Friends,it would be really kind if you all could should share your GD PI experiences so that it benefits everyone in the fray. Thanks Cheers
Friends,it would be really kind if you all could should share your GD PI experiences so that it benefits everyone in the fray.
Cheers ๐ป
had a talk with a friend who had his interview yesterday.
CAT score
OA- 99.46
QA/DI- 98.29
VA/LR- 98.98
Xth- 91.4
XIIth- 88.8
Grad stream - B Tech Electronics & Communication
Grad %age/CGPA- 64.57
Work ex- 21 months
ECA- Decent
No. Of people in group/panel- 14
No. Of of people who actually attended- 14
GD Topic- Social reforms in India
Time duration-2 min to think and 12 min to discuss
GD Experience- Good experience chipped in 4-5 times
PI Experience-
No. Of panel members- 3
M1 - Prof. P. K. Jain
M2 - Not sure
M3 - Dr. Harish Chaudhary
Interview experience-
Was already told by the student coordinators that it was a chill panel and turned out to be the same
M1- How did you prepare for the interview?
Me - Nothing extra just keep myself updated via newspaper
M1 - What is the currency of Japan?
Me- Told
M1 - Exchange rate
Me- Told
M2 - Currency of Austria
Me- Must be Euro
M2- Exchange rate
Me - Told
M2 - Capital of Czech republic?
Me - Sir, cant recall it
M1 - What is balance of trade?Is it positive or negative for India?
Me - Told
M2- You work in xyz company? CTC ? Than why mba?
Me- Told
M2- What is currency devalution? Difference between devaluation and depreciation
Me - Told
M3 - Dollar Exchange rate.How is it decided?
Me - Told.
M3 - Which organization decides it?
Me - Sir, not sure may be RBI
M2 - Number of countries in European Union?
Me - Told
M3 - Have you heard about abc (A technical question related to IT)? Can't remember the term ?
Me - Have never heard this in my life ๐
M1 - Ok thanks you may leave
Misc Details-
Well organized process. Student coordinators were very helpful.DMS is much closer to 2nd gate from JNU side. Interview time 10-15 mins on an average
GD PI Date : 4th Apr, 2013
P1 : Your role model. Why?
P1 : where do you see yourself after 30 yrs.
CAT score - 98.13
what were the Questions asked on telecom management???
the first full fledged interview description for this thread
process experience:amazing.conducted very smoothly and efficiently.the refreshments offered were an icing on the cake.wasn't feeling,had fever.they were kind enough to quicken my process.
gd topic: are women better managers than men(since the group had 14 men so the gd topic was nothing but obvious)
i belive my gd went well.made four-five entries in a gd of 14 minutes.pretty satisfied with my performance
interview panel: 4 males.two proffs(P1,P2) and 2 industry people(I1,I2)
P1:so you are so and so..and so and so...and so and so...
me:yes sir.
p1:do you have a good campus placement?
me:no sir,i dont have a job.sir,actually i dint appear for any campus placement.
p1:is there any specific reason for it?
me:sir,i really wanted to do an mba.infact i was looking for profiles like BTA/BPA.infact i did get through one company and reached their final round but couldn't finally convert it.
p1:so how did you prepare for this interview?
me:sir,it involved prepartion of basic quant and verbal.comprehensions and stuff.
p1:do you know what is standarad deviation?
me:sir,i dont remember the exact formual
p1:is there any specific topic you want us to question you about?
me:sir,yes current affairs
p1:hands over to to i1
i1:so you read newspapers(yes,sir).do you follow business newspaper?
me:sir,i follow the business section of the ewnspaper i read
i1:wat is the latest business news that you;ve read?
me:mentioned about the decontrol of sugar prices.discussed the entire thing
i1:seems satisfied hands over to i2
i2:what do you understand b y inflation?
me:talked a very general definition.told how prices increase.mentioned that this is the only thing that i know about inflation.
i2:what was your project is computer science engg?
me:talked about my facial recongnition project in matlab
i2:explain like you would to a layman.
me:mentioned fisher faces algo,variables of distance between eyes,eyes and nose,nose and lips went a little about the bush.
i2:dont you think when tested over a large database many people will have the similar distance between theese eyes,lips,nose variables.
me:sir,i didn't have a large database to try it on.also we had to complete it in a limited time.the problem you're talking about might exist for a large database but then ive not tried it on such a databsae therefore i cant comment on it.
p2:have you read any book recently
me:sir,not an avid reader but started reading the winning way by harsha bhogle
p2:what is the background of harsha bhogle...
me:told everything...from chem engg from COE hyd to iim add radio espn free lancer
p2:tell me three things you;ve learnt from th book
me:told two...was cut in between
p1:ok,tell me what is the currency of japan?
p1:exchange rate?
me:sir,it would be wrong of me to take a idea.
p1:exchange rate of austria>?
p1:exchange rate?
me:sir,around 71.
p1:is there any specific quality that we should consider you for with respect to other candidates?
me:sir,i have a never say die attitude(i just realised i happened to have high fever,and was coughing and blowing nose like anything).sir,i am very tenacious.
p1:than you ,deepinder.
me:thanks a lot sir.
satisfied with the process.fingers crossed.waiting for the result desparately.
GD PI Date: 6 Apr, 2013; 1 PM Slot
Work Ex: 18 months, IT
Majors: B Tech in Electrical Engineering
Brief Overview of GD:
Topic: How to reduce crime in the country?
Members in the group: 14
Time: 2 mins to think, 14 mins for discussion
GD went well but there were cross-talks. People had good points. Started with the root cause of crime. I pitched in around 4 times. Talked about increasing surveillance in sensitive areas(stating example of Hyderabad blasts), improving pursuit vehicles, getting latest 'classified' weaponry for the armed forces. Also made a point on Cyber-Crime.
All in all, was nice. Everyone got fair chances to speak.
Overview of PI:
3 Panelist: Senior Male Prof IIT D, Young Female Prof DMS, Male from Industry
1. Question related to my name?
2. Basic elements of an electric circuit and their analogous elements in a mechanical machine.
3. What are types of Control Systems?
4. What is magnetic permeability?
5. What is GDP and GNP?
6. If a foreign company working in India produces revenue in India, where would it be added?
7. Question on Rahul Gandhi's speech at CII
8. Questions on Narendra Modi's statement that he want to pay the debt to the country.
9. Asked me whether I had any questions.
Overall, a nice experience. The process did take a bit long, but it went smoothly. Owing to the larger group in the GD, the discussion is susceptible to cross-talk and fish-market.
Misc: Stay at the campus was really comforting. Nice accommodation, nice food and bare minimum prices. Made some new friends.
verdict: Awaited
I know I am late in posting this, but posting my experience in case it helps future batches:
CAT score
OA- 99.56
QA/DI- 99.89
VA/LR- 90.42
Xth- 86.25
XIIth- 81.6
Grad stream - B Tech Computer Science
Grad %age/CGPA- 8.51
Work ex- 36 months
ECA- Zero
GD Experience-
No. Of people in group/panel- 14
No. Of of people who actually attended- 14
GD Topic - Ultimate Political solution for India
Time duration-2 min to think and 12-15 min to discuss
As the topic was very general (as was the case with most groups or rather all groups), everybody had lot of points. So at times there were 4-5 people speaking at a time. Had to time speech well. Made 4-5 decent entries but couldn't put my points across properly, nobody carried on the discussion on the things I talked about. Talked about the overlap of Executive and Legislature, Small states not finding proper representation in Parliament, Indian Parliament vs US Parliament and how we copied British, Criminal cases pending against elected MPs, Kickbacks to be identified in case of clear scam for the politician to be convicted, votebank politics, Should make political science a compulsory subject so that people are aware and cant be misguided.
PI Experience -
No. Of panel members-
3 profs, 1 male(M1), 2 female (F1 & F2)
F1 : How tall are you?
Me : 6'1, I'm the tallest in my family :)
F1 : How tall is your dad?
Me : 5'11
M1 : You remember there was a experiment conducted by Mr. XXXXX on height?
Me : No sir.. (was feeling ki ye kya tha)
M1 : He mixed genes of Tall and Dwarf and predicted the outcome of the next generation, you must have read it in Genetics?
Me : Ohhh that one sir, yeah I remember it ๐ There are 4 possibilities, told all 4.
M1 : So whats the chances of having a tall next kid?
Me : 75% (M1 nodding head in agreement)
M1 : What about 2nd generation?
Me : Will be 8 or 16 possibilities, not sure as I read it 10yrs back.
Some more talks on biology and why I couldn't opt for doctory..
M1 : So whats your goal in life?
Me : Told (Entrepreneurship and NGO stuff)
M1 : So you dont want Audi A8, Ferrari etc..
Me : Answered with a smile that sir It was more imp when I was in college, now broader goals in mind. (M1 leaves the room)
F1 : So what was this company you worked with?
Me : Told about MLM, F1 asked was it like Amway I said yes, went ahead telling about the products and the team of people I managed, the public speaking and Event Management side.
F1 : So why you left the company?
Me : Told the problem with services and product quality not improving and how it is important to improve it constantly (as its computer education based), explained that I did everything in my capacity to make things better before deciding to quit.
F2 : So you said you're good at Marketing? Avoid such huge paragraphs (I answer in long paras all the time), in 3-4 lines tell me how will you market yourself.. (Good one)
Me : Explained that I will tell my strengths and substantiate it with my achievements and will tell my USP (unique selling point) which makes me stand apart from others.
F2 : So DO IT?
Me : Told my strength that I'm very passionate and I give my 100% in everything I get into and told some achievements regarding acads, workex, family, mbaprep to substantiate my point. Forgot to focus on the USP thing. :(
F1 : So you want to be an entrepreneur, do you have any B-plans in mind?
Me : Told that I researched on Bio-diesel and Flyash bricks.
F2 : How is an MBA at DMS going to teach you that except the Brand name thing (used this thing in one of my answers)?
Me : Told that I have experience in MArketing so evrytime I think of starting a business I get confused how to proceed. Explained that I know how to market but dont know other aspects. An MBA will help me learn the basics of business then onwards I can build upon it by reading on the specific field I wana venture into.
(M1 re-enters)
M1 : Tell me which are the biggest awards given by Indian govt to citizens of India?
Me : Tried recalling but couldn't
M1 : Padmabhushan ...
Me : Yes sir, Padmashree too
M1 : and Padmavibushan..
Me : right sir
M1 : The President can elect 2 people to the Parliament, can you say which field they are from?
Me : No sir, I dont remember.
M1 : What is the job of RBI?
Me : Deciding the monetary policy which includes controlling money supply, deciding rates, etc.
M1 : So what is fiscal policy and how is it diff from monetary policy?
Me : Told that one is about controlling money supply and other is about using money which is a broader thing. Explained in details, how the difference matters.
M1 : Whats reverse repo rate?
Me : told
M1 : and repo rate?
Me : told
M1 : So which IIMs you applied to?
Me : ALL :P
M1 : Which ones you've calls from? Which others IITs and Non-IIMs?
Me : Told.
M1 : Whats MDI's fees?
Me : Told exactly
M1 : IIT-D fees?
Me : Told exactly
M1 : ok thank you :)
Verdict : Awaited, feeling very positive though after the interview.
ab yeh kab result denge...roorkee,chennai,kgp done already!!