Essay heros in town

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There are dozens of different styles of essays, and remembering how to compose each one can make a person crazy. Communication, in the written form, is one of the most desirable qualities in a person entering the work force. Businesses are looking for people who can articulate clearly and carefully while delivering an easy to understand message. Follow these tips to help to remember how to write your paper correctly.

  • The Teacher’s Instructions: First and foremost, read the instructions the teacher gives you when he or she assigns the composition. Most of what you need to know is given to you at this stage.
  • Go for help: If your teacher offers extra help or your school has a writing lab, then go to these places  smartessay  for help .
  • MLA or APA: What form you are using matters. And each style is very different than the other one. Once you know this, either bookmark a page that gives instructions or buy a guidebook.
  • Works Cited or Bibliography: The odds are very great that you will need either a Works Cited or a Bibliography page. If the instructions do not tell you which you need, then ask. A bibliography is everything you looked at and a Works Cited is only the sources you use listed.

  • Citations: When you use a source, you have to cite. The way to cite is different for MLA than APA.
  • As a rule: you will write in size 12 font, in a basic font like Arial or New Times Roman, you will have an one inch margin all the way around, only an PA will have a title page, MLA will have page headings, and all writing rules must be followed.
  • Third Person: keep your paper in third person, unless your teacher specifically states you can use first or second person.
  • What to Turn In to the Teacher: Find out what you need to submit to the teacher. You may need a working outline, a final outline, all of your hard copies of sources, your rough draft, your final draft, and your reference page.

Print this paper and keep it as a reference. Staple it to the front of your writing notebook. It will help you to know what is needed for you to write your essay properly. You can refer to it every time you have a composition due.

How to make yourself work

Principle 1 - Set Temporary Work Standards

Without a ready-made plan, it's hard to get yourself to work. Therefore, you must learn to plan and adhere to the plan. What is the approach to business planning?

I tried two different approaches:

Make a plan for the amount of work for a certain time period. For example: I have to write 3000 words in a day, and until I do this, I will not do anything else.

The second is to follow a fixed time limit. For example: I work 4 hours, with three breaks of 10 minutes, then rest an hour and work another 1.5 hours. It doesn’t matter how much work I have done during this time.

I was convinced that the second approach is much more reasonable and effective than the first, now I will explain why:

Quality of work: if it seeks to complete work as quickly as possible, then quality may suffer from it. If a person is tied to performing a certain amount, rather than working on time, then there is no direct goal to do the work. But, nevertheless, this person unconsciously seeks to finish it quickly.

When I set myself standards like 3,000 words per day, I wanted to “get to the finish line” rather, so I didn’t take long pauses to think about what I would write in a few paragraphs. This did not reflect well on the quality of the work: then I had to redo it.

I write different articles at different speeds, depending on my current state and content of the article (for example, I wrote an article about alcohol rather quickly, despite the volume, and I can write some other text for longer). Therefore, I may not have enough 4-5 hours to write how much I want.

Then I get tired, but I still need to work hard and fulfill my plan. If I'm tired, even my favorite activity can turn into torment for me. Then I do everything more slowly and through force, which also negatively affects the quality of work and leads to even more fatigue.

Speed ​​of work: in my opinion, if a person does not set time limits and does not seek to accomplish something in a certain short period of time, then he does the work at his natural speed while maintaining the proper quality of this work, provided that he doesn’t not distracted. Such a speed can be defined by the transport term “cruising speed”.

For example, if I plan to write for 4 hours, then I am in no hurry. But at the same time, it cannot be said that because of this, work is much slower. I am still interested in the fact that the work must be done and therefore I am doing it at a normal speed, I’m just not in a hurry. Perhaps in such a measured rhythm, things are progressing a little slower than in a hurry and in an effort to finish as early as possible, but on the other hand, quality does not suffer and fatigue decreases.

Imagine you are flying in an airplane. This huge vessel, of course, can turn on engines at full thrust (in flight at cruising speed, engines, a passenger plane, operate at about 50% of their capacity, if I'm not mistaken) and try to reach their destination ahead of their planned arrival time. But this will lead to not optimal fuel consumption: a lot of fuel will be burned. And, in addition, the pilot risks the safety of passengers when he goes beyond the normal flight.

If the plane moves through the air in its usual mode, at cruising speed, the fuel costs will be minimal and the travel conditions will be the safest for passengers. Ultimately, he will reach his destination anyway.

I believe that it is better to work with your natural speed for a fixed period of time, without rushing anywhere and not being distracted. Still, you will reach your goal, it will not go away from you. It’s just that you will use your resources more efficiently.

It will be better if you begin to combine the two approaches described above in your work planning. Work a fixed time interval, but at the same time, keep in mind the amount of the desired amount of work. Always look back at how much you ended up doing. But this factor, I repeat, should not play a decisive role.

I give an example from my practice: I worked 5 hours today, but wrote only 700 words. It is very slow, what's the matter? I thought about the article for a long time, copied several paragraphs, then I was interrupted. It turns out that I could not write it anymore today. So everything is fine, and I can end there.

But it could have been different, I wrote so little, because I myself was constantly distracted by all kinds of nonsense. If this is the case, then tomorrow I will try to keep the schedule stricter so that the work progresses faster.