Deakin/Griffith MBA - Australia - 2010 applicants?

Hi everyone, The Deakin and Griffith University MBA courses in Australia are 5 star rated MBA programs ( Australian MBA Star Ratings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and I’m hoping to start a thread here to discuss if choosing any of the…

Hi everyone,

The Deakin and Griffith University MBA courses in Australia are 5 star rated MBA programs ( Australian MBA Star Ratings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and I'm hoping to start a thread here to discuss if choosing any of these course is a good decision.

1) Apparently the average work-ex is 8 years, and average age of students is 30 years. Both university expect managerial work experience. This is info I got directly from the admissions office of both these universities.

2) Given if an applicant is looking to work or settle in Australia after this MBA, is it a good choice to decide between either of them?

3) I've read the debatable topics on the value of Australian education in India. However, nobody seems to have talked about this: What's the value of the Deakin or Griffith MBA in Australia?

4) Are these MBA courses seen as good alternatives to the MBS/AGSM combo in Australia?

5) Given the bad reputation the country has been getting in the media recently, should this affect the consideration of these courses?

My profile: 8.6 years of experience in Marketing, currently a Marketing Manager managing a global team, with a large MNC in Bangalore. Yes, I have offers from both Griffith and Deakin, for their full-time MBA programs. Yes, I'm looking to work in Australia and perhaps settle there.

Thanks for your time!