Hey guys! I am in deep trouble :embarrased: and need ur help to have clarity.*My Profile:*1)I am BTech from one of the IITs2)Worked in PSU for 4.5 years3)Wanted some change and joined a startup(startup-1) in Jan-2014 as the first employe…
Hey guys! I am in deep trouble and need ur help to have clarity.
My Profile:
1)I am BTech from one of the IITs
2)Worked in PSU for 4.5 years
3)Wanted some change and joined a startup(startup-1) in Jan-2014 as the first employee. Funding didn't materialise and the startup closed
4) the same founders came up another idea and started working on it with me as their 1st employee and again funding didn't materialise and this one is going to close too.
My Query
How to use this experience for my MBA applications?