Hello Frnds! This is Pratheep from HYD. Frnds There is lot of information regarding IRMA and TISS but nothing much on IIFM,Bhopal So those ppl who hav IIFM in mind share ur views and other information.Let us make this thread lively. Sma…
This is Pratheep from HYD.
Frnds There is lot of information regarding IRMA and TISS but nothing much on IIFM,Bhopal
So those ppl who hav IIFM in mind share ur views and other information.Let us make this thread lively.
Small z B'ful,
Hey thanks buddy
I was looking for someone to take the initiative.How many of you people think its a viable option to apply for IIFM ?
Nice to c ur reply.
It completely depens on persons interest as to apply to IIFM or not.
Tough the initial placements r not as lucrative as those of other schools,but long term prospects r good.
As many of alumnus of IIFM r in World Bank and other UN organaisations like UNEP....
so Guys come out with your Knowledge abt IIFM
Small is B'ful
hi all
all those who are planning to apply for IIFM or have applied can check my earlier posts (on different threads relating IIFM). they can get some of thier queries satisfied.
If you want some specific information you can post your queries and i would be happy to answer them. You are also free to mail u r queries on [email protected].
Santosh Singh
PFM Class of 2006
hi ppl!
well to start with i thanks santosh sir fr taking initiative ds time too (he was very supportive fr us last year (2k5-2k7 batch).he s shortly going fr his "organisational training" in africa....well u ppl know OLAM INTERRNATIONAL i hope.i ll be very glad to answer all sort of queries regarding iifm fr d ppl interested .
batch of 2007
thanx friends . for starting such a wonderful thread . i have a few queries . please answer them ..
1. Can you tell me about the faculty and infrastructure at IIFM ?
2. What is the interviewer looking for in a prospective candidate ?
3. Is the course suitable for engineers or do you prefer some particular background ?
4. What is the placement scenario of the last batch ??
5.Is there any restriction on profile opf the recruiters as in the case of IRMA ??
6. how many post graduate programs are offered at IIFM?? kindly elaborate ..
Hi Kunal,
Thanks for ur voluntary help to all of us.
First main thin is CAT score
What is the least percentile likely to get call from IIFM?
bye the way convey our wishes to mr.santosh for his Trip
Small z B'ful
thanx friends . for starting such a wonderful thread . i have a few queries . please answer them ..
1. Can you tell me about the faculty and infrastructure at IIFM ?
2. What is the interviewer looking for in a prospective candidate ?
3. Is the course suitable for engineers or do you prefer some particular background ?
4. What is the placement scenario of the last batch ??
5.Is there any restriction on profile opf the recruiters as in the case of IRMA ??
6. how many post graduate programs are offered at IIFM?? kindly elaborate ..
well....first of all i m very sorry fr replying late...coz our mid term exams were goin on....n they r just finished now.coming to saurav's queries one by one i ll try to answer all the questions in d clearest way possible.
1.we have around 28 full time faculty comprising of people with phds from foriegn universities like syraccuse,mit,n some u.k. universities.four of the faculty members are serving IFS officers ,one of them was undersecretary in the panel forming national forest policy.most of the professers ve very high professional degrees n great expertise in their field.for example one of our teachers mr. pratap singh(serving IFS officer) is counted as the 2nd best man in bird watching in india after salim ali.apart from this numerous guest faculties n ppl from foreign organisations with high reputation come here n share their views regularly.
2.well....as far as the interviewing ppl r concerned in my opinion all of em look fr the right candidate suited for their requirements.here at IIFM you r supposed to ve an inclination towards environment n development sector .
3.of course the course is very suitable for engineers....out of 42 people in pfm 2007 batch around 15 people are engineers.so the message is loud n clear.no preference to any particular background is given .we ve ppl ranging from sociology,commerce,economics,industrial microbiology,physics,n engineering background n this s not exhaustive.
4.well commenting on the placement scenarion i m going to throw light on things which even i didnt knew before taking admission here.we dont advertise much thts why general perception is mixed in regard to this.
in the last batch ...
1.lowest indian salary-14 thousand per month in hand(mind it...in hand)+all sorts of incentive.
2.average indian salary-20 thousand per month+incentives
3.highest indian salary-40 thousand per month+incentives
4.overseas salary-(3 ppl got selected at OLAM INTERNATIONAL)-9 lakhs in hand + $450 per month as living expenses
5.no restrictions.
6.there are two programmes offered at iifm....
1.the flagship prog called pfm (post graduate diploma in forestry management)....its a two year fully residential programme .candidates selected through cat +gd+interview.
2.second prog is mrm(masters in natural resource management) .its a one year course and elligibilty for this is pg degree/diploma.this is a course equivalent to m.phil.degree.selection done through interview and presentation.for more info log on to www.iifm.org
ps-be prepared to work in ngos at grassroot level....for reaching great heights
Hi Kunal,
Thanks for ur voluntary help to all of us.
First main thin is CAT score
What is the least percentile likely to get call from IIFM?
bye the way convey our wishes to mr.santosh for his Trip
Small z B'ful
hi pratheep
getting a call here is not difficult but converting the call is little difficult.last year people were even called at a modest score of 80 .but for converting u need to ve around 90 perecntile .almost all of my classmates here at iifm in general category are above 88 percentile.also u should score something in each section(hope u understand)
hello Kunal,
its so nice of u for giving so much information on IIFM and answering our personal queries too.Infact I m aiming for IRMA or IIFM very much
Thanks again
Small z B'ful
hello Kunal,
its so nice of u for giving so much information on IIFM and answering our personal queries too.Infact I m aiming for IRMA or IIFM very much
Thanks again
Small z B'ful
hi pratheep
hope u r preparing well... everybody s free to ask ne sort of question regarding IIFM .we r all here to help!
Hey Kunal_blue
Very to the point way of describing the placement senarioa by putting on the NET in hand salaries !!!!
But I am rather interested in knowing about the job profiles.
Can you put up a detailed table showing "Edu.+Exp. Background plus Salary wise Job Profile".
Basic idea is to have the 360 degree picture of how much & how many jobs are how closely(or remotely) ralated to the core area ..... and it varies with the background of students and how the salaries vary with the profiles.
One such example is Indian Institue of Tourism Management where good no. of jobs are coming from Service Marketing & traditional managerial functions also and not just from the Tourism sectors only.
I hope you would take the pain to clarify it......It would be of a big help.
Hey Kunal_blue
Very to the point way of describing the placement senarioa by putting on the NET in hand salaries !!!!
But I am rather interested in knowing about the job profiles.
Can you put up a detailed table showing "Edu.+Exp. Background plus Salary wise Job Profile".
Basic idea is to have the 360 degree picture of how much & how many jobs are how closely(or remotely) ralated to the core area ..... and it varies with the background of students and how the salaries vary with the profiles.
One such example is Indian Institue of Tourism Management where good no. of jobs are coming from Service Marketing & traditional managerial functions also and not just from the Tourism sectors only.
I hope you would take the pain to clarify it......It would be of a big help.
hi k_patel
first of all i would say tht ds question is quite logical n i appreciate ur concern about ds aspect.see....as far as the percentage of ppl placed in various sectors s concerned u can look at our website www.iifm.ac.in
Now as far as a particuler student with a given background s concerned,i would say tht background doesnt play a major role here.for instance ,in the same company say india bulls last year ppl from both economics n engg. background were placed.Also at Olam international two engineers n one cs student was selected.At winrock international also commerce guys n engg. ppl were selected.also in almost all ngos ppl from diverse backgrounds get placed.It s more concerned with ur performance in this course.
Now coming to the dispersion of salaries from our indian mean rs 20000,last year organisations offering less than 14000 rs. were shown door.this s quite important as major recruiters at our place r ngos n some of the very good ngos used to pay as little as 12.5 k in earlier times like CARE.
There r ngos who pay more like winrock ....nearly 24-25 k.
This year we r keeping the lower limit to 15 k n since we r the only institute in natural resource management ......ngos r revising their salary structure for us.
Also as i ve already mentioned in my previous posts beautiful salaries r also there(last year three @ Olam international).
Hope this ll suffice .Had u given ur background ...i would ve been more specific.if something s not clear ...u r free to ask.I ll try my best to answer ur queries
Hope this ll suffice .Had u given ur background ...i would ve been more specific.if something s not clear ...u r free to ask.I ll try my best to answer ur queries
Thanks a lot dear.
By the way I am doing BA with Economics.
But everything is now very clear.
dear kunal,
m aditya a marine engineer how can i fit into iifm and wat could be the prospects formr ? regards
Thanks a lot dear.
By the way I am doing BA with Economics.
But everything is now very clear.
hi thr!
u r welcome...by the way i ve also done B.A.(hons.) economics.
dear kunal,
m aditya a marine engineer how can i fit into iifm and wat could be the prospects formr ? regards
hi adityameri
first of all i m really sorry tht i culdnt reply in time coz we were busy with some field trips.now coming to ur question...
well...to be frank i don think thr s something fr engineers frm all branches to specialize in an mba course n tht too in specialized sectoral courses like post graduate diploma in forestry management.of course u can specialize in MIS here n u ll ve definitely a gr8 advantage.wht say?this s really emerging field in natural resource management sector.who knows.....u might become one of the torch bearers fr indians specializing in this field ....lots of option n lots of opportunities.hope this ll suffice.take my first sentence sportingly.further questions are welcome.
note- due to diwali vacation i wont be able to reply ur queries from 28th oct till 8th nov.feel free to ask anything related to us.i ll be replying once i m back frm my home.
In the application form, they ask for the center code, is it the CAT center?
Also the IIFM application form, they ask for the reg./application number, shall I leave that blank, and I am appling onlie.
In the application form, they ask for the center code, is it the CAT center?
Also the IIFM application form, they ask for the reg./application number, shall I leave that blank, and I am appling onlie.
both are related to cat only.the first is cat centre code and second is cat registration number.leave the application form number blank.it ll be assigned a number once it reaches here....