them all of them
P1: can you draw the graph of this equation ( f(x) = e to the power of mod x)
M: (??:
??:) thought for a moment and then did it
P3: this is wrong
M: no sir.this is correct
P3: this is wrong(again)
M: no sir.this is correct
P2: what is arithmetic mean and geometric meanwrite the formula
M: did that ( I thinkI did a mistake theremy GM formula was wrong:neutral::neutral:I realized after writing)
Then suddenly one more prof (P4) entered the roomwhen I was writing the formulahe sat for a momentand then asked me a ques(why me??)
P4: okktell me if we multiply all the odd numbers from between 1 to 9what is the least significant digit
M: that time I was thinking about my mistakeso didnt answered
P4: r u getting what I am asking??
M: No sir
P4: repeated the question
M: I said5 (thanks got I came back)
P3: r u surewhy only 5
M: I explained it confidently(but I was already under stress)
P3: (was going through my consolidated marksheet)what all u study in Quality Control and Quality Assurance??
M: Statistical Quality Control
P1: what is the difference between independent events and mutually exclusive events
M: (ufff.probability)told them independent event correctly and said something about mutually exclusive event ( I was not sure)
P3: what is Consumers risk and Producers risk??
M: told them
P3: U r saying the other way roundtotally opposite
M: sir I am sureand explained properly
P3: okkI see u r very good in Engineering drawingu have too good marksdraw the top view of this( suddenly..he kept a metal piece in front of me)
M: (I was feeling like a BAKRAI used to be good in engg designbut)okk sir
I took 2 min to draw the top view
P3: now lets verify
M: (maar hi daloge??:
??:)okkk sir
Verification startedaahnot againI realized2 mistakesP3 got the mistakes
P3: very badur view is incompleteand there are mistakes as wellright
M: yes sirsorry sir??:
P1: can u right the code in Cwhere u have to interchange the digits of a two digit number
M: (CODE????:shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked:...programmingkya samajh rakha hai)sirI know the logic..but I dont rememberhow to write the codeI studied C language in the first semI dont remember it now)
P3: what all languages were their in ur curriculum??
P2: sir C in the first sem and C++ in the second sem..
P3: okk write the code in C++
M: (plzzzzz) sir I dont remember
P1: what is the power of ur glasses??
M: told him
P1: positive or negative??
M: negative
P1: what type of lens are u wearing??
M: concave lens
P1: okkkdraw a concave lens
M: (basyehi baaki tha)okk
I started drawing
P3: whatur lens dont have thinkness??
M: Sir..I am drawing(and I finished drawing)
P3: thats it
M: yes sirthis is all I remember
P1: u can go nowthank u
M: thank u
Thats itMy worst interview till dateI was shockedwas not expecting this type of interviewbut my luckHOD sir was looking angryI dont know whySardar ji was enjoyingand the third one was just trying different types of questionsexperimenting
After around 1 hrour grp was called for the GD
The whole procedure was that there was a case. Everyone was given 10 min to read the case and to write his/her views on a paper. After that everyone was given an opportunity to speak about his/her views for 2 min and then open discussion.
The case was about the problem of Alcoholism in the companies these days. And the task was that suppose you are the CEO of the companywhat is your policy for solving the problem?
I expressed my views nicelyand participated confidently in the open discussionI made 5-6 entariesand overall my performance was good
SoI can say that I had the best GD and the worst PI
About Kanpur and IIT KanpurAll I can say is Its heaven inside the campus and hell outside the campus
I was given accommodation in the visitors hostelwhich was very beautifulI visited the girls hostel also...the seniors were very helpfulthanks to all of them
hey people....
just got back 4om iit kanpur....
da campus is lovely...datz da best thing bout kanpur..da iit campus!
made a few friendz...me and supreet (another pagal) roamed around da campus bout 4 times...and my feet r killin me now!..datz coz 1 end 2 da other is around 2 kms...and u have evrythin in iit..a hospital, all da sports facilities, terabytes of shared material, a swimmin pool and everythin else ud nned in a place...mayb except 4 da babes!
da seniorz were a lovely bunch...this gal was coordinatin r group..!and she was sick yet she didnt sit 4 a moment...hope she gets fine..and kudos 2 her!!
k..i had my gd pi slot on da 20th..in da mornin!
r case study was bout 3 guyz kailash da lower management dude....madan his boss....and ghai madans boss!
kailash comes late and sees madan signin da register quietly...he gets pissed..and asks him y hes late!kailash says ghai had sent him 4 some work...madan accepts it!
but then he doubts kailash so he calls ghai and ghai says he hasnt sent him!so madan calls kailash and thrashes him!
kailash gets pissed and says lets confront ghai...when they go 2 ghai..he says ya hed sent kailash...and hed forgotten coz hes clinchin an imp deal...!!
so we were asked wat went wrong?and how can u set it right?!
my gd was decent...i put da blame on all of em systematically and put measures out 4 em 2 rectify it!!da 2 minz were well used id say!
and then when we got in2 da 10 min discussion....i put in another 2 points...!!
so im hapy with my gd performance!
lol..watch out 4 my pi exp!hilarious!
k..so my panel was da same as miss prats...!!
but 4 me there was no sardarji!
only 2 interview panelists...p1-french beard sir and p2- da hod!
door opens and da senior is ushering me in...and then p1 starts talkin 2 da senior...hes tellin her 2 verify da certiz of da people before sendin them in...and hes talkin 2 her bout some other stuff...all this while im standin at the door tryin 2 put on my best smile!(though i wanted sit on dat cushion wala chair)!!
and then he told me 2 come in...and yea i got my ass in2 dat chair...!p2 is sittin (rather lyin) on da couch...v disinterested from da beginnin!
p1- which coll r u 4om?
p2 scribbles 10 marks 4 da coll...yea...only 1 thing i mustve got full in!
p2- any work ex?
m- no sir..i took 6 monthz off 4 prep...and he marks 0 in 1 column!
p2- (in da weirdest tone) whiach discipline?!
m- eh?
p2- which discipline?
m- (didnt undertand shit) and said sir im v disciplined!
p2- laughs and says i know ure disciplined...but which discipline?
m- (finally got it)....and said electronix!
now p1 takes ova and rite thruout p2 is movin his knee...talk bout body language bein a distraction!
p1- so temme da definition of an analog signal and a digital signal
m- analog varies with time..and digital has 2 values(screwed up here)!
p1- ok..so temme da clock above ur head is analog or digital?
m- analog
p1- ok..r u sure its analog?
m- (being cocky)...ya.
p1- can it show 21.5 seconds?
m- no sir
p1- so..now wat is it?
m- (thought id be sure and stick 2 my point)...analog sir
p1 laughs and talks 2 p2..sir..hes not undertsandin!
again p1 asks me...and this time i say digital...p1 gives a sigh of relief!
p1-k..so if it is digital...does it have 2 values?!
m- (now it strikes) sir it has discrete steps.
p1- ok..so wat data is transmitted thru da fone wires?
m-digital data
p1- k..so how do we hear?
m- im like sir theres a converter...
p1- wat conveter?
m- (i forgot d to a..damn)!im like sir some converter i forgot da name!
p1- still inisitin on da same q...!
m- i dont know!
p1- (gives up) and asks me wat shud i ask?
m- i said sir fet bjt or diode
p1- wat is igbt?
m- sir i didnt say i know this!but its insulated gate somethin!
p1- k..wat is use of insulated gate?
m- high input impedance!
p1- ok..so where is it used?
m- in circuits..like computers
p1- where is not used
m- i dont know( my most used phrase in da interview)
p1- ok..wat is vhdl?
m- very high speed integrated circuits hardware desciptive language!
p1- ok..wat does it do?
m- was answerin..and he cut me short..and told p2 2 ask me a q on prob..
and my heart was in my mouth!
p2 gives me a question on diff....diff of (log x^3)^4
m- solved it aaram se coz another guy was asked da same q....and id asked him 4 da solution.
then they said thank u
and while goin they asked watz ur rank?
i said 995..and they looked at me with an expression dat how did he manage it?!
so on da whole my pi was screwy!but i have no regretz!
p2- (in da weirdest tone) whiach discipline?!
m- eh?
p2- which discipline?
m- (didnt undertand shit) and said sir im v disciplined!![]()
p2- laughs and says i know ure disciplined...but which discipline?
thats funny

hello guys,
i had my interview on the 20th.
the campus is really nice, very green and the seniors were casual n helpful.
Had a PI first..
1 lady and 1 gentleman.
Which university?
which college?
is it private? wen was it established?
ok..which branch?
favourite subject?
I said computer networks..
They killed me slowly for dat..
Then u took a drop for 1 year..u must have done a lot of reading..(Sneering)
Tell us wat u read..
Wat latest??
I said Mittal-Arcelor bid..
They said..besides business..
I said the names of few books i had read..
Thats all i can remem..questions on acads were confusing..
It was kinda a stress interview..they appeared condescending n sneering..
Then GD: About SONY's founders sucess.
2 mins 2 everyone first n then open 2 all...
2 mins evryone spoke ok..GD then became a fish market..i didnt contribute much 2 the fish market hopefully..
Overall, it was a tiring experience as i was given the afternoon batch n had 2 sit there for 5 hours from 8 am to 1 pm. N had 2 wait for GD/PI as well as i was in group no#4.
Neways, am not 2 hopeful wid my performance..All the best 2 rest!
hello everyone...
I had my GD on the 20th of Feb morning batch 8AM sharp........
Met plenty of people Anshuman,Sai,Tanushree,Anuradha, Mr. Saha also a lot more were around if you people cant recognise me I was the only guy not wearing a tie there other than Sai of course................... Also met a few seniors Vidya, Ritesh , Nidhi.@@@@@
Interview was a torrid affair was given 3 problems differentiation , drawing a curve and a chemical engineering one was able to get through the math problem...
asked me a lot regarding reliance also stugg related to octane boosters.....
was asked the dif between thermal cracheing , catalytic cracking etc
also why the paltry payment and stuf related to that........
they asked me things regarding API as welll
All in all a nice grill as to what i had been doing for the past 6 months
GD was conducted after the interview for us
Simple case study meandering about the Great LOU of IBM company turnaround converting a scik company into a profitable company and bla blah
People were asked questions regarding probability especially freshers that would be all i guess
Seniors I would be grateful if u coul;dl give us an idea as to when are the last interviews scheduled and when can we expect the results coz expecftations have increased ever since IIT Kanpur came out with the GD & PI calls within days of the last date of submission..............
i had my pi/gd (thass the order in my case) on 19th mar...
my int panel had 3 ppl.
p1: hod
p2: a french beard guy
p3: sardar ji
i entered the room .p1 asked for the relevant docs.
p1: where did you do your b.tech frm..how much is your work ex..
me : told (kept it short though)
p2: tell me sth 'bout ypur job profile.
me : told everything
p2: good
then a guy entered the room with chai n samosas,... i was like pissed offf..
had never heard of an int. with chai n samosas on... they were tryin to stress me out i guess.
p2: now tell me .. wat do you mean by the quality of a s/w ( moi frm s/w field)
me: started off well..told him about s/w reliabilty, maintainabilty, efficiency etal..
but he kept interruptin me... noe willin to agree wat i was sayin.. i remained firm on my ans.
p3: lookin at my certis...you don't seem to handle your acads well... ypu don't hv gud grades in you engg...
me: sir, i think my acads are ok.. my grades suffered only in the 1st sem.. later on i picked up..(BTW my dgpa is 7.5..which was bad acc to him)
p3: ya ..but still...
p2: ok ..write a code for...(i don't rememeber.).
me: sir ..i'm not in touch with coding part...
p1 :com'on you are a s/w engg you don't remember coding.. so wat are you in touch with...
me : before i could answer...
p3: asked to write a eqn of a circle with some constraints...
me : wrote
p3: sure
me: yes sir
p2: wat is charles law
me: sir..i had read it in 11th .. i can not recall it at the moment...
all 3 looked unimpressed...
p1: thankyou...
juss as i turned to leave almost on the verge of leavin the room...
p2: wat is newton's 1st law
me: sir..it says..
p1: jaaane dijiye sir ... ab kya jawab dega.. jaao ..thankyou
rating: not satisfied at all
after my unhappy exp at pi...it was time for gd
it was sort of okish... was asked to stard the gd... spoke twice wen the discussion was open to all... that was it.
rating: ok(nhtn gr
i don't know what to expect.
i had my pi/gd (thass the order in my case) on 19th mar...
my int panel had 3 ppl.
p1: hod
p2: a french beard guy
p3: sardar ji
i entered the room .p1 asked for the relevant docs.
p1: where did you do your b.tech frm..how much is your work ex..
me : told (kept it short though)
p2: tell me sth 'bout ypur job profile.
me : told everything
p2: good
then a guy entered the room with chai n samosas,... i was like pissed offf..
had never heard of an int. with chai n samosas on... they were tryin to stress me out i guess.
p2: now tell me .. wat do you mean by the quality of a s/w ( moi frm s/w field)
me: started off well..told him about s/w reliabilty, maintainabilty, efficiency etal..
but he kept interruptin me... noe willin to agree wat i was sayin.. i remained firm on my ans.
p3: lookin at my certis...you don't seem to handle your acads well... ypu don't hv gud grades in you engg...
me: sir, i think my acads are ok.. my grades suffered only in the 1st sem.. later on i picked up..(BTW my dgpa is 7.5..which was bad acc to him)
p3: ya ..but still...
p2: ok ..write a code for...(i don't rememeber.).
me: sir ..i'm not in touch with coding part...
p1 :com'on you are a s/w engg you don't remember coding.. so wat are you in touch with...
me : before i could answer...
p3: asked to write a eqn of a circle with some constraints...
me : wrote
p3: sure
me: yes sir
p2: wat is charles law
me: sir..i had read it in 11th .. i can not recall it at the moment...
all 3 looked unimpressed...
p1: thankyou...
juss as i turned to leave almost on the verge of leavin the room...
p2: wat is newton's 1st law
me: sir..it says..
p1: jaaane dijiye sir ... ab kya jawab dega.. jaao ..thankyou
rating: not satisfied at all
after my unhappy exp at pi...it was time for gd
it was sort of okish... was asked to stard the gd... spoke twice wen the discussion was open to all... that was it.
rating: ok(nhtn gr
i don't know what to expect.
cool it Brother.. destiny will rule u will get througgh and 90 % of the people i have talked to have had same type of interview so dont worry and let hulkmania runover again..................
Hi Everyone,
I'll give a brief description of my IIT kanpur Interview( 20th feb, 8:00 a.m. slot) as the GD was thoda boring and as mine was the last group for the GD, I am sure even the panelist were bored!!!
My interview panel consisted of two youngish guys who I was told were IIM A fellows. The minute I entered and they started talking I knew that I cannot fool them with any kind of tukkas. They seemed to know it all!!!
G1:First guy
G2: second guy
Me: me
G1: do you know of any other institute which has the same name as your institute?
me: yes sir, Massacheusetts Inst. Of Tech.
G1: Whrs it?
Me: Boston
G2: Can you colve this determinant?
me: yes sir( I solved it).
G2: what if I remove one row.can you still solve it?
Me: ( thought for a monent)..no..determinants are for square matrices only.
G2: ( who seemed like the techie guy started of with a whole bunch of + 2 level math questions on functions and graphs)
I got stuck at one point and then
G1:Why do you want to do an MBA?
ME: Gave an answer which seemes ok.
G2:which are the colors in the indian flag and wht do they signify?
ME: said some stuff
G2: How many states in India?
Me: gave the answer
G1: are you aware of current affairs.
Me: yes
G1: tell me about an issue which bothers u
Me: told them.
G2: a question on a chemical reaction
Me: answered that
G2: one more on physics.
Me: wasn't too sure but told them that I don't know and don't want to give the wrong answer
G1: Gave a question on probability
me:which I solved.
Left happy and smiling, though don't know if I answered most of the questions correctly or not...
Is there anyone who had the same interview panel? Please post your experiences.
@QuickSilver - Don't forget friends easily do ya?? Especially those who don't wear a tie !!! This is Sai - for those of you who remember me.....
Had my GD/PI on 20th, PI first and GD later
I was the first person to be interviewd - so my panel had only the HOD - the other person was late, I believe.
Entered the room - was asked to sit down - I was worried about the photocopy of my form - HOD askd me for my certs - fumbled with my certs fr sometime and gave him what he wanted - things settled
He went through my certs and the first question he asked me was abt my coll - asked me how old my col was - told him it was 25 years old and tat my degree would be given by Andhra University - then he went through the courses mentioned in my engineering marksheet - he stopped when he saw the course - Probability Theory and Random Processes - so I got ready to face my first question-
1. Reliability of the engine of a plane is 0.9 - that is, the probability that the plane lands successfully is 0.9. If there were two engines, each with a reliability of 0.9 - I was asked the probability of the plane landing successfully.
Me thought fr some time, asked the HOD if the engines acted independently of each other, took some more time and arrived at 0.99.
Then a question on Programming and 2 more on probability theory - over in less than 5 minutes - and I was said you may leave now - quite an abrupt ending to my PI - lasted for around 5 minutes
And the GD was a case study involving IBM and Mr. Lou Gerstner, about he turned the organization around - felt my performance in the GD was not upto the mark -
Kind of an average show, over all
my interview all bulshit
gave me stress one i came in their trap watever
leave pigs elephant ll fly if i get cal