Does work experience in a kpo count as relevant experience while trying for mba?
Does work experience in a kpo count as relevant experience while trying for mba?
hey guys,
I am BE graduate and have just joined a reputed kpo as a market research analyst. Am loolking forward to pursue mba next year. Will this experience give me some advantage. hoping for you help guys.😟
hey guys plz help me here. i have just completed my BE in mechanical with 73.8% in aggrgt. now i am planning to do MBA from a top B school. This time ya am taking the CAT and other tests like cmat and Xat. but I am unsure of getting a good bschool. so I think I will have to wait for the next year i mean CAT 14 and other. so studying at home for a year in the hope to clear good in the next time will contribute nothing to my EXPERIENCE zone. Is it going to hamper the next time when I will be going for the GD and PI s for the B scools? plz help here. M in a great TNSN.😠😠😟