Now this question has been irking me for a while now :: The only place I talked about PG forums was on the old sify forums. But we are racking up members very fast right now. Almost 100 this month. Just how did you people find out about the…
Now this question has been irking me for a while now
The only place I talked about PG forums was on the old sify forums. But we are racking up members very fast right now. Almost 100 this month. Just how did you people find out about the forums ?
Also, I never linked the frontpage to the forum.
Let me know how each of guys got in here. Wouldn't we all like to know
Well, I saw a post of urs on the Sify forum (of which I was not an active member)...The post went something like this :
Subscribe to
1000+ messages in just 14 days
Saw the message and immediately dived in
Actually I was thinking about the same question a couple of days back, How did I came to know about PG? And the thing is that it was way back in september I think, so I don't even remember. I think someone must have posted it in one of the many CAT yahoogroups I was the member of. After becoming the member of I myself posted the link to the site on all the yahoogroups I was the member of twice or thrice. ( with a break of a month or so, so I was not spamming those groups 😃 )
Actually I am still a member of those groups, just not recieving any mails from them now. And I found this strange that you had not linked from the main page (
I came here through the CAT-2003 yahoogroups. Anil has permanently added the link to the Yahoogroup footer, I guess!
One of the good things he did
I really dont remember how I heard about PG. But that was in early december, after CAT. I guess I got it from some mailinglist, probably cat2k2. I felt I was a lil late in finding this place, especially after seeing all the discussions about those Simcats, as there weren't many with whom I could discus those.
In fact I was thinking about sending a PM to you about putting a link at the homepage. I am sure that many will come there and amy not be able to find their way.
Anyway great work PG. Keep the goodwork going, and I am sure that this is going to be of huge size by the time for CAT 2003. But that brings its own challenges also. It is going to be a real job for you to keep this quality at very high groupsizes.
I think it was really fun sharing all those anxious moments waiting for results, pondering over lil bits of rumours, and celebrating together the acheivements....
I have to thank Anil for his generosity there. Personally I have seen quite a bit of yahoo groups and feel his is the one to join at the moment as cat2k2 might be closed down in the mid of April or so as I heard lijo say.
Any person or the other I meet here seems to be saying some good thing or the other about cat2k2. I wish I were a part of it.
I used to visit the site till CAT'02 ... theres a discussion forum in that site also (where people fight, and shout and yell to each other for things like B'school ranking :x and talk abt preparations and all much less) ... and I guess just after CAT, I got this forum link in some post there ... but I actually has stopped visiting that site much nowadays
I must add at this point, I have seen very few forums where a community feeling is so strongly present in every member ... I am not sure how and when it was achieved ... but well, in my opinion, this very feeling is the success formula of ... mayb PG can say more abt this magic in his own way 😃
hi pg,
i got to know about this forum thru cat2k2 yahoo group
cat2k2 was also a gr8 group with the moderators arun,lijo etc contributing a lot and really helping ppl
and that i think is the way to success for any forum ; the moderaters shld really really take part like in this group
the reason this scores over other groups(esp cat2k2) is the thread format of mailing , more fun threads too , more members and no one being given a demi god status
Hey Philip,
I really dont remember how I heard about PG. But that was in early december, after CAT. I guess I got it from some mailinglist, probably cat2k2. I felt I was a lil late in finding this place, especially after seeing all the discussions about those Simcats, as there weren't many with whom I could discus those.
cat2k2 is still the best discussion forum there and very well moderated. I have talked to lijo a couple of times and asked him to keep it going and I hope he does it. Those Simcats were a real fun time here. Those postings used to come in 30 mins after the Simcat's were over..starting with bingo and then me.
In fact I was thinking about sending a PM to you about putting a link at the homepage. I am sure that many will come there and amy not be able to find their way.
The first page you see on PG was all I intended to let this site be. Never ever thought I would start a forum and let this mayhem continue to become such a force

Anyway great work PG. Keep the goodwork going, and I am sure that this is going to be of huge size by the time for CAT 2003. But that brings its own challenges also. It is going to be a real job for you to keep this quality at very high groupsizes.
Very well said. I'm wondering about the future too. The main worry is what happens when the top guns here leave to the Bschools. I am absolutely sure I can't handle it alone. The pressures on me are increasing.
Barkha too is unable to actively moderate due to her timing pressures with studies.
I have to get some moderators in who will take forward the community feeling and who believe in maintaining the community like I do. You'll see a thread about it real soon.
I think it was really fun sharing all those anxious moments waiting for results, pondering over lil bits of rumours, and celebrating together the acheivements....
Amen to that.
hii allwin i had joined in this forum in the mon of sept..
i think i saw a message in a sify forum which prompted me to join the forum and yes i was really happy ..its a lovely community..
Hey Andy,
I used to visit the site till CAT'02 ...
The forum of coolavenues is one place I used to visit and wonder do the IIMs produce grads like that

I must add at this point, I have seen very few forums where a community feeling is so strongly present in every member ... I am not sure how and when it was achieved ... but well, in my opinion, this very feeling is the success formula of ... mayb PG can say more abt this magic in his own way :)
I've been at dozens of forums and here I got a chance to prove what a community is capable of and here we are :)
Most importantly its the members who make all the difference. People have stood by the forum, advertised it .. worked on a common goal and stayed online 24/7 to make this the place to be.
Plus its a community. All decisions for expansions, redesigning, upgrades, bans, sub forums were done right here in front of everyone. I'm proud of the fact that I was able to almost implement EACH and every valid addition that everyone wanted done here.
And yes, we had a lot of fun doing it

hi ppl.....hmm......where did i get to know of pg??? i am quite positive i don't remember but i guess , its gotta be cat2k2...... but i do remember coming here sometime in oct/nov upto the index and going back to the forum when someone posted a link to the file that pg has in the download section......
Andy| SaysI must add at this point, I have seen very few forums where a community feeling is so strongly present in every member ... I am not sure how and when it was achieved ... but well, in my opinion, this very feeling is the success formula of ...
amen to that andy.......hope to c it carries on......
|pagalguy SaysPlus its a community. All decisions for expansions, redesigning, upgrades, bans, sub forums were done right here in front of everyone
guess thats one of the main reasons for the success of the forums..... i've seen many board admins either have a hands-off approach or jut into every other posting with their do's n don'ts.....but pg's approach in involving the forum members in all issues is probably THE reason..... it also has a lot to do with the kinda ppl that the forum is attracting, i mean not many sleepers around......ppl do actually take the time out to post their .02 ......
Well, I was this member of the yahoo group and then one day, some one called Pagalguy posts, saying "this is a slow unidirectional site, hard to access any post , what say? I start up a forum where all like minded people are one "
No one replied to that post. And two days later Hey Presto in walks Allwin PAgalguy and says " I have a hot site up, just need hotter people to make it happen"
And one day, I wandered into the forum and have never left since (though this is a post from me in a long time)
Kudos to PG though, one heck of a forum , one heck of an administrator ... er administrators, Aishya included. And man!! one heck of a crowd.
lovely being here.
sify is where i saw it.
i saw it at mbamatters and cat2k2 yahoo groups..and then i got hooked here
I joined as a pal recommended it.
Just how did you people find out about the forums ?
well i dont remember how i bumped into this place...think it was thru CAT 2k2..but then ever since..i havent left yet

regarding the footer thing in the CAT-2003 group...i just cudnt resist informing the ppl out there..

anil Saysregarding the footer thing in the CAT-2003 group...i just cudnt resist informing the ppl out there..
The forum is worth it Anil
