Preparatory group for Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI) - MSc. Data Science 2018-20 Batch. CMI offers a unique environment to learn from leading researchers in the fields of computer science, mathematics and statistics. The program in Data Science offers an opportunity to study state-of-the-art syllabus from experts in the field. The program is suitable for graduates as well as for mid-career professionals wanting to shift to the data science industry, especially engineers, mathematicians, physicists and programmers.
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- Delhi
- Bangalore
- Others
- Mumbai
- Kolkata
0 voters
How many students are giving the exam?
How many did you attempt?
- 11-15 in objective and 13-15 in subjective
- 11-15 in objective and 10-12 in subjective
- <10 in objective and <5 in subjective
- <10 in objective and 6-10 in subjective
15 in objective and subjective both
15 in objective and 13-15 in subjective
0 voters
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Anyone joining CMI?
What's your status?
- Fees Paid
- Not Decided yet
- Not Joining
- Will Pay Soon
0 voters
How many of you have got admission?
Anyone for CMI 2019?
Anyone here who got into CMI DS last year?
How was today's paper of Data science cmi?
how should one prepare for msc data science in cmi?
books resources pls suggest