how much fair do u all think the process of gd/pi is

as we all know that after getting the percentiles we have to get pass gd/pi for acquiring a seat in any reputed institute . every guy applies to around 4 to 5 institutes . acc to his performance on that particular day of his interview he got exami…

as we all know that after getting the percentiles we have to get pass gd/pi for acquiring a seat in any reputed institute . every guy applies to around 4 to 5 institutes . acc to his performance on that particular day of his interview he got examined and selected . there are lot of guys who got calls from all the iims but were able to convert only iim a . wat does that mean . that guy is good acc to iim a but not up to mark acc to all other iims . is it fair . we all know there are quite a few of people only who were able to convert all their calls . that similar guy who got rejected by mostly all institutes is selected by one of the top institutes . why so much difference in selection criteria

I think the selection process of GD-PI is fair enough. It gives equal chance to all aspirants, it is only for them to grab the opportunity at the right moment.

What is the purpose of a GD?
To check how one comunicates his/her idea in a group. A person is supposed to be working in groups and teams after MBA and there are many soft skills required to perform well in a group. Negotiation skills, listening skills, clarity of thought and many others. All these are tested in a GD and each person is evaluated on the same.

Some GDs get majority good speakers while some get none. That is all on your luck as to which group do you get. If you are the shy one in a group of aggressive speakers then it becomes too difficult to survive. You need to make your own way and leave your limitations aside to do well in a GD. The moderators of a GD notice all these minor points and if you are a shy speaker and put in just 2-3 good points, you might score well above the aggressive ones.

If a person gets 6 IIM calls and is not able to convert any, then it most probably due to his bad luck or some limitations in his approach towards a GD. The person himself has to find out the negatives and change those to positives.

And if one person gets selected in only 1 IIM out of the 5 in which he/she appeared, then most probably he got through because he was the most apt fit in that particular IIM and not because of his GD skills. There are lot many factors like profile of a candidate, CAT sectional scores, etc. which come into picture. It is not just based on a good GD or an excellent PI.

so u wanna say it is luck which decides our fate most of time , obviously other things like cat per , profile . comm skills etc do matter but luck plays the vital role . dont u think this statement in itself is putting big question mark on selection criteria of highly rated b schools where luck is the major deciding criteria . thats wat my question is . wat othr puys think abt this . no offences meant .

Yes, luck is important but you can't just sit back and say -"Oh, I was unlucky" :

You need to prepare well enough to avoid all luck factors. Suppose the topic of the GD goes above your head, then? Some would say that they were unlucky as they didn't know the topic, while others would say that they did not prepare well enough for the GD. So you need to work upon minimizing luck factor. Like I said if there are many aggressive speakers in the GD and if your are shy, you need to shout it out and make your way through. You just can't sit back and say after the GD that you were unlucky. So its all about reacting under pressure coz its a matter of a seat at a B school.

So always try to minimize the luck factors and prepare well. Luck factor is the most easy excuse of rejection. :

premier institutes like imt ghaziabad has given only 15 mins to a group of over 12 persons to discuss on a particular topic and after that interviews merely lasts for abt 5 to 9 mins and same question why do u want to do mba has been asked to the majority . are they selecting students by their faces

see keshav, things dont go the way you think. i have been a part of 7 gd's and personally i believe i got a chance to speak in every gd.
there's lot more to gd than just ur communication skills that gets you through.the points u make, how much u listen to others and also wen u dont give new points ur level of involvement with th group in that sense even if a person speaks less he has sufficient chance of getting through.

as far as interview is concerned, i personally beieve its more of a test of ur approach and attitute than it is of how manny questions in the interview you answer correctly.this is the reason why most of the interviews have subjective as well as objective type of questions.
its indeed a fai process u c.if conversions were based on the just the fact that how many questions u answere correctly then dont u think a more eligible candidate might get rejected just b'coz the questions on which the interviewer tested him were some facts he was not aware of.

Well the GD/PI process is rather biased - its actually based on what a panel thinks of you. No matter how well you do, if the panel doesnt like you well...

Yes as Mahip said - you can minimize the luck aspect.

As for it is fair or not - I see many people who deserve it but dont get it. Every business school has a set of parameters they look for. After all, the right to admission rest with them.

However, the GD/PI process is used to screen candidates. And it surely is not fool proof.


P.S: At TAPMI they started the extempore because coaching institutes prep students on certain ways to tackle GD/PI. The result is that students dont necessarily have individual brain processes.

I feel this is how it works. One can never be sure of getting the opportunity of sitting thru a good GDPI. But the preparation can help one increase the probability of success. I am using the word probability since there is considerable luck factor involved and hence reducing the luck factor by over preparation is the only option. Having more interview calls definitely helps. I guess my view is inline with Mahip's.

I have attended 10 GDPI's till date and was rejected in 1, WL in 3 and converted 6. I somehow was very disillusioned with the whole process. Though I thought I will convert, what I could not figure out was what are they trying to find out. Are they putting enough efforts to figure out the person behind me etc.

Very crudely put, say you have mugged up names of all Prime Ministers till date, the prof asks that qn, you answer it correctly. And you get selected. So, you had a chance to prepare and probably must have prepared this. So, preparing this and similar stuff would increase the probability of success. So, Yes, the process did give me a chance.

(My Indore interview was 70% on Tamil Nadu history and temple architecture and I had wikied it properly knowing such qns are asked and hence cracked the interview)

But then, is it necessary to know TN history or names of PM's to land an MBA admit. I wonder.

PS: Some students after getting an admit would start using the "The profs are great and they know how to find out even when you tell I don't know" and loads of other BS. Thats the best crap I have heard till date.

In short ,yes the admission process is not 100 percent perfect
Its all because of the numbers involved
Every year for every thousand odd guys that get into IIMs, there would be another thousand guys that are equally eligible or better qualified.

The CAT exam, GD and PI are all attempts to select a few people from this huge applicant pool

CAT is just a brutal way of selecting about 2-3,000 from 2,50,0000 people..
A guy who had a bad C-Day and scoring a 95 percentile might turn out to be a better manager than a 100 percentiler.
Agreed the top 1-2% cutoff will eliminate a lot of great guys, but there is just no other practical way as of now.

Coming to GD and PI ,what does the guys at the other end of the table want from holding GD and PI??
It would be reasonable to assume that they want to assess the candidates 1) ablity to work in a team and 2) Personal goals and fit to the program
But then again no IIM/biz school GD is nowhere near to how a team will hold a meeting in a corporate environment. I have found the TAS "chairmans GD" much closer to reality, But then again it takes around 2 hours for a panel of 8 which will not be feasible in a business school selection.

Even a PI need not be totally fair or unbiased because of factors like perceptions and moods of the panel.

So if you start thinking cynically, the whole selection procedure may look unfair.( Last year, even I used to fight with a friend who had got an IIM call while I was a CAT virgin then). Now after going through the system, I will say yes the system might look unfair especially for a guy who couldnt beat it.

If getting rejected in the admission process inspite of knowing that you are beter than other guys looks unfair, think what milkha singh wouldve felt after breaking the world record but couldnt get even a bronze because three other guys performed better than him(and their previous bests) on that particular day

group discussion is an informal way of expressing ur views wiyhout any hesitation and it is always done without presence of any examiner but in b schools gd is done in the presence of whole panel which made it stand btwn formal & informal both . all aspirants try to show them to the panel instead of proving themselves to the group . they just shout their way out to reach to the panel sitting over there . everybody speaks only to entertain the panel not to help the group travel towards its procedings . gd should be done without the presence of the panel instead of that they can use camers or black glass classroom. we cant write off anybody by not giving him enough time and chance to prove himself . everybody has got something diff in his kitty

At the end of the day, GD /PI tests u on the qualities that would stand u in good stead in ur career as a communication skills,integrity,handling pressure,diplomacy etc etc....n the weightage given to the process is testimony to the importance of developing all the above skills..

but then whether the measurement is exact or not is the qn...
but i believe given the expertise and experience of the panelists
they can easily do the job....and given the large numbers involved the process ,as it s now, is the best possible way..n again people who hav a lower degree of the above mentioned qualities(and who plans to improve on the same) can always seal it with a great CAT score

All in all a very well balanced procedure