CR Assumption questions

Hey everyone, If you find solving assumption questions tough here is a method that I picked up from Powerscore CR to solve assumption questions that you can try, see if it helps you. Here we make an assumption that you find weakening que…

Hey everyone,

If you find solving assumption questions tough here is a method that I picked up from Powerscore CR to solve assumption questions that you can try, see if it helps you.

Here we make an assumption that you find weakening questions easier than assumption questions. (sometimes this can be a brave assumption :))

What we do here is turn an assumption question in a weakening question.

I will use an example to demonstrate the method.

Generally scientists enter their field with the goal of doing important new research and accept as their colleagues those with similar motivation. Therefore, when any scientist wins renown as an expounder of science to general audiences, most other scientists conclude that this popularizer should no longer be regarded as a true colleague

The explanation offered above for the low esteem in which scientific popularizers are held by research scientists assumes that

(A) serious scientific research is not a solitary activity, but relies on active cooperation among a group of colleagues
(B) research scientists tend not to regard as colleagues those scientists whose renown they envy
(C) a scientist can become a famous popularizer without having completed any important research
(D) research scientists believe that those who are well known as popularizers of science are not motivated to do important new research
(E) no important new research can be accessible to or accurately assessed by those who are not themselves scientists

Now what we do is we will take up each statement one by one and turn it around and solve this as weaken question:

What we want to weaken is scientist's conclusion that after winning renown as an expounder of science to general audiences a scientist is not their true colleague since he does not have motivation to do new research

(A) serious scientific research is a solitary activity, does not relies on active cooperation among a group of colleagues - This does not affects the argument
(B) research scientists tend to regard as colleagues those scientists whose renown they envy - This one say nothing about motivation issues and talks about only a group of scientist of whom research scientists are envious of. If u are not sure keep this one in mind and go to next.
(C) a scientist cannot become a famous popularizer without having completed any important research - The argument only talks about the time after scientist has become popular so he may very well have done research before he became popular
(D) research scientists believe that those who are well known as popularizers of science are motivated to do important new research - This is totally opposite of the argument and absolutely destroys it.
(E) important new research can be accessible to or accurately assessed by those who are not themselves scientists - Totally Unrelated

Mostly I have seen that when I have used this way of solving the assumption question, it turns into a very easy weaken question and the answer choice is very obvious. This worked well for me.

Another thing to keep in mind is when we are turning the sentences we are not creating absolute opposite.

For e.g. if sentence has used a word 'all' we will use 'not all' and not 'none'.