Discuss RC links provided by T.I.M.E

Hi Puys, I think it’s a high time to commence a proper reading practice and discussions (to know what we read and what we are comprehending is actually same or not). TIME daily shares link of some really good and worth discussing articles/ newsp…

Hi Puys,
I think it's a high time to commence a proper reading practice and discussions (to know what we read and what we are comprehending is actually same or not). TIME daily shares link of some really good and worth discussing articles/ newspaper columns, research papers, journals etc which could be really helpful to:
1. Understand various issues and subjects.
2. To enhance multi-dimensional reading practice.
3. To get something good to read, understand and discuss..

Here, we will share the links of the articles in TIME's links (I guess there will be no copyright issue of sharing those public links) and discuss them under following heads
1. Heading
2. Summary
3. Why the author is writing?

To add, I will recommend puys to follow Senior Puy Subodh Bhai's Gyan on RC, it will also help us to work more on RCs.

Best Regards,
FungUS Among'US'

I want to add few more points before we embark into the world of knowledge and reading..
We wil find these passages:
really boring and offering mundane
long, may be 5-7 times of length than the CAT passages
Will offer feeling(Ab Bus BAhut Ho Gaya.. it's enough man, can't read or bear it anymore)
Yes, it indicates that, reading is not our forte and we are still lagging somewhere, and if not recovered toll is really high.. it will start from a seat in IIM-A and it may go down to any point deep delve into the ocean..(God forbid, such things not happen to anybody)

So, we will fight hard, we will show RCs that yes.. how difficult you're, how irritating and boring you are we can understand you, can comprehend you and crack any question comes on you...
it's a battle and RC is a very important weapon to be used.
I wish everyone good luck, hope this initiative will work positively and will provide us ample learning.

-FungUS Among'US'

Here comes the first link..