Hi i am new to PG and can’t find where to place my query so i started a new thread . I am interested in doing MBA from US in near future . I have done B.Com. and currently having only one year work ex . I have heard that there is a rule in U…
Hi i am new to PG and can't find where to place my query so i started a new thread .
I am interested in doing MBA from US in near future . I have done B.Com. and currently having only one year work ex . I have heard that there is a rule in US that one should have 16yrs of college education . So my this dream is gone ( i am planning to do M.Com) . I wanted to know that is this 16 yrs rule apply to other parts of globe too like UK , Australia , Singapore . I am planning to give GMAT this year . and after some 2-3 yrs of work ex i would like to go abroad .
Pls help me know that can i apply where with only 15 yrs of college education .
Thanks in advance
I don't know about US but in UK it is not required by most of the college.. 15 years would do
Most of the top 10 colleges in the US will accept you with a 3 year degree and 15 years of education. But you will need to have the requisite work ex to get into those colleges. When you doubt, check the schools website or email them.
Just wondering London Business School has got a real odd duration of course ... 21 months 😃 sort of silly ain't it.
Galahad.Threepwood SaysJust wondering London Business School has got a real odd duration of course ... 21 months 😃 sort of silly ain't it.
Um..why is it odd ? ISB has 12 months, Oxford has 14, Manchester has 16 - 18, Others have 20 - 24 😃
pagalguy SaysUm..why is it odd ? ISB has 12 months, Oxford has 14, Manchester has 16 - 18, Others have 20 - 24 :)
Oh!! Did not know .. thought it is either 1, 1.5 or 2 years..
Pardon my ignorance!!
Most of the top 10 colleges in the US will accept you with a 3 year degree and 15 years of education. But you will need to have the requisite work ex to get into those colleges. When you doubt, check the schools website or email them.
hi i am new to pg and this is my first post on the site . i was just checking the forums and found this page where the administrator has posted his response .
with all due respect i would like to correct you Mr. Pagalguy that in US there is a rule that 16 years study is must . Pls don't mislead ppl if you don't have the correct info . just tell them to collect the right info . You can check the site of any B school in US and you will see that this clause is given everywhere .
So i would like to request everybody that pls don't post any misleading info if you yourself are not confirmed about the info .
hi i am new to pg and this is my first post on the site . i was just checking the forums and found this page where the administrator has posted his response .
with all due respect i would like to correct you Mr. Pagalguy that in US there is a rule that 16 years study is must . Pls don't mislead ppl if you don't have the correct info . just tell them to collect the right info . You can check the site of any B school in US and you will see that this clause is given everywhere .
So i would like to request everybody that pls don't post any misleading info if you yourself are not confirmed about the info .
Now before you shove your foot into your mouth, you should research. I have clearly stated that SOME top 10 US universities DONT need 16 years of education. I mean the TOP 10, H/W/S/MIT/Columbia , none of them require 16 years of education and you CAN CHECK it up from their respective sites :)
I agree that the end student should do their own research, but yes, in the top 10 - your 15 year degree would be valid , except in some of them which you need to check on a case by case basis.
Now before you shove your foot into your mouth, you should research. I have clearly stated that SOME top 10 US universities DONT need 16 years of education. I mean the TOP 10, H/W/S/MIT/Columbia , none of them require 16 years of education and you CAN CHECK it up from their respective sites :)
I agree that the end student should do their own research, but yes, in the top 10 - your 15 year degree would be valid , except in some of them which you need to check on a case by case basis.
u r actually wrong . all the sites u just mentioned give an exception that 3 yr degree is sufficient .
Quote from Wharton site :
International candidates must have a college-level education equivalent to a 4-year American undergraduate or baccalaureate degree. There are a number of universities around the world that offer 3-year undergraduate programs. If you received a bachelor's degree upon completion of one of these undergraduate programs, you are eligible to apply to Wharton's MBA program. Many candidates from 3-year programs have a master's degree as well
But this means that if you have a 3 yr degree then they u have to undergo an accredition process and they will evaluate that is it equivalent to a four yr course or not . they will look in the course structure . And if you are only a bachelor then no 3 yrs degree in India is equivalent . only engg degree is sufficient or the medical one .
So maybe their site tells this but practically it is not applicable to any 3 yrs degree in INDIA .......
And take my words for that ........
U can check it out if you have any contacts studying abroad . coz i have many in almost all Top 20 colleges in US and they all told me this ... so u were technically wrong in what u told that guy ....
Now you are making a good point 😃 , I wonder why people have to make insinuating 1st posts without clarifying a point of view.
But here again, Wharton clearly states :
If you received a bachelor's degree upon completion of one of these undergraduate programs, you are eligible to apply to Wharton's MBA program
Which means, you have a BA degree or a B.com degree or any degree from India, which is given from an univ, which has a 3year degree course, you are eligible to apply.
But this means that if you have a 3 yr degree then they u have to undergo an accredition process and they will evaluate that is it equivalent to a four yr course or not .
Not really. B.com, BA's do get into Wharton without any additional Masters Degree. These guys DO make it to W/H/S/MIT as well. Chicago GSB has a distinct requirement that wont allow a 3 year degree, but requires a Masters degree from you and not only the first year of a Masters degree.
So maybe their site tells this but practically it is not applicable to any 3 yrs degree in INDIA .......
I suggest you head over to the S2S boards and clarify. Its not what 'may be' , it is WHAT it is. Seriously half knowledge is dangerous and this is proof. If you want to prove me wrong, its pretty simple. Email the adcoms of H/W/S/MIT and get me the responses. If I am wrong, I take it as a learning process, if you are reading too much into their statements, you come back and let us all know :)
Theek ? 😃
And yes, I applied to Columbia with a 3 year degree. My research on this is far more thorough because I HAVE a 3 year degree.
It's not that i made a post without clearing the point . what i told was technically right . i am not here to prove anybody wrong . it's justthat u misinterperated the statement and told that a 3 yr degree is sufficient . But if you check all the details then it is not so for Indian 3 yrs degree .
Now you are making a good point 😃 , I wonder why people have to make insinuating 1st posts without clarifying a point of view.
But here again, Wharton clearly states :
If you received a bachelor's degree upon completion of one of these undergraduate programs, you are eligible to apply to Wharton's MBA program
Which means, you have a BA degree or a B.com degree or any degree from India, which is given from an univ, which has a 3year degree course, you are eligible to apply.
Not really. B.com, BA's do get into Wharton without any additional Masters Degree. These guys DO make it to W/H/S/MIT as well. Chicago GSB has a distinct requirement that wont allow a 3 year degree, but requires a Masters degree from you and not only the first year of a Masters degree.
I suggest you head over to the S2S boards and clarify. Its not what 'may be' , it is WHAT it is. Seriously half knowledge is dangerous and this is proof. If you want to prove me wrong, its pretty simple. Email the adcoms of H/W/S/MIT and get me the responses. If I am wrong, I take it as a learning process, if you are reading too much into their statements, you come back and let us all know :)
Theek ? :)
so did you got thru columbia ?
I haven't heard of a single guy in the past 2-3 yrs studying in any top b school in US with a 3 yr indian degree
funky66 SaysI haven't heard of a single guy in the past 2-3 yrs studying in any top b school in US with a 3 yr indian degree
Seriously, half knowledge is a bad thing. Don't consider your knowledge all encompassing or representative. Email the adcoms and paste the responses.
I think that my knowledge is 100 % correct and i don't doubt . i know many people studying there and have asked them . i told you that i have contacts in all top b schools in US .
well i am not going to make it a issue to prove somebody wrong .
half knowlegde is very bad thing and i agree with you
The issue is pretty simple. Rather than believe you and your half baked knowledge, I'd believe the adcoms of these bschools, most of whom I have spoken to on various occassions during events.
So as I said, email them and get the appropriate response and we will both serve the cause of making sure people know the right info 😃
Fine tell me that on which of the top 10 colleges you are disagreeing with me , and i will try to find out .
well my knowledge is not half baked coz i know people studying there and i know that i am right
You are free to check with Wharton, Harvard, Stanford, MIT , Columbia because these are colleges I know first hand about and have either emailed or spoken to adcoms during their visits here.
B.com, BA degrees or 3 year degree granting a university degree are perfectly valid and acceptable for applying to these bschools.