I am new to Pagalguy. These are my qualifications Class 10 - 92.4% Class 12 - 95.25% Grads(Electrical Engg) - 8.74 (81.56%) Work Experience - till now 10 months in Siemens Ltd. (Core Electrical Co) Extra curricular - None With these qu…
I am new to Pagalguy. These are my qualifications
Class 10 - 92.4%
Class 12 - 95.25%
Grads(Electrical Engg) - 8.74 (81.56%)
Work Experience - till now 10 months in Siemens Ltd. (Core Electrical Co)
Extra curricular - None
With these qualifications, what min percentile should I be getting in CAT '13 to get a call from IIM I,L,K or S or from colgs like MDI, NITIE, IIT-Bombay?
Plz help.
Puys need sum info .... what all are the results awaited now ? i guess sum new iims n iim indore ...?
and can u please update me wid the list of colleges which declared their results aftr 15th of may?
whether forms for mms 2013 are available in various colleges across mumbai.
and when is the gd pi starting.
please help me.
Has the registration for MDI, NITIE, SP JAIN already started? if yes pls provide the links. Would be of immense help.