Attached is the official press release of the just concludedfinal placements of IIM-A for the batch of 2007. Highlights : Total firms : 86 Students placed or opted out by end of day zero : 140 (60 % of the batch) Slot zero accepta…
Attached is the official press release of the just concludedfinal placements of IIM-A for the batch of 2007.
Highlights :
Total firms : 86
Students placed or opted out by end of day zero : 140 (60 % of the batch)
Slot zero acceptances : 94
Minimum domestic sal : Rs 8 lakh pa
Avg entry level domestic sal : Rs 13.6 lakh pa
Highest domestic acceptances : Rs 60 lakh to Rs 1 crore pa (bonus dependent)
Refer the attached report for details.
Some interesting trends: A growing preference for being an entrepreneur among IIMA students (interestingly, for our fourth term, lab for entrepreneural motivation has emerged as the second most sought after course in our batch), as much as 74% people accepting finance or consulting jobs, McKinsey making as many as 13 offers, Lehman Brothers and Merril Lynch making 32 offers between them, 11 students rejecting foreign offers to stay back in India etc...
Sir , amazing words and amazing statistics ...
Well I have played my game .... and prayers are on ....
Awesome is the only word I have for these figures ... Hope the upward growth continues atleast for next 2 years ....
What kind of opportunities do freshers get ? @vinz and anup?
Great placements
great going IIM A
1 thing i would like to add that is thats how the placement report should be with each break up given...
Excellent placement report. Doesn't hide too much. Although I am a little curious on how that $300,000 figure worked out? Bonus added as 150% of base salary?? That seems a bit steep, though not impossible for an associate.
vinz info on placements of pgs like suzeQ etc please
simply superb placements guys..
congrats to all IIM_A guys
IIM-A rocks always
amazing placements as expected...congo to all d IIMA studs .....btw it would b really interesting to know abt d jobs dat all of u at IIMA hv got. soo plss post ur job details ,location nd d money
Congo for great placements and for the concept of placement holiday!!!
Any info on Pgites?
Mr Anderson, tdubey,Mamman, pendy,khota,Soda, AlfredNeumann,vikkuboss,suzyQ?
Thnx guys !
@anand: i will find out the placement details of the puys and post them soon.
@siddhesh: opportunites for freshers r galore dude in every field....dont worry on that front 😃


Mamman opted for the placement holiday and Mr Anderson is going to Deloitte, Hyderabad
Brilliant Stuff :)
And almost like the Placement dudes in IIMA read the thread on pagalguy about whether IIMs should reveal placement data or not. I think IIM A has taken a step in the right direction. Especially openly revealing the lowest salary...
And not enough can be said about the placement holiday idea. Now this one seriously needs to be copied across all IIMs. I really hope IIMC too implements it which I think it will :)
In the year of some IIMs chickening out I think IIMA has shown the right path ahead.
Congrats all
anupthomas SaysMamman opted for the placement holiday and Mr Anderson is going to Deloitte, Hyderabad
placement holiday as in he opted out of placements...???
Attached is the official press release of the just concludedfinal placements of IIM-A for the batch of 2007.
Highlights :
Total firms : 86
Students placed or opted out by end of day zero : 140 (60 % of the batch)
Slot zero acceptances : 94
Minimum domestic sal : Rs 8 lakh pa
Avg entry level domestic sal : Rs 13.6 lakh pa
Highest domestic acceptances : Rs 60 lakh to Rs 1 crore pa (bonus dependent)
Refer the attached report for details.
nice placements! bravo! 😃

just a comment guys, you can surely put in more effort than this .doc file to represent your final placements report. I remember some cool looking pdfs being uploaded for last year's report. this one just not upto the mark.
not a bschooler yet but i dont think this opting out scheme is a very gud idea.. coz as far as i'm concerned, the institute builds very capable people who are readily accepted into large corporates.. it does it thru academic rigour and the 2 years spent there.. basically placements are a function of
a) what u were b4 u got in and
b) how u performed while u were there
this new rule dilutes all this.. if aspirants wanted to get some entrepreneurial experience they could hav done that b4 choosing to join the iim. also i would like to understand how well defined is the process.. what if bschoolers not satisfied with the offers in their hands jus say 'entrepreneurial experience' and go get a job thru and come back after two years.. how fair is it to those who would be attending placements then - after 2 years.. having ppl from outside to compete with..
this post-mba-post-entrepreneurship-post-2year opportunity makes an iim look like a placement agency which i think is not its primary objective.
my take is this plan aint to smart atleast in the current form.. i believe at the minimum guys who opt put hav to prove after 2 years that all they pursued was entrepreneurship and not employement... and only then they should be given a shot at placements again.. if this basic hygiene is not maintained, then i think this has to be viewed as jus a plan hatched by the iims to place students in better jobs and opportunities than what is presented now and they are scared to say that so they hide behind guise of entrepreneurship..
placement holiday as in he opted out of placements...???
He opted out of placements - but he has an option to sit for placements within the next two years.
And not enough can be said about the placement holiday idea. Now this one seriously needs to be copied across all IIMs. I really hope IIMC too implements it which I think it will :)
In the year of some IIMs chickening out I think IIMA has shown the right path ahead.
Sure, this, I think is the single largest innovations to the placement process in recent times. A very novel idea to promote doubting, but aspiring entrepreneurs. I think every top B school should try to implement this.
Gr8 Going IIMA
IIMA rocks
Its a gr8 insti...with gr8 placements and lot other strong points
All the bets to ppl venturing into profiles of their desire
Chak de phatte