Hi folks!!! We will be posting latest happenings / events / articles etc through this forum. Especially watch out for Dr Philip Kotler’s visit to Great Lakes during July 06 and admissions criteria for batch 2007-08 and more… Through t…
Hi folks!!!
We will be posting latest happenings / events / articles etc through this forum. Especially watch out for Dr Philip Kotler's visit to Great Lakes during July 06 and admissions criteria for batch 2007-08 and more....
Through this forum, anybody can buzz me regarding your queries, interests etc about the one year prog of our institute (Great Lakes, Chennai).
Alternatively you may also send in your mails to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
Bye for now!
Srivathsan (Sri) & Admissions committee
PGPM 2007
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai
"Global Mindset with Indian Roots"
Hi folks!!!
We will be posting latest happenings / events / articles etc through this forum. Especially watch out for Dr Philip Kotler's visit to Great Lakes during July 06 and admissions criteria for batch 2007-08 and more....
Through this forum, anybody can buzz me regarding your queries, interests etc about the one year prog of our institute (Great Lakes, Chennai).
Alternatively you may also send in your mails to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
Bye for now!
Srivathsan (Sri) & Admissions committee
PGPM 2007
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai
"Global Mindset with Indian Roots"
I h've one query......when i visited the GLIM site sometime back i did not see Deutsche Bank's name initially, later on this was added, i know of the guys from GLIM is joining DB and his recruitment was through Mafoi consultants and not the campus selection......later on i also heard that this was the case with many companies mentioned on the site...........could you please clarify this point.
Deutesche Bank is one of our Campus recruiters and had short listed candidates.
Campus Recruiter need not necessarily mean that they should compulsory visit the campus to interview people. Depending on the number people applied and shortlisted, logistics about the interviews will be planned. By the time Deutesche Bank approached us all our students got placed. So, people whoever were interested had been to their Corporate office for interviews.
The candidates did not use the services of Mafoi consultants it was a 100% institutes effort.
Just FYI, it is nothing wrong if an Institute uses a consultants services. These services will be of use if you have to match a senior profile with a niche requirement.
Hope this clarifies your query.
Appreciate your interest.
Srivathsan (Sri)
Deutesche Bank is one of our Campus recruiters and had short listed candidates.
Campus Recruiter need not necessarily mean that they should compulsory visit the campus to interview people. Depending on the number people applied and shortlisted, logistics about the interviews will be planned. By the time Deutesche Bank approached us all our students got placed. So, people whoever were interested had been to their Corporate office for interviews.
The candidates did not use the services of Mafoi consultants it was a 100% institutes effort.
Just FYI, it is nothing wrong if an Institute uses a consultants services. These services will be of use if you have to match a senior profile with a niche requirement.
Hope this clarifies your query.
Appreciate your interest.
Srivathsan (Sri)
Thanks for the clarification........
i asked the same question in a diff glim thread(dun remember which one).did not get a reply.neways....
wat is the profile offered for ppl placed in IT firms(will b gr8 if u can elaborate). n wat is the salary offered, say, for a person with 2+ IT experience.
The reason im askin u this is coz i hrd from a friend of mine dat glim's offering wrt faculty n curriculum is gr8.but things arent as rosy as it looks wrt profiles n placements.
thnx in advance
Sorry for the delay in reply!
People moving back to IT have been offered positions as Business Analyst and Associate Consultant in good IT Cos. like CTS, TCS, Infy, IBM etc etc. About the Package, it varies from co. to co. and also depends on the relevant work ex that you have. For Ex : some one coming from IT co. and moving to financial domain in IT might not be considered to have very high relevant work ex, on the flip side if you move on to consulting for similar domains you might get a fillip in the pay package.
About figures with 2+ yrs of work ex, it varies arund 6.5 L p.a , which increases as per yur relevant work ex.!
I hope i was able to answer your query.
Manik Kinra
I have a profile of approx 4 years of IT experience and m currently working as a lead in Mindtree Consulting Bangalore. What kinda proile i can expect if enrol myself for an MBA in Great lakes. Moreover I was not able to find out any consulting company in the placements list. Do any of the consulting company visits the campus? Also would be happy if you elaborate on the kinda GMAT score you look at.
Hi Vishal :
We are looking at GMAT scores > 700 - however depending on the kind of profile,expected scores might vary !
Regarding your query on placement - my collegue from Placement Commt will reply!
Thanks for your interest.
Admissions Committee
I have a query!
How is GLIM with 1 year PGPM helpful when compared 2 two year courses offered.
The course will be quite hectic i guess! 😞
Any answers as to y GLIM and not other colleges?? :satisfie:
Hi Vishal,
About the profile being offered with 4 plus yrs wrk ex, as i mentioned earlier it depends more on the relevant work ex than on the total yrs of work ex. and hence if moving back to IT consulting, the profile can be at high hierarchy in the consulting field it self.
I have a query!
How is GLIM with 1 year PGPM helpful when compared 2 two year courses offered.
The course will be quite hectic i guess! 😞
Any answers as to y GLIM and not other colleges?? :satisfie:
Great Lakes One Year PGPM is very useful and enriching !
Yes, the course work is really hectic and interesting!
For more details - you may visit our website - www.glakes.org - there you will find lot of info.
With respect admission procedures....we request you to post your query in here or mail us ([email protected],[email protected],[email protected])....we will be updating the admissions criteria soon in our website !!!
I applied for GLIM last yr (for 2006-07)
I couldn't convert it.
My query is that Manufacturing is in Horizontal & Operations in in Vertical. But, the OM specialisation is merged with Systems. Is there any proposal to start a separate specialisation for OM (or) Supply chain mgmt.?
Also pls tell me where the new campus is coming up?
Thank u.
wht kinda placements does glim have for non engineer guys-like banking/finan services sector?.....isnt the placements highly tilted towards IT???
People - we are having our exams now ...will reply to your queries....in a day or two....thanks....folks!
Hello People,
We are no more called GLIM. We are Great Lakes Institute of Management. Please avoid using GLIM in your queries/responses
Hi Abhishek,
Placements in any B school take place based on prefernces of the students. In Great Lakes , in last 2 yrs, more people have been willing to go to IT Firms and hence the % age of students joining IT have been more as compared to non IT. Besides that, if you look at the percentage distribution of cos. in any B School other than IIM's placements are dominated by IT and we being a 2 yr old school are still in the process of developing a profile similar to IIMs and hence IT.
About non engineers and profiles offered to them, banks like HDFC,Deutsche Bank,Emirates Bank to name a few took people for banking operations and profiles which were highly finance oriented. Also IT cos. take a lot of people as financial consultants and though they are into IT Firm, they are doing something which any IT or Non IT Financial Consultant would be doing.
I hope i was able to answer your query, feel free to write again incase of ne more info.
Hi SurethisTime,
About the new specialization, as of now there is no such plans to come up with such specialization. But this being a student owned institution, if there are lots of students willing to work on the same specialization and even the industry perception is good abt that specialization, it would taken into consideration with immd effect.
About the new campus, the exact details abt the same is still not available, but there is every probability that the next yr batch wud move in to the new campus.
The following are the general guidelines for ADMISSIONS to Great Lakes (2007-0

- Only GMAT and CAT scores will be accepted. CAT scores of 2005 and 2006 will be accepted - ofcourse GMAT scores should be within the validity period!!!
- The scores of GMAT or CAT will be a criterion for elimination. There is no cut-off in GMAT / CAT scores, however short listing candidates will be on the basis of relative performance (based on the population).
- Two years of work experience would be highly desirable for any prospective student.
- The application forms will be available tentatively from September 1, 2006.
Detailed Time line will be posted for your reference and action, very soon.
Announcement regarding "MEET THE DEAN SESSION"
All aspiring friends, we cordially invite you all to meet our
Prof. Bala V Balachandran the Hon.Dean of Great Lakes on
02nd July 07 at the following venue:
Annexe Building of India International Centre,
40, Max Mueller Marg,
New Delhi .
The timing is 6.30 to 8.30 p.m.
A brief intro & profile of our Prof Bala :
Bala Balachandran began his teaching career in 1960 while a graduate student at Annamalai University, India. In 1967 he moved to the University of Dayton and in 1971, to Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, where he taught management courses while working on his doctorate. In 1973 he joined the Kellogg Graduate School of Management faculty. From 1979-83 he chaired the Department of Accounting and Information Systems; in 1984 he was appointed Distinguished Professor of Accounting and Information Systems and Decision Sciences. He is also director of the Accounting Research Center.
Professor Balachandran's teaching interests include managerial accounting, auditing, management information systems, and mathematical programming. He is one of three Kellogg faculty members who started the Information Resource Management Program (IRM) at Northwestern in 1974. He has authored more than 55 research articles and is currently writing a managerial accounting textbook with emphasis on cost management in an automated manufacturing environment. He is department editor in accounting for Management Science, associate editor for The Accounting Review and on the editorial boards of Contemporary Accounting Research, and the Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance.
Professor Balachandran's research deals with performance evaluation, cost management, audit planning, allocation models, and forecasting. His recent work includes auditors' legal liability and game theoretic cost allocation models with transfer pricing. His work has earned numerous scholastic honors, awards, and fellowships, and he serves as a consultant to senior management in industry, as well as to the U.S. Air Force, in the areas of accounting, forecasting, and strategic decision support systems. He has provided executive education for various companies and the government and is the program director for "Managing Cost Information for Effective Strategic Decisions," a three-day program conducted at the James L. Allen Center each year during the spring and fall.
There will more sessions in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and other places. We will update this forum regarding the same.
You may reach us for any further queries.
Best regards
Srivathsan & Admissions Commt.
P.S :- You may also check LIFE AT GREAT LAKES link also.