Nathan was at the market with his friend. Each time he went with his friend, Ryan, he forgot his wallet, but he did not mind it as much since Ryan would cover his bills. However, each time he went with his friend Sam, he found a dollar bill on the…
Nathan was at the market with his friend. Each time he went with his friend, Ryan, he forgot his wallet, but he did not mind it as much since Ryan would cover his bills. However, each time he went with his friend Sam, he found a dollar bill on the street and would donate it to the charity. Nathan was buying vegetables when he realized he had forgotten his wallet again. He looked down at his purchases in frustration when he found a dollar as well.
Which of the following can be inferred from the above passage?
A. Nathan was accompanied by Ryan
B. Nathan was accompanied by Sam
C. Nathan was probably accompanied by both Ryan and Sam
D. Nathan was probably accompanied by Ryan.
E. The identity of the friend accompanying Nathan will remain a mystery.
What is the answer?