GMAT Study schedule - 3 Months

Guys, I am appearing for my GMAT exam for the first time.I am preety much aware of the GMAT pattern , way of scoring. Books I currently have are OG , Manhattan SC , Kaplan 800. Could you please suggest , how should i start my preparations w…

I am appearing for my GMAT exam for the first time.I am preety much aware of the GMAT pattern , way of scoring.
Books I currently have are OG , Manhattan SC , Kaplan 800.
Could you please suggest , how should i start my preparations with above books , and what other books are required.

There are many other books/resources that people recommend. One thing in common that I found from most gurus is, practice online/on pc as much as possible, rather than basing most of the prep on books.

There are numerous postings on these lines on the Query Center.
Please go through :

Hope it helps.

thanks Vikram, Do you have a schedule , as to wht to start with. I am planning to have a diagnostic test frm OG first to analyze myself initially and than move on to invidual sections.When one shud do Kaplan 800?

In my opinion, OG and Princeton Review are great books to start with. OG gives you the seriousness, and Princeton lightens up things a little bit.
After that, Manhattan SC, Kaplan Premier, 800 etc based on how well you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Again, check the Query Center. "The key is to study smart not hard"...was what Arun (Psychodementia) said in one of his postings....and that my friend is the "Mantra" of the day for me ! 😃