Dear Puys, Pls. use this thread for scores and discussion for all the CL proc mocks… !! It will serve as a repository as well as in one single thread there will be discussions for all the mocks of one particular coaching institute… …
Dear Puys,
Pls. use this thread for scores and discussion for all the CL proc mocks... !!
It will serve as a repository as well as in one single thread there will be discussions for all the mocks of one particular coaching institute...
(Do not create individual threads for individual mocks)
[image was removed because it was too large]
CL Proc Mock 2 discussion and scores !!!
CL Proc Mock 1 discussion and scores !!!
just keep replying below this thread all the scores and discussion pertaining to this mock !!
CL Proc Mock 3 slot booking has started !! the test starts from 14th to 23rd ....
Pls. use this thread for all discussions !!
In Q. 37-39 (2nd mock), don't you think some information was missing which is assumed in solution. Please help.