Everything u wanted to tell about your favorite drink but u were always afraid to post !!!

HicI wonder who da pagalguys missed out on this topichow could one possibly not have talked about this at all.!! Cheers to the fountain of life and let the sparkle of wine, exuberance of beer and intoxication of alcohol rule :: Heres my fa…

HicI wonder who da pagalguys missed out on this topichow could one possibly not have talked about this at all.!! Cheers to the fountain of life and let the sparkle of wine, exuberance of beer and intoxication of alcohol rule

Heres my favorite.
Pitcher of Draught beer with French fries and sauce on a hot sweaty weekend
3 pegs of da sober Russian Smirnoff with a concoction of lime cordial tipped with 6 drops of fresh lime

lots more.but let the doors to the bar be declared open :drinking:

he he .. you are right CBM ... howcome booze dint have a place of its own on the board..

my fav ... mainly scotch whiskey with ice ..
Jack Daniel, Red Knight .. with dim light & a coupla good frenz around ... ahh those discussions & next thing you can do is die ..

wonder why would i be afraid to post it...

Spicy aka Masala

My faves is Bacardi rum......... :drinking:
Kal bhi tha , Aaj bhi hai aue kaya pata kal hum ho na ho(Rum ke chakkar mein )
With french fries........
and ghazals of Pankaj Udhaas (specially Nasha)

Chandoo Says
wonder why would i be afraid to post it...


aaha.. Boozers of the world Unite..
Not much choice available at shit-city Trivandrum.. so list might look a lil hmm.. 😞
Waise prefer only Whiskey and Vodka.. apart from the free flowing Beer

1: Imperial Blue
2: DSP Black
3: Royal Stag
Mostly on the Rocks!
and since Smirnoff aint available.. manage with AC or Muscovy with Lime Cordial of course.. 😉
wonder why would i be afraid to post it...

Spicy aka Masala

unusual mix though, but that shouldn't stop you from trying a tea and gin amalgamation spicey

guess it's called Tea Frog or something.... :|

chai ke patti aur ek boondh gin
tak dhina din din...

Waah waah....!!

Maharashtra Govt. Sucks!

I can't booze till I'm 21

Waise a pitcher of draught beer (with Peanuts bhi chalega)
Whiskey with soda :drinking: best!

baaki bacha Gum ka saathi Rum

-Akshat :drinking:

That is why anil's signature is
Last night I lay in Bed looking up at the Stars in the Sky and thought to Myself.... Where the F*** is the Ceiling???!!
Jiyo anil jiyo aurkhoob daba ke piyo......... :drinking:

mvb Says
But when you REALLY wanna party....Tequila!!!!!! Am shocked not to have seen tequila mentioned by all of ya.....what's wrong with you guys???

Nahi milta re bhai.. mai kya karoon ??

hey mvb ... Tequila ..... its tooo expensive ..
havent had enuf of it to start liking it ..

I can't booze till I'm 21

did my first swig of Johnny Walker when i was 16 :wink: neat.....!! man, i was so kicked up, felt i'd swallowed suplhuric acid or something.... after that i was always sober and intelligent enuff to soothe it with soda or something...

3 bottles of beer, smoke filled chamber playing Nirvana and an impending visit to the loo....feels heaven, doesn't it...!!??
hey mvb ... Tequila ..... its tooo expensive ..

Seriously 180/- per shot at most pubs here!

Cant afford everytime! and does'nt actually kicks u off!!

btw Mumbai bewadi junta can try "Enigma" at 7 bunglow....
On Thursdays 50% Off basically buy one get same drink free!!
Music On demand! has a good collection :)

Try Long Island there!

TheAkshaT Says
hey mvb ... Tequila ..... its tooo expensive ..

Seriously 180/- per shot at most pubs here!
Cant afford everytime! and does'nt actually kicks u off!!

well same abt another cocktail called.. Bonneville.. which I had @ BnB Chennai.. 90/shot.. fultoo waste 😞 .. 4 shots se bhi kuchch nahi hota 😞
when runnin short of money.. the best bet.. Gilbey's GL .. not great.. but not bad either 😁

mvb, i guess the tequila we guy's get round here is adultrated by 1%. wonder what that means....

4 shots of tequila and i was seeing stars

Pina Colada = Light Rum + Pineapple Juice + Coconut Cream + Crushed Ice = formula for success

anyone's tried flamingo, the flame drink...!!??

anyone's tried flamingo, the flame drink...!!??

I've tried a flame drink...but that was'nt flamingo it was something Shambuka!! at OnToes!!

Again sheer wastage of money :(


Maharashtra Govt. Sucks!

I can't booze till I'm 21

Waise a pitcher of draught beer (with Peanuts bhi chalega)
Whiskey with soda :drinking: best!

baaki bacha Gum ka saathi Rum

-Akshat :drinking:

Dude! since when did anyplace start asking for ID?? im not able to recollect Leopold asking for muh age in my pre 21s

anyways, as for personal choices:

OLD MONK is da best rum in da world.. hic!..(also the only thing i could afford for a long time;))

Chivas REGAL...what do i say!...save for it!!

Tequila it is for any wild night...but here is my special combo: Bacardi+peach snaps+ sprite..simply amazing!
No way buddy....where du live? Tequila is pretty reasonably priced!!! If you're in Bombay, you can get tequila at awesome rates at Toto's (Pali Hill)

how the hell did I get this impression that its $hit expensive.. think need to revisit my basics this friday eve
& who sez tequila at 180 per shot ....... i thot it was upwards of 500 per shot
capreal26 Says
& who sez tequila at 180 per shot ....... i thot it was upwards of 500 per shot

mebbe in the 5* hotels.. !!
and Music with/after booze.. nothing beats Floyd.. Pulse 😁

: Doesn't give you a kick??? : Which planet are you from buddy? Or let me word it another way....How many shots have you had???

Just one shot !!!

Try 4 consecutive with 5 mins between shots

4 shots @ 180/- (And that's the rate at Toto's too) :shock: nahi afford kar sakta bhai
