Hi,Let me illustriate my background,CLass X:-70%(ICSE Board)Class XII-66%(Best of four,ISC board)Graduation-(BCA)-6.73 GPAAGE:-turned 24 very recentlyWent to IIRM(Institute of Insurance and Risk Management) for a course PG program-scor…


Let me illustriate my background,

CLass X:-70%(ICSE Board)

Class XII-66%(Best of four,ISC board)

Graduation-(BCA)-6.73 GPA

AGE:-turned 24 very recently

Went to IIRM(Institute of Insurance and Risk Management) for a course PG program-scored 75%(Course Sent by ICICI for their company specific course.

worked at ICICI for 1 and a half years in Analytics and Pricing(Involved in all company numbers,and business aspects and Pricing of product,and well Versed in Stastical Analytical System),Long story short,my work life starts with numbers and ends with numbers.

Was earning 3.25 LPA(Fixed,apart from Variable) as a fresher,got a good rating and ok increment,apart from the performance bonus.

Was in Insurance Industry,got a good offer where the hike i got took me to above 5.25 LPA within a year and a half,but I have to change the industry for it,and the work would involve analytics and project management.

here are the few Dillema's:-

1)My question is,I really want to do MBA,but I lack the financial strength,as of Now to do an MBA,and currently cant leave my job,So,my question is,would an EX-MBA from a decent B-school after lets say,4-5years of Experience,help in my growth pattern?I dont think Im capable of getting into any of the TOP 3 IIM's,but touchwood,by god's grace,what about other good ones who provide Executive MBA,ISB's,SIBMs,XLRI's,FMS,or even Tier 2 colleges such as IMT,NMIMT,KJSMIM,Would that help in my career?or a fresher MBA is good enough?

2)SInce I already have Experience of Analytics and Pricing,would Acturial be a good option?But I had 70% in Maths in CLass X and had a horrible class XII in terms of studies,obviously could hardly manage a pass mark in Maths,but thats mostly because I could barely study in 12th rather than anything else.I do get praised in my organization for picking up stuff so fast as I could go and present in front of directors within 6 months of joining,in the field which has got to do with numbers.Im good with Numbers,but One weak point I have in Maths and thats Calculus,that was my differential factor for Class X and CLass XII.

3)Another option,I have deep interest in is,Investment Banking,Since Im not from any TOP B-SCHOOL and Nor from any IIT,and have NO experience in Investment banking,Would Going for a CFA/FRM help?I have studied a few odd chapters of CFA and it interests me.and Since it has little to do with calculus,it looks good for me.

what should I do? I feel Im getting too old to really go in Higher managements in my Life in a Company. The obvious other way to go for is,SInce I had Science in my Class XII,is to brush up my Class XII maths or in other words,brush up my Calculus.

I want to do BCA after my 12th And i have heard that before doing any degree i should have paased in any competitive exam Please help me i want to know about a particular exam which every top university offers before BCA And i also want to know how to clear that exam ?

I have a cat 52.74 %, I have secured 87.28 % in class 10th and 79% in class 12th, what colleges do I have a chance in?