Gre preparation books

Guys can anyone give me your gre books for preparing??am planning to write this june…if u’re done writing the test or not using it…could u pls lend me ur books then??

Guys can anyone give me your gre books for preparing??am planning to write this june..if u're done writing the test or not using it..could u pls lend me ur books then??

The Official Guide to the GRE Revised General Test

 The Official Guide to the GRE Revised General Test with CD-ROM, 2nd Edition is a book that comes directly from the very same people who set the test, making it ideal for just about anyone who's preparing for the GRE revised General Test. This official guide has practically everything that you could ever need when you're preparing for this exam. Whether you're preparing for this exam to earn your business school degree or for your graduation degree, this guide offers you all the much-sought-after information that you need to crack such an exam. Only ETS can present you with all that you need to know, much before you decide to give such an exam. Here, you gain insight as to how you can score well in such an exam. You are also supplied with countless questions that are based on the pattern of the exam. These questions can be used for practice, thus helping you sharpen your skills. The second edition of the book The Official Guide to the GRE Revised General Test with CD-ROM, 2nd Edition has been published by Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, in the year 2012 and can be purchased in paperback. 

Here's a collection of all materials (Books, Notes, Videos, Audio) I used.

You don’t need many links, here’s a compilation of all those.

Simple steps

1. Go to link - ETS-material - Google Drive

2. Download the zip

Note - Since file size is large, download can take considerable amount of time.

GRE material





    ETS Official GUide to GRE 2nd Edition


    Barron's GRE 12th Edition

    Princeton Words

    Princeton Review - Verbal Workout

    RS Agarwal Quantitative Aptitude

    Manhattan GRE 2nd Edition

    GRE Practice Test


    Cracking the GRE 2013 Edition


    501 Series (includes Reading Comprehension, Sentence Completion, Quantitative exams)

    800 Series (Verbal tests)

Essay preparation, Math Review books

Word Power Made Easy solution

Bunch of Word lists -







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