hi guys dis d deepa doin my final eie @ karunya,cbe. i wanna pursue my mba in a gud coll nd i m searchin 4 it plz do help me… i ve selected some coll can u plz tel me weather dey r 5n… 1)balaji institue of management,pune …
hi guys dis d deepa doin my final eie @ karunya,cbe. i wanna pursue my mba in a gud coll nd i m searchin 4 it plz do help me........:grin: i ve selected some coll can u plz tel me weather dey r 5n............. 1)balaji institue of management,pune 2)IFIM banglore 3)sdm mysore............plz help me out guys.........if poss do tel me other gud coll...... i m xpectin 650+ im MAT nd around 70% in CAT................
thank u guys..........
hey deep sdm is gud college i have also applied there
hey thanks a lot 4 d reply yaarr.......
hey thanks a lot 4 d reply yaar......................
use thank button plz and how many qns u hav done in cat ,i hav done 36 with avrage accuracy expecting atleast 80
This is hari from chennai i completed my BE ECE in 2008 and i hav a work exp of 30 months in BPO industry, my percentage of marks are as follows
what should be my cut off to get a call for GD/PI in SDM,ifim and BIMM?
and wts your openion about IFIM how about the placements there and what is the avg package there?
PLz help me out with this!!!!!!
Hi Hari,
Iam a student from IFIM.You can apply for IFIM u have got the criteria for GD&PI.If; you ask me about ifim it has got good faculties and they have a placement record of 88% this tym.....Avg salary this tym was 2.5l....
hello everyone
I have got 620 marks in mat dec and got call frm IFIM bangalore,wanted to know that is it a better college than MPBIM bangalore.
eagerly waiting for reply
i want to know the placement record and avg placement of IFIM,BANGLORE,AND ISB&M; KOLKATA
hi i also got admission offer from IFIM bagalore so if u get to know abt it then inform me also
hey guys,please tell me whether the last date has been gone for the application in IFIM Bangalore or still i can apply,please respond,m in a big mess with the dates here regarding.....:lookround::lookround:
sarafvivek Sayshey guys,please tell me whether the last date has been gone for the application in IFIM Bangalore or still i can apply,please respond,m in a big mess with the dates here regarding.....:lookround::lookround:
As per their website , the dates are still open.
Plus , this thread is irrelevant because the first post in the thread is query about comparing & analyzing 3 schools.
@ Mods , Kindly close the thread
How is IFIM B School, bangalore? Please Help me regarding this institute!Fees is 9.5 lacs and 10000/month for accommodation (TOTAL FOR 2 YEARS IS 12 LACS)...I belong to a middle class family, so 12 lacs means a lot to me...
i want some information regarding the reputation, ranking, faculty, and placements of the institute!Please Help as soon as possible.Thank you.