Dear All, We are starting a new thread to discuss about ipmx, the one year residential MBA program at iim lucknow. We are students from the current batch (2012-2013) and would try to answer questions that prospective applicants have about the…
Dear All,
We are starting a new thread to discuss about ipmx, the one year residential MBA program at iim lucknow. We are students from the current batch (2012-2013) and would try to answer questions that prospective applicants have about the programme.
The upcoming batch (2013-2014) would be the sixth batch of IPMX. IPMX is the only one year programme offered by an IIM to have a dedicated campus. The program also consists of a 2-3 week International Business Module. For the last batch it was Kelly Business School at Macedonia. The location for the current batch is still being discussed.
I welcome all prospective applicants to this thread. We, students of IIM Lucknow - IPMX 5th batch, would try our best to help the prospective candidates. Kindly note that the current batch is gearing towards the first terms exams and presentations. So, there might be occasional delays. Request prospective applications to cooperate with us.
The program details can be found at : Post Graduate Programme
More information about the life in IPMX can be found at the student's blog:
Life At IIM Lucknow - IPMX | 1 Year Full Time Executive MBA at IIM Lucknow
We wish you good luck.
I would like to apply for IPMX admissions this year. However , my work ex as on June 2012 is 5 years .
I applied to IIM indore and got reject last year ,as they told that 5 years work ex is mandatory . Pls advice if I should try for this year admissions to IPMX ?
The minimum experience required to apply for the programme is six years by March 2013. Please make sure that you satisfy this criteria before applying.
I would like to apply for IPMX admissions this year. However , my work ex as on June 2012 is 5 years .
I applied to IIM indore and got reject last year ,as they told that 5 years work ex is mandatory . Pls advice if I should try for this year admissions to IPMX ?
Can you please tell me if there is a reserved pool for NRI applicants? Also what is the average GMAT in the latest batch?
Hi, I have 6 years of work experience. I am working as a software engineer at Oracle India. I have normal extra curricular(nothing extra ordinary). I also have won the employee of the month award once last year. But my gmat score is on the lower side- 650. I want to know is it worth applying or will be wasting time and money? I mean to ask- do I have any chances of getting accepted?
I had applied for IIM lucknow IPMX course last year. I was called for the interview. I would like to know If they sent out any rejection letters with specific reasons for rejection?
Also I would like to know what was the range of GMAT scores for accepted candidates If anyone from current batch is active on this thread?
I have 6 yrs of experience as on 31st may'12 in engineering dept of a manufacturing orgn.
GMAT: 710 (Q-49, V-3
I also have international work ex..any suggestions???
With 6 years of experience, you do qualify to apply for the IPMX programme. However, since you have an IT background, I would recommend that you try to get a GMAT score that is more than 700. There will be a lot of folks from the IT background in the application process, so it would help if you are at least fall around the mean.
And regarding awards, it is good to have them. But, remember that the interview panel will be looking at what differences you made at your workplace, rather than just looking at the awards you have won. So, be prepared to reflect your achievements and highlight what difference you made at your workplace.
pradeepm08 SaysHi, I have 6 years of work experience. I am working as a software engineer at Oracle India. I have normal extra curricular(nothing extra ordinary). I also have won the employee of the month award once last year. But my gmat score is on the lower side- 650. I want to know is it worth applying or will be wasting time and money? I mean to ask- do I have any chances of getting accepted?
The admissions panel looks to build diversity in the class, not just from industries point of view, but also from nationalities point of view. In that perspective, there is a mix of NRIs that is preferred for each batch.
Average gmat score is not a good data point to gauge your chances because it is the overall profile that matters. The current batch has folks from diverse backgrounds . So, it really depends.
I would encourage you to apply to the programme as long as your application reflects your maturity, career growth, academic performance, difference you made at work, etc. All these things matter.
Can you please tell me if there is a reserved pool for NRI applicants? Also what is the average GMAT in the latest batch?
arpit 20,
I don't want to sway your hopes one way or the other, but to tell you the truth, it would be very difficult to evaluate your profile just from gmat point of view. Your gmat score is good and you do qualify for the programme. You have a manufacturing background, which is good.
Your profile looks good, but note that the admissions panel will be looking at your maturity level, the difference you have made at work and your achievements. Highlight all these in your application form and the interview to maximize your chances.
I have 6 yrs of experience as on 31st may'12 in engineering dept of a manufacturing orgn.
GMAT: 710 (Q-49, V-3
I also have international work ex..any suggestions???
No, as far as I know, rejection letters with specific reasons were not sent out. In general other than the gmat score, the admissions panel will be looking at your achievements, maturity level, personality, etc.
The average gmat score for the current batch is 700 +.
I had applied for IIM lucknow IPMX course last year. I was called for the interview. I would like to know If they sent out any rejection letters with specific reasons for rejection?
Also I would like to know what was the range of GMAT scores for accepted candidates If anyone from current batch is active on this thread?
@ipmx : Can you please confirm from the admission office,whether candidate with experience of 5 year 10 month(as on 31st march 2012) can apply for next year session.
I'd request someone to review my profile and encourage/discourage to apply for the IPMX program 2013 batch.
Experience: 12 years
Occupation: IT Software
US/Canada experience: 6.5 years
Current Position: Sr. Manager - Projects
Academic background: B.E. Electronics (Mumbai Univ.), Distinction grade in SSC and Diploma.
GMAT score: 660 (Q49, V32, AWA 5.0)
Other achievements: have few accolades/rewards at work, but nothing outside work.
I know I have a VERY ORDINARY profile and I am considering retaking the GMAT, but this post is in response to one of the threads here indicating that perhaps my GMAT score just makes the 'cutoff'. I understand that admission must be based on personality, maturity, attitude, and other related factors but frankly above details (on my profile) are all I have to boast about.
I would like to get some candid feedback on my odds of getting in IIML for 2013 and also what else I could do (in terms of extra curricular) to make my profile stronger.
PS: This is my first post here, but I have been following this site for a while.
let me get back to you on this by today evening.
sauvata Says@ipmx : Can you please confirm from the admission office,whether candidate with experience of 5 year 10 month(as on 31st march 2012) can apply for next year session.
There is no gmat cut-off. It completely depends on the competition. If you have a good gmat score, it works to your advantage. If you don't, it does not disqualify you though. There are folks with a low gmat score who made it to the course. These folks excelled in other parameters like attitude, professional achievements, academic performance, clarity about the future, maturity, etc. It is the overall profile that matters.
I don't think you should stop short of applying just because your gmat score is 660. You have substantial experience and I think your application and SOP should reflect that. And if you can showcase that in your interview, then nothing like it.
Having said this, since you are planning to re-take your gmat, I would say go ahead and give it your best shot. A better gmat score will work to your advantage.
I'd request someone to review my profile and encourage/discourage to apply for the IPMX program 2013 batch.
Experience: 12 years
Occupation: IT Software
US/Canada experience: 6.5 years
Current Position: Sr. Manager - Projects
Academic background: B.E. Electronics (Mumbai Univ.), Distinction grade in SSC and Diploma.
GMAT score: 660 (Q49, V32, AWA 5.0)
Other achievements: have few accolades/rewards at work, but nothing outside work.
I know I have a VERY ORDINARY profile and I am considering retaking the GMAT, but this post is in response to one of the threads here indicating that perhaps my GMAT score just makes the 'cutoff'. I understand that admission must be based on personality, maturity, attitude, and other related factors but frankly above details (on my profile) are all I have to boast about.
I would like to get some candid feedback on my odds of getting in IIML for 2013 and also what else I could do (in terms of extra curricular) to make my profile stronger.
PS: This is my first post here, but I have been following this site for a while.
I could not find any dates regarding the admissions for the year 2013-14. As per the last years dates, is it going to be declared in July ??
@ IPMX: Thanks a lot for your replies. Can you please help me on the placements stats at IPMX. I specifically want to know how many Ibanks/PE/HF/VC visit the campus and hire? I know Ibanking recruitment happen in a different way( intership + analyst-associate route) but they definitely hire laterals as well. Also how many companies hire for Fin roles and what kind of roles? Thanks a lot for your reply
Hi, First of all thanks for starting this thread.
I am a Chartered Accountant with 7 years of experience in ERP Implementation(IT). I am yet to appear for GMAT.
Can you please provide inputs on the following:
1) Is it true that ipmx course prefers candidates with managerial experience and foreign exposure?
2) Among all the IIM's which institutes offer PGPX courses? Would it be possible to give an idea of last date for applying for these institutes. The official websites shows last year dates.
3) I am a Chartered Accountant and have an exp of 7 years in IT. Can I change my stream now? Should I do the MBA in finance or in IT systems?
@ target800 : Iam also a CA with 8 yrs exp in M&A; and valuations. All 1 yrs courses will give weightage to Leadership skills, Managerial and cross border experience. The most recognised 1 yrs MBAs in IIMs are at IIMA,B,C,Land I. The dates will more or less remain the same as that of last year.
Changing a field/stream( assuming you want to move into corp fin /Ibanking/PE) will be very very difficult. 1 yr MBA is typically for people who want to grow in their choosen fields, that said there are instances where people have had successful transition into consulting /Banking from IT. Its not impossible but is very very rare.